
10 Interesting Laws in Indonesia (#7 is unique)

Laws are made to regulate the life of a country’s people. With the law, it is expected that the community can comply with all existing regulations. In addition, the law also aims to create order and justice. In this case, a country’s society should understand the legal consciousness not to do things that harm the other person and the state. However, some regions in Indonesia also impose different legal rules than others. There are some regions that create interesting laws in Indonesia. Here are the lists of them.

  1. Forced Marriage Regulations in Purwakarta

Worying about the behavior of adolescents dating outside the bounds, Purwakarta Regency Government apply a unique law. Young people who are under 17 years old are prohibited to do dating activity at above at 09.00 pm.  For those who are found to be violating the law, they will be reprimanded by customary local area. If they violate the law 3 times, they will be forcibly married.

To support this unique regulation, the Purwakarta District Government also installed CCTV surveillance cameras in every corner and placed the duty officer to supervise the applicable teenagers outside the boundaries. After one month of this rule, at least thirty couples have broken the rules. But of the many couples who violate, there is only one couple who were forced to marry.

  1. Transfer the amount salary in wife’s account

Providing a family livelihood is a husband’s duty, perhaps this is the basis of the provincial government in Gorontalo applying the policy of transferring the salaries of the married civil servants to the wife’s account. The decision of Governor of Gorontalo is valid since March 1, 2012, with this policy the Governor of Gorontalo hopes the harmony of the household of its employees can be maintained.

The program of the governor of Gorontalo is quite successful and many people want this policy to continue, even some employees whose salary is transferred to the wife’s account are very happy because according to him this policy is considered to prevent the persuasion of the wife.

  1. Smoking is totally prohibited in Bone-Bone, Sulawesi

The village chief of Bone-Bone in Sulawesi is determined to free his village from cigarettes. He made a unique law that is forbidden to smoke or store cigarettes in his village. This is not just a mere appeal, if there are citizens who violate this regulation it will be subject to fine and social sanctions in the form of cleaning the village mosque or other public facilities. Finally his hard work paid off, the village of bone-bone was named the first village to be free of cigarette smoke in the world. He also got many awards both at the national and international level because of this achievement.

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  1. Buying something at street vendor will be fined 1 billion

Buying the stuffs in street vendors is totally cheaper than in stores or in malls, but these street vendors sometimes make the urban planning unkempt. Moreover, they will disturb other public interests. Some rules are often made to discipline these street vendors, even in Bandung to impose a fine of one million rupiah for anyone who buys goods on the street vendors, especially traders selling in the red zone, which is a banned area for street vendors. This prohibition is stated in regional regulation No.4 Year 2011.

  1. One day without Rice in Depok

Rice is the staple food of most Indonesian. They have experienced rice Self-Sufficiency several years ago. But now rice as a rice-making ingredient should always be imported because the production is less than the demand. This is what makes some regions campaign to replace rice with other carbohydrate foods, one of these areas is Depok. Depok city government once issued a unique regulation that is one day without rice that was enforced starting on February 9, 2012. Tuesday is set as a day without rice. The traders are prohibited from selling rice on that day.

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  1. Beggar and bum will be fined in Yogya

In the Raperda of the handling of homeless and beggars of Yogyakarta article 22 is explained, every person / institution / legal entity is prohibited to give money and / or goods of any kind to homeless and beggars in public places. If violated, the party is subject to a maximum penalty of 10 days or a maximum fine of IDR 1 million. Meanwhile, for people who beg and become homeless, they are threatened with six weeks’ imprisonment or a fine of up to IDR 10 million.

Then, begging / begging in groups can be subject to three months’ imprisonment or a maximum fine of IDR 20 million. While people who use other people to beg and trash are considered as trafficking (human trafficking) is punishable by one year in prison and a fine of IDR 50 million. Next, those who invite, persuade, help, order, coerce, and coordinate others individually or in groups to beg or vagrancy may be imprisoned for six months or a maximum fine of IDR 40 million.

  1. For those who littering in Bandung, the picture will be displayed on banner

Bojongloa Kaler District, Bandung is troubled by the waste takers in the area. Stakeholders also issued unusual sanctions but are considered to have a deterrent effect. For those caught littering litter, the picture will be displayed in banners. This regulation is valid since 2015 and has already arrested dozens of people who are garbage recklessly. Garbage in Indonesia is a big problem for Indonesia. Moreover, the accumulation of waste will also cause flooding and damage to urban planning.

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  1. Push up after breaking the traffic rules

Depok Traffic Police impose penalty punishment for motorists who violate traffic in vehicle raids. The sentence is levied on traffic offenders in the Grand Depok City Housing area. Motorcycle riders who are given push-up sanctions because they are not equipped with vehicle letters, do not wear helmets, and do not use license plates. If the rider is willing to do a ticket, the police will give a ticket. But if the rider chooses the option given sanction from the officer, then the police will give physical sanction in the form of push up. Push up penalty for giving deterrent effect and learning of traffic violators.

  1. It is mandatory for Civil Servant to use agate stone

In Purbalingga, this region is famous as a major producer of agate Klawik type. And to promote the beauty of this agate, Purbalingga issued a unique rule that is by requiring every civil servant there to use Akik Klawik Stone in their daily life. So at that time if we happen to be in the city of Purbalingga then do not be surprised if a lot of people who wear agate on their fingers. The Purbalingga regency even prepared the funds up to 900 million of their budget to help equipment for the agate crafters.

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  1. Paying the property taxes with garbage for the poor people

Every citizen is obliged to pay taxes for good service delivery. But this often becomes something of a dilemma when the government must levy taxes from people who are in a state of inadequacy. This problem is what seems to be solved by the Mayor of Gorontalo by issuing a unique regulation that is for the poor citizens allowed to pay the property tax by using productive waste that can still be processed. This waste could be in the form of used goods such as, mineral drinks bottles, cartons and also iron.

Those are the interesting laws in Indonesia that made by regional government. However, as the good Indonesian citizens, people should obey the law and not break the rule that has been made.

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