Food and Beverage

8 Mouthwatering Local Food in East Java

East java becomes one of the Indonesian regions that rich with so many traditional cultures. From the traditional dance, music, to food they have it all. Speaking of their traditional food, commonly East Javanese referring them to their local food.

There are so many types of local food in East Java that has a delicious taste. Most of them come from different districts and regency in East Java that makes the city has their specific rich of food cultures.

This time we will bring you to some of the most mouthwatering local food in East Java that worth trying. Let’s check them out below!

1. Nasi Pecel

East Java has its favorite menu of Nasi Pecel that becomes one of the most delicious local food there. It contains some vegetables that boiled properly such as spinach, cabbage, sprouts, carrots, and long bean. All of them are poured properly with peanut sauce that has a sweet and spicy taste.

There are so many types of Nasi Pecel in East Java, and the ones from Madiun become their iconic Nasi Pecel in Indonesia. Most of the tourist are willingly search for it while visiting the city because it has the most delicious taste of Nasi Pecel that exist in East Java.

The best time to consume Nasi Pecel in East Java is in the morning during breakfast. Combines with any type of Krupuk in Indonesia can be tastier to chew. Commonly, East Javanese using the Rempeyek as one of the popular Indonesian prawn crackers.

2. Soto Lamongan

Speaking of Soto in East Java, of course, you should mention Soto Lamongan. It becomes one of the most popular Soto in East Java outside the Soto Surabaya. It has similarities with some other types of Soto in Indonesia but has a bit of savory taste.

Soto Lamongan contains glass noodles, sprouts, tomatoes, chicken, and egg. Those ingredients are boiled properly then poured into a hot soup of broth. It has a savory taste which perfect to combine with the Indonesian chili pepper sauce. Some Indonesian love to add some lime to the soup.

3. Tahu Campur

If you ever visit Malang, East Java then you will familiar with one of their local food that calls as Tahu Campur. It contains tofu that is fried properly mixed with Cingur or the cow’s tongue, sprouts, beef, lettuce, and glass noodles. Those ingredients are then poured into a special soup sauce that has a sweet and a bit salty taste.

Tahu Campur becomes of one the most popular street food in Malang. The food is capable to make the tourism visit rise significantly by the culinary program that offers by their local government.

4. Rawon

If you wondering to get some culinary food suggestions in Surabaya, East Java, then people will direct you to the Rawon. Rawon becomes one of the most iconic local food in East Java that almost similar to Soto.

The unique thing about Rawon is it has the black soup made from the Kluwek fruit. It mixes properly with beef and sprouts, which is perfect to consume with the hot type of Indonesian local chili pepper sauce. It has a bit savory taste but perfects to consume even for breakfast or dinner.

5. Rujak Cingur

Who says that the mouth of the cow should be a waste? In east Java, they call it Cingur, which becomes the main ingredient of Rujak Cingur. The food becomes one of the most delicious local food in east Java that worth trying.

Rujak Cingur contains fruit salad which comes with so many types of Indonesian tropical fruits and boiled vegetables. The boiled kale and cucumber make it a perfect combination with shrimp paste, peanut sauce, and the most common spices in Indonesia. The stir-fried tofu and tempeh make it more delicious to taste.

6. Bakso Kawi

Are you visiting Malang, East Java? Don’t forget to try their popular street food that calls Bakso Kawi the most delicious street food of Malang. It contains meatballs, tapioca meatballs, and some tofu filled with meatballs. The soup makes you feel fresh after finish a bowl of it.

Bakso Kawi is so perfect to consume in the rainy seasons, and cold weather such as that happens in Malang. That is why commonly people consume it by adding so many amounts of chili sauce to makes them warmer.

7. Sate Madura

Have a plan to visiting Madura? Don’t forget to try the original Sate Madura which becomes one of the most delicious local foods in East Java. It looks similar to some Indonesian satay which using chicken, beef, or lamb that is roasted properly and poured with peanut sauce.

Sate Madura can easily find in most of every corner of East Java as one of the most delicious main courses in Indonesia. That because it is simple enough to roast the meat into satay. You need to screw them properly and roasting them to the right temperature of charcoal. That makes the satay has a juicy and chewy texture.

8. Nasi Goreng Merah

East Java has its iconic Indonesian fried rice that calls as Nasi Goreng Merah. It becomes one of the most delicious local food in East Java. It has a red color all over it so that people call it Merah.

Nasi Goreng Merah contains rice that is stirred properly, then mix with some chicken, beef, seafood, egg, and many more as you want. The red color comes from the tomato sauce in so much amount. The taste is delicious and makes mouthwatering so much.

So, there are some of the local food in East Java that has a mouthwatering taste which worth trying. Have you ever try one of them? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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