8 Kinds Traditional House of North Sumatra

North Sumatra is one of the provinces located in the western part of Indonesia precisely on the island of Sumatra with the capital city of Medan. Seen from its history, North Sumatra has existed since the Dutch colonial era which was then called Gouverment van Sumatra with the area covering the entire island of Sumatra and led by one local government (Governor) centered in the city of Medan.

North Sumatra is a composite of three sub-districts namely the Residency of Aceh, Residency of East Sumatra, and Residency Tapanuli. In addition to rich with beautiful scenery, South Sumatra has some traditional houses recognized by the world. These are the list of traditional house of North Sumatra.

1. Batak Toba Traditional House

Batak Toba Traditional House usually has a typical stage-shaped with sturdy pile. To enter, you must use a ladder. Toba Batak Traditional House made of board and roofed fibers. The roof of the front is always decorated with buffalo head and on the back decorated with buffalo tail. If you are interested to see it directly you can visit Toba area especially in Samosir regency, Toba Samosir regency, Humbang Hasundutan regency and North Tapanuli regency. Toba Batak Traditional House named Jabu Bolon (Jabu: Rumah) and (Bolon: Besar).

House of stilt is generally inhabited by 4-6 families living together. If in other areas, the house on stilts deliberately made to avoid the attack of wild animals. However, the customary stage house bolon made in order to have under the house. It is used as an animal cage for the maintenance of batak people, such as pigs, chickens, and goats.

2. Pakpak Traditional House

Pakpak tribe settled in Dairi and Pakpak Bharat districts. Both districts were formerly one, but over the course of time Pakpak Bharat District expanded. Traditional House Pakpak named Jerro. Traditional House Pakpak is just same with other traditional houses in North Sumatra which generally use the stairs and also poles.

The house of pakpak has a distinctive shape and made of wood and the roof of the material fibers. This custom house design form other than as a form of cultural art pakpak, also the parts of custom house pakpak has its own meaning. Custom house pakpak called Jerro. This traditional house is the same as other traditional houses in North Sumatra. Which generally use ladder and pole support.

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3. Mandailing Traditional House

Mandailing tribe is located in the province of North Sumatra which borders directly with Riau province. Mandailing is famous for its breathtaking natural attractions and local wisdom that is so closely held by the locals. Mandailing Traditional House can be found in Mandailing Natal Regency, part of Padang Lawas District and South Tapanuli Regency. The Mandailing custom house name is named Bagas Godang. Bagas in Mandailing means house while Godang means a lot.

Mandailing Region is famous for its stunning natural attractions. And culture of local wisdom that is so closely held by the local population. Mandailing Custom House can be found in Mandailing Natal district. This regency is part of Padang Lawas and South Tapanuli Regencies. Traditional house is usually called Bagas Godang. The meaning of Bagas in mandailing means home, while godang means a lot.

4. The traditional house of Nias

Nias is a tribe that lives in Nias Islands. Nias is famous as the best marine tourism destination in North Sumatra. As one of the tourism icon, Nias has been visited by many tourists because of its beauty, not only that, Nias megalithic culture is estimated to be the oldest in Indonesia. The traditional houses of Nias Utara, South Nias and Nias Barat are almost the same, except for different roofs. The name of Nias custom house is Omo Sebua.

The Nias customary house is named after Omo Hada, this traditional house form is the traditional stage of Nias people. In addition, there are also custom house nias with different designs, namely Omo Sebua. Omo Sebua is the home of the chiefs of the country (Tuhenori), the village chief (Salawa), or the nobility. This traditional house is built on high and large nibung wooden poles, and Rumbia. The shape of the floor plan is rounded telu, this is in North Nias, East and West areas.

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5. Malay Traditional House

Malay tribe is located in Medan City, Deli Serdang Regency, Langkat Regency, Batubara Regency, Serdang Bedagai Regency and Labuhan Regency, Malay tribe has great role in Medan development as the third largest city in Indonesia. Rumah Adat Melayu Deli is identical with the use of yellow and green. The walls and floors are made of boards while the roof uses Ijuk. Malay Custom House Deli has a unique design. If you want to see directly, you can visit the Tembung area.

Malay custom can be found in Medan City, Deli Serdang District, Langkat Regency, Batu Bara Regency, Labuhan Regency, and Serdang Begadai Regency. The Malay people have a very important role in Medan as the third largest city in Indonesia. Rumah Adat Melayu Deli is identical with yellow and green, and the walls and floors are made of boards. While the roof using fibers.

6. Simalungun Traditional house

Simalungun is an ethnic group residing in Simalungun and Pematang Siantar. Simalungun Traditional House named after Bolon House. The differences from traditional houses of Toba, Pakpak, and Karo when that compared with Simalungun is a unique roof shape, designed in pyramid-shaped. Simalungun House can be found in Simalungun and Pematang Siantar.

This traditional house is named Rumah Bolon. This traditional house has a difference with the other, its unique roof shape designed pyramid shaped. It is quite unique, isn’t it?

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7. Angkola Traditional House

Angkola is a self-contained ethnic group, although many equate it with Mandailing. Traditional house Angkola is still called Bagas Godang, it’s just there are some differences between the two. Traditional house of Angkola uses fibers as a roof and also a board as a wall and floor. Its uniqueness lies in the dominant color used such as black and white.

Angkola is an independent ethnicity, although many people equate with mandailing. This traditional house is also named after the godang like custom house mandailing. However, there are some differences between the two. The traditional house Angkola roof uses fibers and walls and floors from the board. Privileges of this traditional house lies in the dominant color that is, black.

8. Karo Traditional House

The house of karo in North Sumatra is usually referred to as a traditional house Siwaluh Jabu. Siwaluh Jabu itself has a sense or meaning of a house inhabited by eight families. Each family has its own role in the house.

This traditional house is high and one house is usually inhabited by one big family. It consists of four to eight families of batak. In the house there are no secrets or separators, so one room off. However, the division of space remains, namely the debate with strong lines of custom, although the line is not visible. Each room has a name and anyone who must inhabit the room, and has also been determined by custom.

Those are the review of the traditional house in North Sumatra that still exists up to now. All of above traditional houses are inhabited. These are the proofs that Indonesians are doing well in preserving the culture.

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