
8 Most Beautiful Natural Wonders of Indonesia

Indonesia is popular with so many natural wonders admitted by so many people in the world. Since a very long time ago, those natural wonders have become the most magnetic tourism visit. From the mountain into the beaches, Indonesia has it all.

Visiting one of the natural wonders of Indonesia can be the most unforgettable experience. Some of them even have a challenging track to get. Thus, from time to time, the Indonesian government tries to develop easier access for tourists to reach those places.

Speaking of the natural wonders of Indonesia, here we summarized some of them below. Now check them out!

1. Carstensz Pyramid

Papua becomes one of the most provinces in Indonesia that has so much beauty of nature. It is not surprising that this province has some natural wonders of Indonesia that are well-known around the world.

One of the most mesmerizing natural wonders of Indonesia that you can find in Mimika regency, Papua, is the Carstensz Pyramid. It is becoming the only glacier mount for hiking that exists in Indonesia. It has the most challenging hiking tracks that are hard to reach even for professional hikers.

2. Raja Ampat

Are you a divers lover? So, exploring Raja Ampat can be the most wonderful dream come true. Raja Ampat is a kind of little archipelago in Papua. That is because it contains so many islands in one region.

Exploring Raja Ampat can’t be completed without doing some challenging tour as one of the most beautiful places in Eastern Indonesia. Whether diving, Kayaking, or even snorkeling, you can do it all. You will enjoy the clearest water of the ocean with so many rare fish there.

3. Komodo National Park

Have ever seen the dragon giant lizard alive? If you visiting the Komodo island, Flores then go to explore the Komodo national park, you will find one of them. They lived only there with the beauty of nature from the island.

Komodo national park becomes one of the natural wonders of Indonesia a very long time ago. The living of Komodo become the most iconic animals on the island that you can’t find it anywhere.

You can explore other areas while visiting the Komodo island, such as the Labuan Bajo city, and find the hiking spot in Indonesia at Rinca island.

4. Tanjung Puting National Park

Borneo island has so many beauty of nature that makes one of them categorized as the natural wonders of Indonesia. If you visit the island then go to the Kalimantan, you will get one of them in Tanjung Puting national park.

More specific, Tanjung Puting national park is around the province with the largest forest in Indonesia, Central Kalimantan. Feeding the Orang Utans at their rehabilitation area can be the most unforgettable moment for you.

Tanjung Puting national park is a conservatory forest that manages by the Indonesian government. It has so many natives flowers of Indonesia and the faunas as well. Orang Utan becomes one of the biggest living animals there.

Exploring the Tanjung Puting national park can be teh most challenging adventure for you. Travel up using the local boat through the Sekoneyer river will be a more mesmerizing moment.

5. Rinjani National Park

Visiting Lombok is not complete without having a track towards the Rinjani national park. If you love hiking, goes to this national park can be your wonderful experience to enjoy one of the natural wonders of Indonesia in Lombok.

Rinjani national park contains forest, savanna, and the most iconic mountain of the Rinjani mount. The mount becomes so unique which it has a beautiful lake at the top of the mountain that calls the Segara Anak lake.

Reaching the top of the Rinjani mount is not as easy as you think. There are two hiking tracks to get there, which both need about four up to five days to reach the peak. Each of the tracks has three shelters that are perfect for camping spots in Indonesia.

6. Labuan Cermin Lake

One of the most beautiful natural wonders of Indonesia exists in Derawan Island, Berau regency, East Kalimantan. There is a crystal clear water lake which calls the Labuan Cermin.  The water is pretty clear as if it is like the mirror so local people call it the Cermin.

The unique thing about Labuan Cermin is not only that you can see the mirror of the boat you ride, but also the different types of water on it. On the surface, you will find that it is normal freshwater. But, as you take a deep swim into the lake, the water becomes as salty as the seawater.

7. Menjangan Island

Menjangan island becomes one of the most beautiful natural wonders of Indonesia. It is located around Bali Barat national park, Bali. It is not too far from Banyuwangi regency, East Java so that becomes the alternative way to reach the island through the regency.

Menjangan island becomes one of the paradises for the diving community as one of the most extreme sports in Bali. Not only that, the island is living by some local deers that call Menjangan. They’re also a Ganesha temple as one of the holiest places for Hinduism prayer on the island.

8. Banda Neira Island

Banda Neira island becomes one of the most beautiful natural wonders of Indonesia. It is located in Southeast Maluku as one of the most historical places in Indonesia.

You can explore the island by hiking to mount Banda, snorkeling at the Pisang island and Hatta island, and also explore the Benteng Belgica area.

So, there are some of the most beautiful places of the natural wonders of Indonesia that exist from a very long time ago. Most of them are spread in each province in Indonesia which is worth visiting. Have you ever been exploring one of those wonderful places?

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