
10 Reasons Why Learn Indonesian is Easier Than You Thought

Indonesia consists of thousands of islands with different cultures on them. Not only has different tribes, food, or even a national park in Indonesia, but also the language. There are so many languages in Indonesia since every one region has one language.

Considering the famous natural landmark in Indonesia, there are more than 700 languages in Indonesia. That is why the government decides one language as the national language in Indonesia. Since 18 August 1945, Indonesian becomes the national language for Indonesia.

From then, every Indonesian should speak Indonesian in every official event. Not only has the most delicious Indonesian soup that keeps the unity of Indonesia but so does the language. Even though speaking Indonesian is difficult for the first time, but then coming so easy to speak.

Here we have some reasons why learn Indonesian is easy. Let’s check them out!

1. Structure

Indonesian has a simple structure that you don’t have to remember much of it. As long as it has the subject and verb, the structure is complete. We know that everything we say mostly has both of them.

There is no such difficult structure such as in English that should use a certain structure. That is why is much easier to learn and remember.

2. Tenses

Indonesian has no tenses in speaking. That is why speaking Indonesian is much easier than any other language in the world. Most Indonesian love to keep speak in Indonesian because of its structure.

Some people even love to speak Indonesian than their mother language. It is easier to understand than the mother language they have to speak with other Indonesian from different regions.

3. Verbs

Indonesian has a consistent verb that never changes even though the structure becomes past, future, or present tenses. You don’t need to use the past, present, or future tense to make a simple sentence.

The verb keeps remain the same, it has no dependency on the time you whenever you talk about. That is why it is so easy to speak Indonesian that any other languages.

4. Passive and Active Voice

Indonesian has a unique active and passive voice verb. Using them are very easy that you only need to reverse them so, if you need to use the passive voice, you need to reverse the active verb on it.


The subject in Indonesian has never influenced the verb form even though it changes. For example, when you say Dia Pergi or Kamu Pergi. The verb form remains to remain the same way. But, in English, it will change as the subject you use. For example, You go and She goes.

6. Personal Pronoun

The personal pronoun in the Indonesian language will never change depending on the gender of the subject. For example, you will say Dia for both men and women. It is so different such as in English which calls She or Her for women, and He or His for men.

You don’t need to change the subject even the subject change from women to a man. The structure keeps remaining the same way so that you don’t need to remember much of words.

7. Plural Noun

The plural noun in the Indonesian language is very easy to say which you only need to repeat the words. For example, Buku-Buku, Baju-Baju, and many more. It is different from some other languages such as in English should add s alphabets such as books, clothes, and many more.

The plural noun in Indonesian is so simple to understand. You only need to put the same word to make it plural. The means remain the same and keep remain in an effective way.

8. The Alphabet

The alphabet in Indonesian use Latin words so it is very easy to remember. While you learn a new word, the alphabet doesn’t have a difficult form that you have to remember. It is so different from some other languages such as the language from Japan, Korea, China, Arabic, or even facts of Hinduism in Bali with its Sanskrit words.

Some country applies both of Latin and their unique alphabet. You need extra time to learn both of them since they are so important in making words. But, there are difficult common things to learn Indonesian with the Latin words.

9. Preposition

The Indonesian language has no preposition in every kind of sentence. It is easier to understand them while other languages have more prepositions than you imagined. Such as in English, they have a, an, and the for the preposition in some sentences as well.

On the other hand such in France, they have Le, La, Les, Un, Une, Des for the preposition in some sentences. Whether in Germany you will find the word Ich, Das, or so. All of them may look simple but to use the preposition should be following the right words on its.

10. Pronounciation

Indonesian pronunciation is consistent following the alphabet on its. That is why you don’t have any trouble saying the word. It is so different in some other languages such as English. You need to change the pronunciation as well so that becomes to have the right meaning in its words.

For some people, it is so difficult to remember when the form of the original alphabet becomes different to pronounce. But, there is no matter about such things in Indonesian when they pronounce remain the same as the original form.

So, there are 10 reasons why learning Indonesian is easier than you think. That is why every foreigner loves to learn about Indonesian than other languages. Not only visit some romantic tourist attractions in Indonesia, but also they love to learn Indonesian. So, how about you? You must be proud to be Indonesian with a simple language on it.

The Indonesian language becomes the most important thing you can use to others. Since Indonesia has a lot of tribes, the language became the unity for Indonesian.  So, let’s keep using the Indonesian in daily conversation!

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