
15 Best Places for Nightlife Activities in Bogor Indonesia

Bogor is a city located in West Java province in Indonesia. Bogor is recognized as a municipality which means this country is important in economic, scientific, cultural and tourist center, as well as a mountain resort. This country is well-known for its comfy places for hanging out. Evening is the perfect time for you to enjoy the nightlife in Bogor so here are some places recommendation to spend your enjoyable night in Bogor.

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1. Nicole’s Kitchen and Lounge

The first place to hang out in Bogor is Nicole’s Kitchen and Lounge which is located in Puncak area, Cipanas. This cafe is an enjoyable place for you to meet and gather with your friends. Nicole’s Kitchen and Lounge gives comfortable and cozy vibe to hangout with your beloved ones.

Besides, the air in this cafe is clean and fresh so it is very good to refresh your mind. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and pretty decoration and lighting during night time. Most importantly this cafe has Live Music performance on the night, this cafe is open from 9 am until mid night.

2. Coffee Toffee

Special for you the coffee-holic, this cafe is located in the heart of Bogor city to satisfy you. Coffee Toffee provides various of coffee flavors which will spoil your tongue. Coffee is very good to lessen sleepiness, so this place can be added to your reference to hang out in the night time.

This cafe is facilitated with a fast internet, makes your surfing activity easier. There are two rooms provided which is smoking room and non-smoking room. This cafe is located in Achmad Adnawijaya street and is open everyday until 2 am.

3. Monarchy Bistro

This cafe provides Western foods which will satisfy your hunger. The design here is very unique and attractive so you will be content to stay here for a long time. The visitors can choose to sit indoor or outdoor, you can enjoy the night view if you sit outdoor during night.

So for you who looks for a place to hag out during night, you can come to this cafe because it is open until 11 pm.


4. Lemon8 Cafe

Lemon8 can be added to your must visit place to hang out alone or with your friends. This cafe is located in Bogor and it has a unique design because the wall is made of glass so you can see the night view even though you sit indoor. Various of Indonesian and European foods are provided here.

The most famous dish during night is toasted chicken sandwich, and no worries, it does not cost a lot so this cafe will not break your bank account. Special for Saturday Night, the customers will be spoiled by Live Music performance and BBQ party. Located in Danau Bogor Raya Street, this cafe is open 24 hours.

5. Death by Chocolate

No doubt, this cafe is specialized for customers who love chocolate. Its catchy name ‘Death by Chocolate’ may sounds creepy at first but it is actually the main attraction of this place. Besides its catchy name, the decoration inside this cafe is awesome.

The room decoration is made spooky and it is said that this cafe is the renovation of old building, those make the customers curious and attracted to visit this cafe. You need to try a chocolate brownie which has form like graveyard with a soft chocolate inside, the shape is creepy but it tastes delicious. Special for Friday or Saturday night, this cafe has spooky ghost performance show.

6. Peppino House Resto

Peppino house resto is the next place that you need to visit during night. This place provides many Italian signature dishes, the most popular dish here is pasta and classical Italian pizza with Peppino House special touch. The menu provided here is amazing so you will not feel hungry.

Besides Italian menus, you can try chicken quesadillas which is as tasty as the Italian menus. The most expensive dish here is master kobe beef tenderloin which is made of best quality kobe beef. The nighlife is getting more enjoyable because you can enjoy Live Music performance which play various music genres such as pop, classic, and even R&B. This resto is open until mid night.

7. Lusso Cafe n Resto

Lusso Cafe is placed in a small garden which has many trees with yellowish leaves. It has 2 floors and each floor has different theme; the second floor has vintage theme with modern furniture meanwhile the the customers can see an amazing Bogor scenery from the third floor.

Lusso cafe is perfect for you to hang out with friends, gather with your family, or even it can be a perfect place for a perfect date. The menu offered ais varied from pasta, pizza, fried rice, chicken noodle, etc. The garden-like cafe will soothe your mind, especially if you come to visit during night to see the beautiful lighting inside.

8. Two Stories

This place is very popular among the youngsters to hang out. Just like its name, Two Stories has two floors and it provides indoor and outdoor rooms.

The 1st floor is designed as non-smoking area meanwhile the 2nd floor is made for smoking area. The decoration itself is very interesting especially if you visit this place during night time.

You can spot a big tree which is decorated with many lights, meanwhile the wall decoration, chair and table are made of wooden materials. Located in Pajajaran Indah Raya street, this place is open from 10 am to 10 pm.

9. Bogor Water Fountain

This water fountain becomes a place where the youngsters are gathered when the week end is coming. The location of this water fountain itself is in between Jendral Sudirman and Ahmad Yani street, Bogor.

Furthermore, there are many food sellers all over this area and they are offering delicious foods with affordable price.

One of the most popular places in this area is Warung Bandrek Aer Mantjoer. You can take a look at the nightlife in Bogor while drinking a warm bandrek with your beloved ones.

10. Bogor Red Bridge

This place is considered as a nice place to enjoy the night air in Bogor. You will not find karaoke room or bar in this area but still you can enjoy the Bogor nightlife here. Just like in water fountain area, there are various foods are being sold here.

The popular one is doclang or Bogor signature dish which is made of lontong / rice which is poured by a thick peanut sauce. Besides doclang, you can also buy chicken porridge, martabak, satay, lontong sayur, and many more.

Read about Street Foods in Jakarta 


  • Yellow Trux: This cafe is using a food truck concept with an eye catchy color, yellow, just like its name. This cafe is very popular lately because the cafe offers a unique surrounding, tasty foods and affordable price.
  • The Grounds Cafe: Have you heard a drink which is placed in light bulb? This cafe has a very nice interior and it sell a drink in a unique form; the drink in light bulb glass. So this menu is suitable for you to enjoy your night.
  • Ah Poong: This Bogor’s floating market is located in Sentul City. The customers can eat their foods on the boat, imagine how unforgettable it will be if you spend your night hang out in Ah Poong while floating on the river? to enrich your knowledge about Indonesian river, read here Famous River in Indonesia
  • Warung Gumati: This is a perfect place to have a romantic date with uour couple. The couple can enjoy the Salak Mountain beauty during night. This ccafe combine Javanese and Balinese interior, you can visit this cafe until it is close in 10 pm.
  • Lemongrass: This cafe is specialized in Tiam Coffee. You can feel Balinese atmosphere in this cafe. The decoration is arranged neatly so you will enjoy a pleasant night when you visit this place.

Indonesia still has many places to be visited during night time. The places written above can be your reference if you want to eat something delicious + enjoying Bogor nightlife in the night. Do not forget to share this information with your friends!

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