Food and Beverage

8 Must-Try Food in Bogor that Deliciously Exist

Bogor is one of the popular cities that similar to some of the most famous metropolitan cities in Indonesia. It is famous with the iconicas the main city which the rain comes often there. That makes the city has so many foods that contain soup and spicy to make Bogorneese warmer.

Bogor is not only popular with the tourism visit but also food center as well as the famous cities in Indonesia. They have so many local and western restaurants and also street food corner as the most magnetic tourism for the city.

Speaking of food that you can find in Bogor, this time we will bring you into the most popular must-try food in Bogor. If you get there once in a while, you will know their difference in taste as part of Indonesian cuisine that deliciously exists.

Now, see some of them below!

1. Soto Kuning

Soto Kuning is one of the most popular food in Bogor that you should try when comes to the city. It looks similar to another type of Soto in Indonesia. Even though looks similar, it has a more yellow color because of the amount of turmeric that comes higher than the usual Soto.

Soto Kuning contains glass noodles, chicken or beef, sprouts, cabbage, tomato, lime, and some fried onion that is poured with the chicken or beef soup. The turmeric will make it more yellow with a great taste that capable to make your body warmer while consuming in the rainy season.

2. Soto Mie

Soto Mie becomes one of the most popular food in Bogor that you must try while visiting Bogor. This food is similar to the Soto Kuning, but contains so many noodles and has a clearer soup and becomes one of the most famous Indonesian famous main dish from time to time.

Soto Mie contains glass noodles, yellow noodles, beef, tomato, and Rissoles as one of the favorite snacks in Bogor. It poured with the beef soup that has a thicker texture and darker color comparing with the Soto Kuning.

Commonly, Indonesian loves to enjoy the Soto Mie mixed with some chili sauce with rice. It is perfect to consume whether for breakfast or lunch which you can find in most of the corner of Bogor city.

3. Toge Goreng

Toge Goreng becomes one of the most popular food in Bogor that you should try while visiting the city. This food becomes the most iconic must-try food in Bogor that has a delicious taste and more nutritious than you ever think.

Toge Goreng contains sprouts, tofu, yellow noodles, and onion fried that stir-fried properly with a little bit of Oncom and Taco seasoning water. It has a delicious taste which you can add some Indonesian local chili pepper as much as you want.

4. Laksa Bogor

Laksa Bogor becomes one of the must-try food in Bogor which has a delicious taste from the Oncom soup combines with the coconut milk that makes it a bit savory inside. This food becomes one of the most iconic food in Bogor which you may difficult to find it outside Bogor.

Moreover, it has more nutritious than you think with the combination of glass noodles, tomatoes, and sprouts. It also contains boiled egg and some yellow tofu as the type of tofu dishes in Indonesia which healthier to consume.

5. Asinan Bogor

Asinan Bogor becomes one of the must-try food in Bogor that so popular from time to time. Even though some region in Indonesia makes some similar Asinan, but the Asinan Bogor still stand out among others for its taste.

Asinan Bogor contains some mixed fruits or vegetables that mix properly with the Asam soup. Commonly, Bogorneese will add some amount of chili in a big amount to makes it spicier. Even so, there are so many people who love it the most with the crunchy, spicy, and sour taste inside.

6. Doclang

Doclang becomes one of the must-try food in Bogor while you visiting the city. The taste is no doubt with the combination of sweet from the sugar palm that mixed properly with the thicker peanut sauce. It poured over the Doclang so that the taste similar to Lotek or Gado-Gado in around Yogyakarta as one of the most famous Yogyakarta street food.

Doclang contains Ketupat, boiled egg, potatoes, cabbage, and some crisp. You can add some chili pepper if you don’t like the sweet food so that will makes your appetite rise significantly. Commonly, this food becomes popular for breakfast so that you can find it mostly in the morning.

7. Cungkring

Cungkring is one of the types of satay that comes from Bogor which becomes one of the must-try food in Bogor. It looks similar to the common satay in Indonesia but it uses the kikil as the main ingredient.

Before the Cungkring is roasted, people will cook them using the yellow seasoning types that contain some turmeric and Indonesian spices. That makes it more delicious to consume and serve with Ketupat or the regular rice.

8. Bapatong

Bapatong refers the Bakso Ketupat Gentong that so popular in Bogor lately. It becomes one of the must-try food in Bogor while you get in the city. It contains meatballs, the ribs of cow, noodles, and Ketupat which are poured within the beef soup and serve in Gentong.

Bapatong has a delicious taste that has an iconic taste of Bogorneese food. You can add some chili sauce as much as you want which is perfect to consume while the rainy seasons come.

So, there are some of the must-try food in Bogor that you better taste while visiting the city that deliciously exists. Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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