
12 Ways How to Work in Bali as Foreigner

As one of the world’s tourist destinations, Bali is an open area. There are many visitors or foreigners that want to stay in Bali for a while. Even, there are also a number of foreigners who wants to work in Bali for some period of time or permanently. If you do so, you should notice some rules or Cultural Norms in Bali that you should know. There must be also several requirements that you have to fill as the foreign worker. However, here we would like to give some tips how to work in Bali as foreigner.

  1. Consulate to your country Embassy

Consulting with your country’s embassy will be the best solution to find suitable jobs. You can go to a foreign consulate office in Bali whose address can easily be found at the internet. In Bali there are at least 22 foreign consulates including major countries such as England, USA, and France. There you can ask for advice to get a job that suits you. The foreign consulate may give you some recommendations. The case closed!

  1. Get the relatives or connection that ready to employ

If you have friends or relatives in Bali, you can ask them to get a decent job. Otherwise you can ask for job references to your friends who are already working in a company. Use them to be your connections so you can get a chance to be interviewed in a company. Your friend just needs to recommend to the company that you deserve enough to be hired.

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  1. Be a volunteer

Before getting the real job, you could become the volunteer first in Bali. Based on a survey conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency promoting volunteerism in America, volunteers have a 27% greater chance of being employed than those who do not. For example volunteers for non-profit environmental groups where you are asked to promote fundraising events. You could join Bali Penyelamatan Wildlife Centre (BWRC) to safe the wildlife animal.

4. Teaching English to local students

As the foreigner, your English skill must be so good. It could be an advantage for you to make a small English course for local students. The other option is try to register English teacher at the Bali International School. The school would really welcome the expats teacher since English is really important in Indonesia. Through this job, you could earn money for at least IDR 2 million- 4 million in a month

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5.Use your special skilled-work

Think what you keen on. Start to know what passion you have, and use them for earning money. As the example, when you have beautiful voice, you could try to sing on some cafes in Bali. If you are good in writing, you could register to be the news writer on some local magazines or newspaper in Bali.

  1. Create a low-modal business

If you fed up enough in looking for a job, you could try to create a small business with a low modal, such as selling some foods, drinks, coffee, etc. You know that Bali has a great potential for business since it has a lot of good place for tourism. You could take it as an advantage for your business.

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  1. Visit the job fair

In Indonesia, there is a regular job fair in every month. There, you could see many job vacancy and choose that suitable with your ability. Just come to a venue, you can visit dozens of company representatives to collect applications. In fact, you can find interesting career offers in companies you’ve never known before. Many choices also give a positive impression of the many career opportunities you know.

Visiting job fair means you have the opportunity to offer yourself directly and get a response directly as well. In other words, the follow up for your application can be faster. To maximize this opportunity, prepare your best performance from appearance and communication.

  1. Finish your administration in immigration

Before deciding to work in Indonesia, make sure to finish your administration document in immigration office. Don’t let yourself getting a problem because the document you have you is not complete. If there is a problem on your visa or passport (indicated as not real), you can be labeled an illegal worker. The visa for the tourists of course would be different for the foreign workers. That is why you need to learn Kinds of Visa in Indonesia.

Currently, regulations on foreign workers in Indonesia are made easier, but not for illegal foreign workers. You may get threats of deportation if it is happen. (Read also: Deportation Rules in Indonesia)

  1. Become surfing or diving instructor

For those who have the skill at surfing or diving, it could be an advantage. You know that some beaches of Bali have the good wave to surf. There, you would find many beginner surfer that try learn surfing. You could even offer your service to them. If they are interested, they would rent you as their instructor. They will ask you to guide them until they could surf well.

And for those who are good in diving, it is a good chance to earn more money from it. Diving instructors not only get great attention, but also being responsible for the lives of others, their safety and the duty of making the students become able to dive and become “divers” in a short time.  However, it is good idea to try.

  1. Work at hotel or resort

If you live at hotel or resort, you could try to apply there. Usually some positions at Bali hotel industries filled by foreigner. If you an experienced chef, you could fill the position for becoming a chef at the hotel or resort. Guest relation officer usually needs a foreign who speaks English better with the good hospitality. You could also apply for this position.

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  1. Take a part time job

If you don’t work full time, or you just need to stay for 2-3 months in Bali, it is impossible to get the fulltime job. You could search some part time job that available in Bali. Some positions as English teacher or modern dancing instructor usually need some freelance to handle their students.

  1. Make a friend with Indonesians

When visiting Bali, don’t hesitate to make friends with many Indonesians. You know that most of Indonesians are typically like to socialite. It will be easier for you to make a friend with them. While you have many Indonesians friend, the chance to get a relation will be easier. They could help you to get the suitable job. Even, you could get the job directly from them. This is how friend works!

Those are some points of how to work in Bali as foreigner that might be useful for you. Remember that finding a job in abroad is sometimes difficult. However, try not to give up first and be patient. Some good works maybe waiting for you.

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