
The Best Thing That You Must Do in Legian Bali

Now, we still in the area of Bali to talk some more about the best attractions that you can find on this island. After telling you the best locations such as in East Bali, Bali Bars, and also Canggu Bali. We’re going to an area named Legian. Legian is an administrative area in the Kuta district, Badung regency of Bali island. It has some borders, just like the other areas. On the North side, there’s Seminyak subdistrict. On the West and South Side, there’s Kuta and also the Hindian ocean.

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The area of Legian Bali is known for having the spectacular night life. That’s why,in this area you can find some locations such as restaurants, cafes, bars, and karaoke for the people who want to enjoy the nightlife in Legian Bali. Aside from them, the area also has many other things that you should explore. For example, like these places that will be mentioned inside the must do in Legian Bali, such as :

1 – Legian Beach

As the icon of Legian area, here’s the Legian Beach. The beach surely looks as beautiful as the other famous beach, the Kuta beach. They are located in the same line though and even located close to each other. Because of the location, both of them have no significant difference. The sand is the same white sand. The texture is also very soft.

The only difference is maybe the waves of Legian Beach. Different from the waves in Kuta Beach, they are bigger and more challenging. That’s why, many surfers, especially the ones that included as advanced surfers, they would rather go to this beach instead. And they can also do different kinds of watersport, like beach volley, soccer, and many more.

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2 – Waterbom Bali

The second one in the must do in Legian Bali is the Waterbom Bali. The Waterbom Bali is the most perfect place in Bali for famil vacation. Imagine that a family consisting father, mother, and their children all can have fun in this wide space of an attraction. There are so many riders for all ages, including the adults.

This third biggest waterpark in Asia have 22 different rides in total for all visitors. The place is also completed with a bar that has very nice meals and drinks as a resting place after trying all the rides here. Waterbom Bali also has a restaurant that serves different kinds of meal. The unique thing is, you can pay them with the non-cash money that you’ve deposited in your wirstband.

3 – The Boardwalk

For the people who are having a lot of stress because of many things like romance, a lot of work, and not healthy environment, they can always do an escape to a relaxing place like this Broadwalk. The Broadwalk is a bar that included as a part of Bali Garden Resort. Many visitors are actually coming from that very resort, because it’s very near to that location.

The Broadwalk can give you a nice experience of cooling yourself down near the exotic beach on Bali island. The place also looks very exclusive with high-quality seating. A relaxing sea breeze with a line of white umbrellas is a very memorable thing. During the night, this place is even marrier with the live music from Indie bands.

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4 – The Abandoned Plane

Well, in this world, many random things happened. Sometimes, we can’t even find the right answer to make them more understandable. In a place like Bali, it’s considerably easy to find random stuff, like this Abandoned Place for example. There are plane wrecks on this island. The first one is this, and the second one is located far away around Pandawa.

Well, no one knows about the origin of this very plane. That’s why you can find so many different opinions from the locals about it. There’s speculation about it being undeveloped object by personal and corporation who want to make it to be a unique attraction, but lack of budget to do it. But whether it’s true or not, we never know.

5 – Enjoying Kuta Carnival

During special times within a year, you can accidentally meet some famous carnivals around the area of Bali island. You need to do a little research first before actually visiting the island in order to see the carnival at its date. However, during the month of October, there’s a carnival around the area of Kuta Bali, including the Legian.

The carnival usually lasts for a week only. It’s showing the fun activities such as painting competition, sand castle making competition, cultural parade, Balinese art carnival, and many more. Aside from those, there are stands that will sell you the authentic Balinese meals and snacks. They also serve visitors with Western, Indonesian, and also beers.

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6 – Kelan Beach

The next beach that we’re gonna talk about in the must do in Legian Bali is the Kelan Beach. This beach has a plus. And that very plus is not the usual thing that you can find on a beach. That thing is the view of planes. Yes, on this Kelan beach, you’ll be swimming under the plane because the track is right beside you.

The location of Kelan beach is very close to the nearest airport. Their border even seems invisible. So, it’s not a new thing to find a plane sound from the morning till the end of the day while having your visit in this Kelan Beach. But somehow, the planes give the beach more life and make it more unique.

7 – Dream Museum Zone Bali

So, the next destination is this Dream Museum Zone Bali. Well, on these days, social media is very important. People are using it as a media to do social activities like chatting, promoting, or just even sharing unique pictures. For the last purpose, they can visit one of the unique places on Bali island, this Dream Museum Zone Bali.

This place is basically a perfect place to take some selfies. The visitors will be treated with the 3D background that they can use for their nice pictures. Each background has their own unique theme and concept. In this place, there are about 120 unique “paintings” that will take you to a tour around the world.

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8 – Bali Sea Turtle Society

The beaches and other natural attractions are not for our own. They are actually the habitat of many living beings. The existence of tourists who recently visit them is making the natural habitat destroyed, especially because of the ones who lack sympathy to respect and treat animal with proper actions.

In this Bali Sea Turtle Society, the tourists can participate in an action to keep the balance of the natural attractions. In here, they do the turtle conservation process, starting from the eggs until they are ready to explore the ocean on their own. You can also join in the activity when they releasing the small turtless into the sea. Seeing they’re moving to the ocean is melting anyone’s heart.

9 – Riding the Old Train

Going to the past is always an interesting thing to do. Exploring the old thingies such as the ancient Kingdom heritage or the old lives of people is always giving a nice experience. And what if you can enjoy a ride not only by the usual public transportation, but the old public transportation, like this old train for example.

You can visit the street of Kartika Plaza number 8X in Kuta Bali to ride the old yellow train that displayed there. The locomotive is not going anywhere though, so you cannot expect it to move everywhere. But instead, you can have some pictures inside it. Even though it’s not the original old train, but the design can resemble it very well.

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Aside from those nine locations mentioned above, you can also visit the other places that included inside another list on the section below. The list is containing about seven different locations as choices for you who want to explore the Legian area fully. The alternatives below are containing the different categories of places such as :

1. Cosmic Dinner

2. Nebula Restaurant

3. 100% Genuine Fake Shop

4. Beachwalk Shopping Mall

5. Kuta Beach

6. Odyssey Submarine

7. Motion Skatepark

So that’s the article about the places that you must do in Legian Bali. The area of Legian is indeed a nice one for having a beautiful nightlife on Bali island. This area has so many interesting locations that can be really fun if you visit them with your friends and family. Other than that, there are some places that also very comfortable with the environment and the meals that really suitable for anyone who wants to have a calming and good night.

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