
Things That Wonderful and Must See in East Bali

So, in this article, we want to give you the other information about Bali island. The Bali island is known to be the most popular place in Indonesia. Each year, especially during the end of the year that about few days left, the island is always highly populated with mostly foreign tourists from different countries all over the world. To find a place like Bali island on this earth is not that easy. Especially, the promotion of this very island is really effective. Many people would consider a tropical island as a very heavenly place. That’s why, the imagination about it is always good, with the coconut trees, calm waves, and clear water. In Bali, their imagination can be a true thing.

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Usually, they visit the area such that is known already, mostly in the northen and southern part of the island. But, there are the other locations that worth visiting on the Eastern part of the island, or as we can call as the East Bali. There are also some popular spots that you may know already, plus the others such as :

1 – Taman Gili

The first one on the list of things that must see in East Bali is Taman Gali. The Taman Gali or Gili Park is the historical attraction that still looks so well, even though it has about hundred years old. The place was designed by Prince Dewa Agung Jampe I from Gelgel Kingdom. He wanted to combined the Buddhist architecture from Majapahit Kingdom with the touch of Balinese Hinduism.

Inside the area of Taman Gili, you can find a spot named Kerta Gosa. In the ancient time, this spot is used for trial. So, if there any problems about the King or people, they will settle them right in this very spot. However, Kerta Gosa itself has two main buildings, each named as Bale Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang. The Bale Kambang is used by the King to greet his guests.

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2 – Goa Lawah Cave

From the place above, we’ll go to one exotic place inside the must see in East Bali called Goa Lawah Cave. The cave itself located in the area of East Bali. Many people would consider this cave as a very holy place. That’s why, they even made it more beautiful with such decorations, especially the white and yellow clothing that resemble holiness.

This place is believed to be a resting spot for the legendary dragon, Naga Basuki. Naga Basuki is an entity with the form of a giant serpent. Based on the legend, he’s the guardian to the gate of earth’s balance. It’s also one of the Gods that worship by many. The tourists cannot enter the cave though, because it’s very dangerous. The 25 km of a small cave can cill anyone who dare to enter.

3 – Besakih Temple

So, on the information above, we’ve told you about the cave. That very cave is actually connecting Goa Lawah to Besakih Temple throguh a small 25 km long cave. However, the Besakih Temple is the biggest one on Bali island. It’s located just in the feet of Mount Agung. So, visiting this temple during sunrise or sunset would be great.

The complex of Besakih Temple looks so great with the wide range of area. However, the tourists sometimes can be lost by the guidance of unofficial guides. That’s why here’s a warning from us. You can just ignore the promotion of them and enter the temple yourself. This is really concerning because some of them are even promising that without their help, you can’t enter the temple.

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4 – Tirta Gangga

Next one in the must see in East Bali is Tirta Gangga. Witness the standing Water Kingdom in Bali. Even though it surely not as great as it in the old days, but Tirta Gangga still looks magnificent after hundred years old standing. The Kingdom of Water has some pools and a lot of statues that placed around them.

Actually, this place was used by the King, Queen, Princes, and Princesses of the great Kingdom of Bali. That’s why swimming in here is like a wonderful experience. Fortunately, the tourists can do it too. Swimming in the pool with the fresh water source should be a very memorable moment. It’s like you’re the King or Queen for a while.

5 – Agung Karangsem Temple

Like you may know already, Bali island has so many temples, remembering that majority of people there are Hindu. In recent places like Sukowati market, for example, they are giving their offerings like flowers and incenses for their Gods. However, there’s one temple that you should visit aside from our recommendations above.

The name of this temple is Agung Karangasem Temple. This Kingdom and temple is the last heritage of the last Kingdom that ruling the island till the 20th century. And it’s located in Amlapura, Bali. Before the eruption of Mount Agung back in 1963, there was a big area named Karangasem. But then, the name changed to Amlapura because the eruption destroyed most areas of the city.

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6 – Bali Aga Village

So, after visiting the Kingdom heritages and some temples, there’s also a unique place, which is a village on Bali island, Bali Aga. The people of Bali Aga are actually not the native inhabitans of this village. They are the decendants of people who came from Majapahit Kingdom in Java island.

They were moving to Bali in order to get a better living, remembering the fallen of that strong Kingdom of Majapahit. Near this Aga village, there are the other villages named Tenganan and Trunyan, which really contrast to each other. Tenganan village is considered to be the most wealthy village on Bali island and really open to the tourists. In Trunyan Village, people are a bit isolated from outter world. But sometimes there are tourists who want to visit the village to see the legendary funeral method.

7 – Toya Bungkah

It’s time for relaxing. Not, we’re not going to hotels, resorts, or villas to have some spa or massage. Instead, we want to meet you with a nice place called Toya Bungkah. It’s a natural hot spring that located near the Mount Agung, one of iconic mountains of the island. This hot spring is not like the usual hot springs out there.

In here, you can take a bath in a nice and comfy natural hot pool with the most wonderful scenery of Mount Agung. With the view of the mountain and the lake, you’ll feel like a King for a moment. The water can also give you some important benefits, like giving your skin a special treatment to make it more smooth and beautiful.

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8 – Lake Batur

The next one is the lake of Batur. Lake Batur is a lake located under the mountain called Mount Batur. This one is already a famous one for its very clear water and wonderful environment. You can go to an area on Bali island and visit this lake directly after seeing this article. Surely, it’ll give a memorable experience for you.

Even though the modernization is changing Bali island into some more developed one, situation around this area is still like a virgin. There’s a village nearby, where the tourists can stay for a night or two to explore the area of Mount and Lake Agung fully. You can also rent a boat from the fishermen in the village in order to see the lake closely.

9 – Taman Ujung

Aside from telling you about the Balinese Kingdom heritages like the Tirta Gangga pool and also the other temples located around the island, we also want to take you to an exotic place named Taman Ujung. Taman Ujung is located in the area of Amlapura, Bali. The King of Karangsem built this place back in 1921 ago to treat the guests of the Kingdom.

However, this place once treated as a very luxury place in Bali in order to create a comfortable place for the important people who come from Kingdom on other countries. Many said that it was a Balinese Taj Mahal for its beauty. But now, it’s a special place that can be visited even by us, the usual tourists. Taking pictures at the iconic white building and the bridge should be the best thing to do.

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So, after visiting the nine locations above, you can surely explore the area of East Bali fully with the other ones that will be mentioned below. Here’s the list with the other places that included inside the must see in East Bali

1. Amed Beach

2. Tulamben Beach

3. Mount Batur

4. Virgin Beach

5. Mount Agung

6. Bali Chocolate Factory

7. Trunyan Village

So, that’s all the locations that you should visit inside the must see in East Bali. Bali is indeed having such a nice experience for all the people who want to enjoy top tourist destination in Indonesia. This is can be a very positive thing to attract the tourists around the world. And maybe, if there are some countries who want to invest in Bali island, this island can be even greater than the world-famous attractions.

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