
15 Historical Temple in West Java : Heritages of The Old Kingdoms

Seeing our previous articles that related to temples such as the historical temples around Jakarta and Yogyakarta city, we know to realize that this country actually holds a deep secret about the ancient history about the Great Kingdom Era. That time, many great kingdoms were built, having only one purpose, to unite all of them into one.

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But the thing is, that purpose is the goal that many kingdoms across the country wanted to reach. Clash of kingdoms was unbearable. Each region has its own standing “ruler”, like the Majapahit in the center, Singasari on the East, and the Sunda Kingdom on the West. They left the remains that still can be seen today, like the list of the historical temple in West Java such as :

1 – Cangkuang Temple

The first one on the list of the historical temple in West Java is a temple called Cangkuang located in Leles, Garut of West Java province. This temple itself is actually the only Hindu temple on the land of West Java. There’s also a very historical tomb of the Wise Arief Muhammad, who believed to be the ancestor of  Cangkuang village.

However, the temple was first found back in 1966 by a team of Uka Tjandra and a friend, Harsoyo based on the old notes that often called as Vorderman report.

Location: Leles, Garut, West Java

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp5.000,-

2 – Bojong Menje Temple

West Java is known to be where the Islam religion started to spread back then. And you can see a trace of it in a site called Rancaekek. The Rancaekek also has the other name, the Bojong Menje Temple, which is actually the name of the area it exists. Well, the location of this site is not very strategic.

Because the location of it, which is nearby an industrial area, the site can surely be destroyed anytime soon, even though it has an interesting history about Islam.

Location: Rancaekek, Bandung, West Java

Opening Hours: 8 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp10.000,-

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3 – Batujaya Temple Complex

We mentioned this complex earlier in our article about the temples that exist around the capital city of Jakarta. Batujaya complex is a square-shaped red stone that has two layers, excluding the base of the building. Sometimes during rain, the location around it is filled with water, making it looks more photogenic.

However, the site was first uncovered thanks to the remarkable archeology team from Universitas Indonesia or Indonesia University back in 1984.

Location: Batujaya, Karawang

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm           

Entrance Fee: Rp5.000,-

4 – Jiwa Temple

This is the temple that is supposed to stand on the Batujaya complex. If you look closely, the building forms this kind of flower-like shape. You can see the remains of the Jiwa Temple is you look at the center of it, where you can see these some kind of stone trails and also a circle shape line, which was the location of either Budha statue or a stupa.

It’s still unsure whether this Jiwa Temple actually forms beauty than this, or maybe this is the original form of a temple that never seen before.

Location: Karawang

Opening Hours: 8 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp5.000,-

5 – Karangmulyan Site

Well, if you are one of the residents of West Java province, you may remember the story about Ciung Wanara. Many parents did tell their children about the legend, but many forgot about it. There’s a site related to it, proving that the story actually not a fictional at all, an area named Karangmulyan Site.

The site is highly related to one of the Kingdoms in West Java back then called the Galuh Kingdom, which had the combination between Hindu and Budha religion.

Location: Ciamis

Opening Hours: 7 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp5.000,-

6 – Cibuaya Site

Next one on the list of the historical temple in West Java is also a site named Cibuaya. Almost the same like Batujaya, in the complex you can only see the stone remains that resembling a tall building that was made of red stones. Based on the manuscripts and statues that were found earlier, the temple on Cibuaya Site was actually a Hindu temple.

In the start of Cibuaya site finding, they succeesfully found three Visnu statues from the year of 1951 to 1977.

Location: Karawang

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp20.000,-

7 – Blandongan Temple

Around the complex of BatuJaya we mentioned earlier in the article, there’s also another temple located close to Jiwa Temple called Blandongan. The temple itself located in the same location as the Batujaya site, which is in the Segaran village, Batujaya, Karawang of West Java province.

During the early excavation process, the researcher team found an amulet, which resembles the Budha religion, and also the votive tablet.

Location: Batujaya, Karawang

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entranre Fee: Rp5.000,-

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8 – Mount Padang Site

There’s also a site named Mount Padang sit in the 8th place of the historical temple in West Java. Mount Padang is actually a very big hilly location. Before actually reaching the top of it, you need to take many stone stops that can be really tiring if you haven’t ready. But what’s interesting about this Mount Padang.

The site has the materials from the Megalithic era, and the place actually used for worshipping purpose back in 2000 years ago. That’s why you can see so many stones that used to be the materials for building.

Location: Cianjur

Opening Hours: 7 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp20.000,-

9 – Serut Temple

Serut temple is one of those Budha temples around West Java province. Well, the condition of this temple now is actually way better than before. Long before “reparation” process, the shape of Serut Temple was a bit weird and brittle. Some parts of the temple were even fallen due to the researchers’ position.

Later, it was found that the temple actually has a hole on the walls that believed to be pillars for holding the temple position. You can see it even now.

Location: Pakisjaya, Karawang

Opening Hours: 5 am to 6 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp2.000,-

10 – Tanggulun Temple

The temple called Tanggulun temple is one Hindu temple located around Cangkuang area of Garut, West Java. It was believed to be a Hindu temple because there’s a lumping or Yoni stone that highly related to that religion. The stone is so small. It only has 50cm height and 40cm wide.

The locals also believed that the stone is not just an ordinary stone, but rather the foot of a tall temple that stood before.

Location: Cangkuang, Garut

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entranre Fee: Rp5.000,-

11 – Sumur Temple

The next one in the historical temple in West Java is called as Sumur Temple. The Sumur basically means a well in English. So you can expect a similar form from this temple that located around West Java province. Because the location is in the middle of the rice fields, the locals guard it with roof and four pillars.

Location: West Java

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entranre Fee: Rp5.000,-

12 – Tridharma Temple

The Tridharma temple is actually the temple that was built in the early years. Around 2000, the locals started to build it from scratch in order to be a place for worshipping. But, somehow this Buddha temple is abandoned and not used since it finishing, even today. Not the temple looks more horror than holy.

Location: Cianjur

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entranre Fee: Rp5.000,-

13 – Batu Kalde Temple

Around Ciamis, you can find a temple name Batu Kaled Temple. The name was given after the people saw the stones scattered around the area. The structure clearly shows that there was a firm temple stood in the center. Many believe that this Batu Kaldu temple is actually a part of Pananjung Temple.

Location: Pangandaran, Ciamis

Opening Hours: 7 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp10.000,-

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14 – Bojong Emas Temple

Aside from the Bojong Menje temple, there’s also another one that has the name “Bojong” in it called Bojong Emas. The location of this temple is in the Bojong Emas village of Solokanjeruk, Karawang, West Jakarta. Now, the structure of the temple cannot be seen anymore, only remains.

Location: Bojongemas, Karawang

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entranre Fee: Rp5.000,-

15 – Batutulis Inscription

Thankfully, the Kingdom Era left the stuff that can be learned, just like the inscription called Batutulis Inscription. This is one of many stone inscriptions that found on the land of Java. The inscription mainly tells about the history of the Sunda Kingdom, written with the Old Sundanese language.

Location: Bogor

Opening Hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Entrance Fee: Rp10.000,-

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