35 Incredible Things Not to Miss in Indonesia

Indonesia is the the biggest island country in the world as it is made up of thousands of islands. The country is filled with many things for you to discover at your own pace. You’ll never run out of activities and you’ll never become bored. Here are 35 Incredible Things Not to Miss in Indonesia when you happen to be inside the country. You can do these things by yourself or tag someone along with you.

1. Eating the Traditional Food 

Definitely try out all the traditional food that Indonesia has to offer. Each region in the country has their own specialty. You don’t have to visit each places to eat the food as big cities often sell them. However, coming to the region and tasting their food will give you a more authentic experience. Try out the traditional cakes in Indonesia that are tasty as well.

2. Visiting Monas

Monas is the most popular national monument in Indonesia. It’s a tall tower with its top covered in gold. The monument was built as a reminder of Indonesia’s struggle for independence. It lies in the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. The monument is open for the public every day. At night, the monument lights up.

3. Venture the Caves

Indonesia is so full of naturally occurring structures. The best structures that tourists and locals love to explore are caves. There are some largest caves in Indonesia that are breathtaking. You can go there by signing up with a tour agency or go with the locals nearby the locations.

4. See the Waterfalls

Other than the caves, there are also plenty of waterfalls in Indonesia. Most of these waterfalls are easily reached by vehicles. However, people continue to discover new ones. They are rarely touched by humans’ presence. To see them, you have to walk long distances but they are definitely worth the effort.

5. Exceptional Spa

You have to try out the spa service in Indonesia. You can find the professional ones or the ones that are more local and personal. Most of the spa services in Indonesia offer most of these types of massage in Indonesia. So you can pick the ones that you think your body will benefit the most from. The staff are always friendly and make you feel comfortable.

6. Trying Out Street Food 

You should definitely not miss out on trying out the street food. Indonesia is famous for its wide variety of food stalls that open during the night. Some famous Indonesian street food that are popular include martabak and satay. Indonesians love both sweet and savoury martabak while they often eat satay with rice.

7. Buy Authentic Batik

Make sure to see the batik collection in Indonesia when you’re in the country. There are plenty of them sold in stores and boutique. You might be interested to buy one or more as souvenirs. Also you can join batik workshops whenever they are available.

8. Visiting the Temples

There are temples structures all over Indonesia. There’s the Borobudur one which is located in Yogyakarta. The place is full of greenery and beautiful. If you’re looking for more adventures, consider visiting the underwater temples in Bali. Dive into the water and see them with your own eyes.

9. Experience the Jakarta Night Life

Jakarta is the largest city in Indonesia so there are plenty of activities to do. Get yourself involved in some of the night activities in Jakarta. Witness how the city come alive when the sun is down. You will also have the chance to interact with the locals and experience more of Indonesia’s culture.

10. Watch Traditional Dance

If you happen to stumble upon a traditional dance performance in Indonesia, then you should watch it. Indonesia’s traditional dance often incorporates moral values, culture and heritage through the movements, stories or their costumes. Some popular dances are Reog and Tari Piring.

11. See the Festivals

Indonesia hold many kinds of festivals each year. Individual regions often make their own festivals that attract many tourists. Some of the most popular festival in Indonesia include the Bau Nyale festival where people try to catch sea worms. Other than watching the people catch the creatures, you’ll also get more knowledge about the folklore and the culture behind it.

12. Play in the Beaches

It would be disappointing to miss out the chance to visit the beaches in Indonesia. There are many of them that you can find in the country. Enjoy the tropical atmosphere in the beaches. Sink your feet in the sand, swim in the water or watch how the fishermen carry out their fishing activities. Some beaches even have people renting out their small boats. You can take a short trip around the sea with them or even go to nearby small islands.

13. Visit the Stunning Lakes 

Visit the most beautiful lake in Indonesia which will give you the experience of a lifetime. These lakes are huge with the clearest water. Besides that, the scenery around the lakes are beautiful as well. Locals and tourists love to come to the Toba and Tondano lakes. Take in the natural environment around you. Take some pictures too as a reminder of the lakes that you’ve visited in Indonesia.

14. Enjoy the Country’s Music

Music is a way to understand a country’s culture. Indonesians often hold traditional and contemporary music performances in different cities. Try to come to one of them and see what kind of music Indonesians are listening to. You will see how the youths and the older generation are united through the music.

15. Drink Delicious Coffee 

Indonesia is the place where one of the world’s famous Luwak coffee originates from. But other than that coffee, there are more delicious and popular coffee in Indonesia available in the country. You can come to coffee shops and take a heavenly sip of the drink. In case you want to get to know more about how these coffees are made, consider going to some coffee beans plantation in Indonesia.

Others (16-35)

Don’t miss out these things either as they are also important.

  • Haunted Locations: Get a rush of adrenaline by visiting Indonesia’s haunted areas.
  • Museums: See the arts, sculptures and many more cultural heritage in the museums.
  • Gamelan Orchestra: Enjoy the beautiful music from Indonesia’s various musical instruments.
  • Wayang: It’s Indonesia’s traditional shadow puppet performance.
  • Historical Buildings: Get a closer look at history by going to those places.
  • The Celebrations: Parades take place especially on Kartini’s Day.
  • Mountains: There are plenty of volcanic in Indonesia that will amaze you.
  • Traditional Houses: They are filled with history and culture.
  • Religious Buildings: Shows how diverse Indonesia is.
  • Traditional Markets: They help in maintaining Indonesia’s economy.
  • Art Gallery: See the legendary art works made by Indonesians.
  • Landmarks: Scattered all over the cities with historical values.
  • Parks: Enjoy the natural setting with Indonesians around you.
  • Zoo: Animals native to Indonesian habitat are kept there.
  • Tempeh: Eat the Indonesian fermented soybeans that is popular all over the world.
  • Public Transportations: See how Indonesians travel around their city.
  • Exotic Fruits: Eat Dragon fruits, Durians and Mangosteens right in Indonesia.
  • Traditional Drinks: Refresh yourself with delicious cendol or es teler.
  • Jamu: Don’t miss out on trying this very traditional drink with tons of health benefits.
  • Chocolate Plantations: Chocolate plantations often provide tours and a chance for you to make your own chocolate to take home.

So, those are some incredible things that you should definitely check out in Indonesia. You may not be able to experience them all in one go but Indonesia will always be a place that you can return to for more things to discover.

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