
The Top 15 Natural Attractions in Bandung – Eye Opening Spots

Now, after exploring the capital city of Indonesia in some posts we made before like the best cafes with 24 opening hours, the must visit places in the city on weekend, and the last one, which is the unique themed restaurants, now it’s time to explore the neighbor city, Bandung. You do know the city of Bandung, right?

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It’s one famous location in West Java price, filled with historical sites that related to Colonial Era and also the great Sundanese Kingdom that standing long years ago. The city is pretty cool, both for the style and atmosphere. And the thing is, many people, especially ones from Jakarta, would love to spend their time in Bandung city.

Why? Because they can find a lot of natural attractions easily here. Aside from the top attractions, they can sometimes visit the alternatives also in order to get away from the capital’s stressing pollution. Without further ado, here’s the list of top natural attractions in Bandung city :

1- Mount Hawu

The first location as the best natural attractions in Bandung city is the Mount Hawu. Because of the location is in the high land area, which is the main reason of why the weather around Bandung is so cold, you can find some notable mountains, including this one. Mount Hawu is the most right place for all sunrise hunters.

However, there are two main activities the tourists could do here. The first one is hiking. In order to see the sunrise, the tourists shall pass the way up to the top via track provided. It should be an easy trip, The other activity is sleeping on a hammock that put nicely between the two big rocks. It should be adrenaline pumping one for sure.

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2 – Leuwi Jurig

Next one, we’ll go to the area of Bojong Village that still in the Bungbulang district of Garut. The word “Jurig” in Sundanese basically means evil. That’s why it’s believed that taking a bath in this Leuwi Jurig can cleanse your body from evil and dark arts. Other than that, it’s a very nice place that you should visit.

Of course people are coming in order to enjoy it as a natural attraction. With it’s bluish and greenish tone of water, it’s like inviting us to swim there. And many people do love to do it aswell. Even though the place is somewhat famous now, the location still seems very clean and clear, just like its original condition.

3 – Mount Batu

As mentioned above, you can find some great mountains around the city of Bandung. You’ll have the opportunity to meet the Mount Batu that exists in Lembang, Bandung. The location of this mountain is just 3 km from Pasar Lembang, which is highly accessible even with using local vehicle.

This mountain seems a bit dangerous than the first mountain we’ve mentioned earlier. But the truth is, the trek in Mount Batu is actually easy to step on. Even some photographers do feel confident about taking the rock road in order to get the best picture of surrounding mountains like Tangkuban Perahu, Mount Putri, and also Mount Palasari.

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4 – Sanghyang Heuleut

Bandung city and all Sundanese areas are basically still thick with myth and culture. Aside from the Jurig lake above, in this section, we want to introduce the Sanghyang Heuleut lake, which was believed to be a place for angels to bath. Just like many other natural places around Bandung city, it still looks very virgin.

Even though visited by many tourists within a year, the place still looks very natural. Even the water is sparkling blue, and vegetation around it making the place way better. The location is indeed mythical and it’s very recommended as a natural place located around Bandung that you should visit.

5 – The Lodge Maribaya

If you happen to have some companions when visiting the city of Bandung, you can spend some more time to do a group activity like camping. The Lodge Maribaya is the most correct place to do that activity. First, because this place was actually design as a camping area, and second, they have a complete set for camping, if you don’t have any equipment with you.

The place is also known as a very safe place for camping. With so many instagrammable spots, plus the tent that looks very unique, taking some pictures around the Lodge Maribaya is a must-do activity. However, in this place there are many spots for hangout. They even add some chairs, pillows, and a platform in order to create this homey and comfortable location for all to chat or discuss.

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6 – Sanghyang Tikoro Cave

Now, after exploring the Sanghyang Lake above, which is the bathing location for angels from heaven, you can also visit a place that still has a relation with angels, called Sanghyang Tikoro Cave. This is a cave that still located inside Saguling, and the looks of it will make you remember this place always.

There’s a history about the existence of this Sanghyang Tikoro Cave. It’s believed that this cave was formed by natural phenomenon, the mount eruption. The cave was created from cold lavas that were coming from the mountain’s top. Entering the cave can be the most dangerous and adrenaline pumping activity. It’s so dark you can’t even see the entrance.

7 – Pawon Cave

If you’re taking a trip to Mount Pasigit’s peak, you will pass the thing called Pawon Cave. It was a historical resource that loved by researchers. From this location, they dug up several pre-historic evidences that now can be seen in the Bandung Museum of Geology. Unlike the Sanghyang cave, this cave is very dry.

You can take some walk to the end of the cave to find the stone garden, that looks like a setting in a particular movie. Usually, people are taking some pictures in this garden, because you can’t find an amazing thing like this, you know. However, it’s advisable to always bring a raincoat because of the rainy season.

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8 – Batu Templek Waterfall

The next location on our list of top natural attractions in Bandung city is the Batu Templek Waterfall. Unlike others, this waterfalls has the most unique look because of the stones that seem to be sticking on the cliff. The water just not drop directly from the upper side to down the pool. Instead, it flows through the stones from above.

Actually this attraction is still considered unfamiliar to the people of Bandung, mostly because of the location that’s hard to reach and also the mining area that located nearby that fazing the name of Batu Templek. Usually, the tourists are coming to this place in the rainy seaon when the water flow is bigger and thicker, so it’s more visible to see.

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9 – Jagapati Waterfall

About 2km from the Bandung city, you can visit one of the best waterfall attractions in the province of West Java called Jagapati waterfall. The attraction seems so magical with the green vast hill around it. Looking at it, the Jagapati Waterfalls is like a gem that hidden inside the mysterious forests on the surrounding

The hidden location is making the waterfall very quiet and calm. So it must be a suitable place for refreshing your body from your stress and polluted mind. The water is very clear and always refreshing. Even though the trip from Bandung city to this place is far, it’s really worth it when you finally see the astonishing visual of Jagapati Waterfall.

Aside from the famous locations mentioned above, there are actually some places left on our list that will be mentioned right below. The popularity is just an addition to their wonderful look. Here’s the rest of them in the natural attractions in Bandung city of West Java.

1. Farmhouse Lembang

2. Sukawana Tea Garden

3. Cinulang Waterfall

4. Tangkuban Perahu Mount

5. Situ Patenggang Lake        

6. Panyaweuyan Argapura

That’s all the fifteen natural attractions in Bandung West Java for you travelers who interested to visit it in the future. As you can see, the city is always promising to be a city for nature tourism. The locations are always taken good care of, and the government actions to maintain them are indeed the real deal.

So, for you readers who live around Jakarta and West Java province in general, make sure to visit Bandung city in order to be the one with nature. Cheers.

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