
Beautiful Places to See Sunset in Indonesia – Romantic and Memorable Things

Now, after telling you about the best places to see a sunrise in Indonesia, we’re moving to the next topic which is the best locations for witnessing the sunset. Does anyone think about a romantic activity? A fine and affordable romantic way to make your love life better? We do so. Seeing the sunset with your loved one is indeed a great way to make your love stronger.

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Of course, you should do it nicely, bringing a nice topic to talk about, and taking her to a brand new location that may open your eyes how important this life to both of you. Don’t stop your imagination only to the beaches where are the common locations for watching the memorable moment. Because there are many other best places to see sunset in Indonesia, such as:

1 – Tanah Lot Temple

As the first place on our list of best places to see sunset in Indonesia, Tanah Lot is indeed a beautiful location. As one of many famous destinations on the island of Bali, of course spending your holiday in this area may be a great idea. This tourism object is located in Beraban village, around Kediri district in Bali.

The temple itself is located in stone, a big one located right on the beach lips. Actually, there’s another temple located on the cliff not far from there.  During the late evening, people will gather around there, preparing their weapons like handi-cam, phone’s camera or even DSLR to capture the captivating moment of the sunset.

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2 – Losari Beach

Many said that the beach can be a very romantic place for two. If you want to feel the experience, then you can go to Losari beach, which is the icon of Makassar city, located in the far west side of it. The Losari beach became an iconic destination after the management took some serious efforts to develop it better.

Most people will come to take some pictures with the Losari letter on the beach. But, some are not. They intend to hang around the beach, waiting the perfect time to bring up their camera to capture the golden and yellowish color of a sunset in Losari Beach. The view is very clear, so the shot must be good.

3 – Ratu Boko Temple

Capturing sunset images can be done in the most beautiful place possible. In Indonesia, you know that you can meet the mythical temples that are still standing with hundreds years old of story. One example is the Ratu Boko Temple, that is known for the folk lore abour mysterious beauty of a lady.

The temple is located on a hill, about 195, 97 mdpl from the sea ocean. You can find it inside the area of Bokoharjo village in Prambanan district of  Sleman Yogyakarta. It’s about 3 km from the great Prambanan temple and having about 25 hectares of location. Some people who live nearby are coming to the temple in the evening to see a clear view of a sunset.

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4 – Prambanan Temple

Then here’s a temple located not far from there called Prambanan Temple. This temple is being an icon of tourim alongside with the Borobudur Temple. The difference betwen this one and Borobudur is the type of the temple. Prambannan is included as Hindu temple, while Borobudur is Budha temple.

This one is actualy the biggest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, located on a highway between Jogjakata and Solo. Try to visit the temple starting from evening, about 3 pm or 4. And find your best spot to capture the sunset view. The combination of the temple itself and the purple sky looks so magical.

5 – Selong Belanak Temple

You know, there are some temples too, even in the eastern area of Indonesia. One temple is called as Solong Belanak Temple, located in Selong Belanak Village in West Praya of West Nusa Tenggara. Well, people are naming the temple after the village. The name comes from two main things.

Those two are the animals Solong and a fish called Belanak. The two are the common endemic animals that can be found easily there. The beach has a very soft texture and the water, like all water in all the beaches in Nusa Tenggara islands, is crystal clear. Seeing the sunset from the hills around Solong Belanak Temple can make your pictures more dramatic.

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6 – Sunda Kelapa Port

The next location is the Sunda Kelapa Port. Who knows that even the busiest place can be a romantic place at once on a special occasion. For you who wondering, the Sunda Kelapa Porti is located in Jakarta. To be specific, it’s located around the Jakarta bay on a street named Baruna Raya number 2.

When you look into the history, the Sunda Kelapa port was used to be a main port of a great kingdom of Pakuan Pajajaran, which is the last Hindu-Sunda Kingdom on the West Java province. But now, people are using t to distributing and transporting industrial and commercial goods. You can witness the sunset with the ships passing along in the background.

7 – Batu Bolong Beach

The next one in the best places to see sunset in Indonesia is Batu Bolong Beach. When talking about a beach that the best at form, then this beach is always included. The Batu Bolong beach has so many specialties. First, it also has a temple located on a holed rock called Batu Bolong Temple.

At a glimpes, it looks a bit like Tanah Lot Temple. But the main difference is the rock it stands on. The rock has a hole in it. It was made naturally by the weather and sea abration that happened long time ago. Usually, the people wil start gathering to a special spot that directly facing the hole. And then capture the image of a sunset that can be seen from that hole.

8 – Lasiana Beach

The eighth location on the list is also a beach called Lasiana Beach. The location os this beach is in the heart of Kupang city in East Nusa Tenggara. The beach became a favorite spot for witnessing the sunset by both the locals and foreign tourist. Even though the beach looks simple enough, but it saves a thousand good memories.

The sunset in Lasiana Beach is indeed so special. Why?  Because the location of Lasiana Beach is really fit. It’s facing the horizon directly. So the sunset can always be seen without hidden by anything. The clear water in this beach is also a supporting factor of the sunset moment. It can make it looks more magical.

9 – Pok Tunggal Beach

Moving to Java Island, we want to take you to a special beach in Gunung Kidul named Pok Tunggal Beach. The beach is rather special because it has something that many other beaches don’t have. Around it, you can find some Duras trees, many of them surrounding the beach on every spot possible.

The form of them is very unique and beautiful. No wonder people always hesitate to capture some images of it. There’s also a simple building right on the cliff, which is more like a hut, that usually used by tourists for seeing the sunset. From this area, they can see the sunset perfectly. And sometimes, they also combine the sunset with a view of Duras trees.

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10 – Luhur Uluwatu Temple

And in the tenth one in best places to see sunset in Indonesia, the one and only temple on Bali island, Luhur Uluwatu. For the people who have been going to Bali for a while, they might be very familiar with its name. The place is more famous for the Balinese culture and relugious aspects that can be found on each corner.

However, there’s one thing that’s special about the temple is, sometimes there’s a special dance that performed in here, like Kecak Dance for example. Usually they will perform in the evening, late evening when people can also witnessing the sunset. And there you have it, the combination between the magical dance of Kecak and the shooting sunset in the background.

The ten locations seem to be not enough to describe the beauty of this country for all you lovebirds. That’s why we also put the other ones in a small list below that containing the rest of the best places to see sunset in Indonesia.

1. Borobudur Temple

2. Derawan Beach

3. Kuta Beach Bali

4. Kuta Beach Lombok

5. Toba Lake

6. Tegal Wangi Beach

With that, our seesion in a topic about the best places to see sunset in Indonesia ends here. Choosing a place based on our sixteen recommendations can be a hard one, think about one place that is most reachable of them all. A place that most comfortable for you two. And have decision to take your love to that place, and enjoy your sweet moment.

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