
8 Most Largest Ethnic Groups in Indonesia

Have you ever wondered if there are any largest ethnic groups in Indonesia? As an archipelago country, Indonesia contains thousand of ethnicities that live in different regions. Most of them bring the richest of Indonesian culture in its diversity.

The population in Indonesia comes from the diversity that makes it more colorful. Uniting them can be more challenging since they have different cultures, languages, and even food preferences. Even so, they have common sense in kindness that is shown to everyone, not only to the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia.

If you are wondering what kind of largest ethnic groups are in Indonesia, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Javanese

Javanese is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominates the population in the country that is different from the most isolated tribe in Indonesia. It is reported that Indonesia has more than 40% of Javanese live around the country. Not only lived in central Java and East Java, but they live on other islands as well.

As the largest ethnic group in Indonesia, Javanese contains sub-ethnics that are parted into different cultures. It shows that many Javanese have some specific dialect of their local languages, which depends on where they come from.

Most Javanese also have different religions, which commonly depend on their ancestor. Most of them are Muslims, but there are Christians as well, and only a few of them are Hinduism.

2. Sundanese

Sundanese is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominates the population in the country after Javanese. Most Sundanese is living in West Java, Jakarta, Banten, Lampung, and other regions as well that well-known as the city with the largest population in Indonesia.

Indonesia has more than 15% of Sundanese, and the majority of them are Muslims. They have their local language, local food, traditional clothes, traditional musical instrument, and many more as part of the richest Indonesian diversity.

3. Malay

Malay is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominates the population in the country, mostly around Sumatra Island. Most of them are living in North Sumatra, Aceh, Riau, Bangka Belitung, Jambi, and some of West Kalimantan.

Indonesia contains more than 3.4% of Malay, and the majority brings the influence of the Muslim religion in North Sumatra and other regions as well. They speak the Malay language, which is based on Riau Malay. They bring the most religious culture for their traditional clothes, music, and song.

4. Madurese

Madurese is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominates the population in the country, mostly on Madura island as one of the smallest Indonesian cities by size. Most of them are living there, but some of them also live in East Java, Bali, and Lombok.

Most Madurese are Muslim, and only a few of them are Christian or Hinduism. They are speaking in Madurese languages, which are parted by different dialects depending on where the regions they live.

Most Madurese live by farming, whether for agriculture or animals. Even so, some of them living in the coastal area are living by fishing or farming salt as the most popular thing in Madura.

5. Batak

Batak is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominates the population, with more than 3% of them living in the country. Most of them are living in North Sumatra, Aceh, West Sumatra, and other regions as well.

Most Batak is Christian, and they speak the Batak language with different dialects depending on where regions they lived. People of Batak commonly spread into different sub-tribes such as Tapanuli, Karo, Toba, Mandailing, and many more that are popular as the region with the highest cities in Indonesia.

6. Minangkabau

Minangkabau is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominates the population of the country mostly in West Sumatra. Most of them are living there and speaking in the Minangkabau language, which is almost similar to the Malay language.

Most Mingakabau is Muslims, and the culture is influenced by Malay. That is why they have almost similar traditional clothes, musical instruments, songs, and even traditional food.

Most Minangkabau is good at trading, which they live by it. That is because the demographic area in West Sumatra popular as a trading center for many decades ago.

7. Betawi

Betawi is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia, which dominates the population in the country. Most of them are living in Jakarta, Banten, and West Java, which bring the most religious Islamic religion among those regions.

Betawi people speak the Betawi language, which is influenced by Malay, Javanese, Arabic, and Chinese. Some of them even speak in Dutch loan words, which used to overwhelm them during the colonialism era.

Betawi people are well-known for their martial art or Silat Betawi, and the Ondel-Ondel for a specific festival. The ethnicity is richest with the traditional culture that mostly influences by Malay, Chinese, and Arabic cultures.

8. Bugis People

Bugis people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia, dominating the population in the country. Most of them are living around Sulawesi Island, such as South Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, and Central Sulawesi.

Some Bugis people also live in other regions, such as Kalimantan and Java islands. They speak Basa Ugi as their local language, which comes with different dialects that can be one of the most endangered local languages in Indonesia if it doesn’t preserve properly.

Bugis people are dominated by Muslims and Christians become a minor there. That is why some other cultures are referring to the Islamic cultures, such as for their traditional clothes, musical instruments, songs, and even poems.

So, there are some of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that dominate the most population in the country. That diversity brings the richest Indonesian culture all of the time.

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