
15 Natural Resourses In Bali Indonesia

The island of Bali is not only famous for its sights and cultures that are interesting and also unique. However, there are many natural resources contained on this island, becoming a diversity of natural wealth making Bali a city that has a large industrial investment in Indonesia.

Bali is an island in Indonesia, as well as one of Indonesia’s provinces. Bali is located between Java Island and Lombok Island. Its provincial capital is Denpasar, which is located in the southern part of the island.

The majority of Bali’s population are Hindus. In the world, Bali is well known as a tourism destination with its unique art-culture variety, especially for Japanese and Australian tourists.

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There are many Balinese natural resources that have the potential to continue to be developed. The island of Bali is one of the islands with natural conditions that are still very awake in Indonesia. Thus a lot of that can still be developed to serve as a source of income society and state.

In addition to the tourism sector which is the most favorite sector in Bali is actually still many other sectors that have great potential to continue to be developed.

To find out what are the natural resources in Bali, Indonesia the following examples can be seen:

Tourism Resources

One of Bali’s natural resources that need to be maximized again is in the tourism sector. It is natural to do this because this sector is the most central sector that is in Bali. The charm of nature is very amazing, both the nature of the mountains and coastal make Bali every day a lot of visitors who come to Bali to do a holiday. Examples of some of the leading tourism in Bali:

1. Beach Tourism

Various beautiful and interesting natural tourism and become one of the natural resources in Bali, Indonesia such as Kuta beach, Sanur beach, Legian beach and many beaches become an icon and income source for Bali government.

2. Mountain Tourism

In addition to the beach, Bali also has a beautiful natural mountain that is beautiful and also one of the climbing tourist destinations are a lot of tourists.

The example is the majestic mountain, where this place is so natural and become an attraction for everyone. At the foot of the mountain is planted with various vegetable plants as natural resources and abundant produce.

3. Garden Tourism

One of the natural tourism resources in Bali Indonesia is a garden designed with interesting temple building and also unique. Each park in Bali has its own charm, besides beautiful also has artistic value and is very sacred for the surrounding community. Many visitors who feel comfortable on vacation while enjoying the atmosphere of ornamental gardens are sacred and interesting buildings.

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4. Village Tourism

Many villages in Bali are an attraction for most visitors, both local and foreign visitors. Natural resources in Bali, Indonesia show fertility, peace, a beauty of rural panoramas and life of harmony society. No one if in Bali a lot of village tourism the destination of nature lovers. Rice fields and plantations, fresh air and still very natural.

5. Tourism Island, Lake, and Lake Tourism

Bali is also famous for its beautiful and interesting island tourism, lakes and ponds adorned with natural water plants. No wonder this island is so very phenomenal because of the natural beauty that can not be forgotten when you are on vacation to the island of Bali. Tour the island, lake, and lake that make nature become cooler, peaceful and also fascinating.

Agriculture, Plantation and Forestry Natural Resources

Next is agriculture, plantation, and also fishery. Bali’s rice field reaches approximately 81,210 hectares is a great potential that must be maximized. With sufficient availability of food itself then it will greatly help the economic growth of the people of Bali.

1. Rice Fields

Rice fields in Bali become one of the natural resources in Bali, Indonesia which contribute much to the economy throughout the country. The rice field system known as the sloping terraces becomes one of the interesting things that can be found on the island of Bali. In addition, the results of this rice there are some that are exported to various destinations of international countries.

2. Plantation

Natural resources in Bali, Indonesia is another plantation that is widely planted on the island of Bali. Examples of plantation products in Bali are chocolate, spices, and other crops. These results are used as a source of income for locals, and some are sold to foreign countries or exported.

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3. Forestry

Forestry on the island of Bali is widely used as a conservation forest and also a national forest. One example of forest products in Bali is wood, roots, and rattan. Forest products are made of a good material needs of the furniture industry, handicraft industry and many more. Which are sold both for local purposes as well as overseas destinations?.

4. Aquaculture

One of the agricultural products found in Bali is the result of ponds or fish cultivation and other types. The results of this pond cultivation in the form of fish, shrimp, lobsters, and many others. Where the results are sold both in local markets and also international markets.

5. Seafood

A lot of sea products in Bali are becoming Indonesian investments, rich and abundant seafood are sold both in local markets as well as in international markets. Examples of sea products are fish, shrimp, squid – lobster, and many more. All that is one of the results of cultural resources in Bali, Indonesia.

And the last is the mining sector. Types of mining in Bali include limestone, sandstone, andesite, gems, rocks, pumice, and lava rocks. Here’s an example of the mine’s natural resources:

  • Coal. Being one of the natural resources that aim to be utilized for industrial and household fuels. Both in large quantities and in small quantities, coal becomes a useful mine.
  • Oil. This one natural material is excellent for all people both in Bali and all of Indonesia. Used in industrial sectors, households, military needs and much more.
  • Natural gas. Natural gas is also one of the natural resources in Bali, Indonesia is widely used for daily needs, both for industry and also households of Bali.
  • Limestone. Limestone used as a mixture of good for the industrial world, and infrastructure in Bali and other cities. This material is very utilized because it becomes a natural material that is useful for people’s life.
  • Gemstones. This stone is a very beautiful natural product of an economic value. The gemstone is widely used as one of the fine decoration of jewelry, ornaments, ornaments and other precious stones. High selling makes this stone much sought after and hunted people.

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Here are some examples of 15 natural resources in Bali, Indonesia. Hopefully be your benefit and knowledge if you want to learn natural resources in Bali. See you again.

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