
The List of 14 Reasons Why Is Komodo Island Famous : What May Interest You

It’s like a never ending story when talking about nature in Indonesia. God blessed the country with a lot of things we can see, witness, and remember. Those interesting and wonderful-looking natural attractions are some of them. Many people around the world want to see the beauty of Indonesia.

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Bali, Java, or any other island you can mention has something outstanding with them. That what makes them special than others. An example of this is the one and the only location where you can actually see the walking legends, Komodo, on the island with the same name. Komodo island also has some points of interest. And here’s the list of reasons why is Komodo Island famous.

1 – It’s where the legend live

The first and also the most obvious one in the reasons why is Komodo Island famous is because of the fact that Komodo island is the house of living dragons we can see up to this day, Komodos. Komodos are included as prehistoric animals that fortunately we can see even today. They still inhabit the island for a long time of years.

The Komodos tend to live in a dry and hot temperature island, like the Komodo island and an island located nearby called Rinca island. Those two places are the only possible places where they could continue their lives. Even though there’s news that the place will be closed down somewhere in 2020 in order to conserve their existence.

2 – Best place to learn about Komodos

As you may see, because it’s the natural habitat of Komodos and also a conservation place in one same location, you can greatly increase your knowledge about them by learning and actually seeing how they live in every single day. There are guides or Rangers who are always ready to lead the way to explore the Komodo island.

Along the road, you can also see how their natural habitat really is. The natural condition, specifications, characteristics that fit as a home for Komodos. The most interesting thing is to see the life of Komodos. Simple things like how they eat, reproduce, or even hunting their preys. It’ll be an outstanding memorable moment.

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3 – The beautiful scenery

Many people do have some reasons when visiting our beloved country. Some of them are interested in culinary, as well as in the culture. But some of them are also interested and curious to find how the home of Komodos really looks like. It’s different when you seeing only its pictures on the Internet Versus seeing it live.

If the pictures are already interesting, then the live natural scenery would be mind-blowing. Some people do use their opportunity when staying at Komodo island and Labuan Bajo to explore the place, capturing beautiful images of the exotic face of Eastern Indonesia, especially Komodo island.

4 – Islands exploring

Komodo island is not alone. It has some “friends” located nearby, and all of them are important and have their difference in characteristics. After fully exploring the Komodo island, you can also do this thing called Island Jumping to locations nearby. There are some islands you can visit around Komodo island.

First off, there’s Sumbawa island, the biggest island in West Nusa Tenggara province, and the central for administration and business. There’s also the Rinca island, the second house of Komodos. And the last one is Padar island, the location for hiking and trekking. Some fishermen also work near the location.

5 – The Water or Ocean related activities

Komodos are not the only interesting things here. All the natural attractions you could find around the location are also astonishing. For example, the hills and a mountain where you can make a camp and unite with the mother of Earth. The sea and ocean around Labuan Bajo that always have a pretty face of clearance, free from pollution and destructive items.

The people in Labuan Bajo, especially the Resorts located near Komodo Island Conservation prepared some things for tourists to enjoy. For example, they provide the canoeing sport for them who interested to see the sea closer peacefully. If you want to go faster, there are speed boats and banana boats that can pump up your adrenaline.

6 – The Undewater Heaven

Aside from enjoying the surface, you are always welcome to try to enjoy the depth of the sea by diving, or snorkeling, either one you desire. You should go snorkel if you are still new to this sort of thing, You’ll be able to train well about the methods or techniques of diving while doing so.

However, about the location, we’re gonna mention some notable diving spots which are so famous for their beauty. One location nearby is Loh Sebita, which is about 5-6 hours from the main port in Labuan Bajo. There’s also the Pink Beach, Padar Island, Loh Liang, and also a location named Loh Buaya. For the spots around Labuan Bajo, the common places to visit are Seraya, Sebayur Kecil, and Sabo-lon.

7 – It has way easier access now

The next one in the reasons why is Komodo Island famous is about the accommodation services. Seeing that so many people interested to visit Komodo island, the government and locals are joining in hands to develop the place better by providing transportation for easier access to visit nearby islands.

For example, the Minister of National Company (BUMN) provided a specialized boat to take tourists to Komodo, Rinca, and other islands nearby. At the same time, the locals also provide their boat services to take them there as well, only with more affordable price and flexible schedule.

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8 – The location is more developed than before

Other than making easier access to the islands around Labuan Bajo, they also want to change the image of this central port of Labuan Baho better by improving the building and adding some stuff to accommodate the tourists like restaurants, boat rentals, and many more. They also build some resorts as well.

Around Komodo island, you can even find the newly built resorts that have unique themes and decent services. They can provide you a nice and relaxing holiday with choices of entertainment as well.

9 – Hiking and Trekking activites

If you think that exploring the island and seeing those Komodos are the only things you can do here, you’re completely wrong because you can actually do another activity as well. If you love hiking and trekking so much, Komodo island also got you. You can hike a mountain located on Komodo island called Todo Satalibo.

Other than that, you can visit an island named Padar, which is not far from Komodo island. That island is dominated by hilly and mountainous areas, which is really nice for trekking and hiking.

10 – Wonderful Diving and Snorkeling Spots

Another reason in many reasons why is Komodo Island famous is because of the existence of those exclusive eye-opening diving spots. Many International divers visited Komodo island for exploring the underwater world it hides.  They called the spots the hidden gems of Nusa Tenggara.

The tourists have also interested those interesting spots as well, especially the closest ones like Batu Bolong, End of The World, and also GPS Point.

11 – One romantic place

Seeing that Komodo island is actually quite magical, people decided to choose Komodo island as the most romantic place they can visit in Indonesia. Some even planned to enjoy their honeymoon at Komodo island. Because of the quiet situation and how natural it looks, so many people really enjoy their stay.

Many things can be done for two, for a romantic special moment. They can hike together, canoeing together, and enjoying a calming and quiet night.

12 – The different climate, temperature, and atmosphere

For some people who live in another country, countries that might far away from Indonesia, Komodo island or this country, in general, is fascinating. Why? Because they can find something different, which is the condition. They can find that the atmosphere and temperature of a tropical country are really interesting because, for them, this is new.

13 – Seeing the world from a different angle

It’s actually related to the 12th point, which is to feel and experience something new and amazing. The world is not a tight place. It’s filled with so many different regions, each one has different characteristics from others, making it different and unique. With that, the will to explore the large world and seeing how it is from a different angle can give a memorable experience that can’t be forgotten.

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14 – Learning the culture at the traditional villages around Labuan Bajo

The last point on the reasons why is Komodo Island famous is about learning new things. It can be a culture, arts, or anything related to socio-cultural. Many people also want to know about the culture around Komodo Island or in Nusa Tenggara in general. There they could understand that there are so many things they haven’t known yet on this Earth.

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