
7 Things Only You Can Find in Jogja

Jogja is also know as Yogyakarta, it is popular among Indonesia that it is an unforgettable city. While in Jogja you can have budgeted backpacker trip or even have a luxurious holiday. There are a range of places, food and moments that you can have in Jogja, let us see 7 things only you can find in Jogja.

1. Mount Merapi

Mount merapi is one of the popular active volcano in Indonesia. It has erupted in 2006 and 2010 but still remains active until today. There is a lava tour that can take you around mount merapi, it will stop at popular spot that is available around the mountain. There is the Sisa Hartaku Museum which displays items damaged by the eruption and you can get there by using the lava tour. A sunrise trek is also available for early birds and photographers. Around the Mount Merapi area you can find many tourist attraction such as the Lost World Castle, Ullen Sentalu museum, Museum Gunungapi Merapi and many more.

2. Keraton Palace

Jogja still have a monarchy system, so Keraton is the Palace that is popular in Jogja. Keraton is the home to the governor of Jogja or known as the Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family. Two entrance is available to enter Keraton, one is from Tepas Keprajuritan and the second one is from Tepas Pariwisata. Tourist can visit this palace to see the Javanese architecture, the golden ceilings and colonnaded exteriors. The fact it is a home to 25000 people, of course it has its own industries, schools and shops. T There is also a Water Castle known as Taman Sari, located next to the Keraton Palace. It has castles, pavillions and water features since it was made to be a pleasure park for the Sultan and his family. There is also an underground mosque called Sumur Gumuling and secret passages that can be found in Taman Sari.

3. Borobudur and Prambanan

A complex of Temple that can be found in Jogja is these two temples, Borobudur and Prambanan. Borobudur is one of the best temple site in Southeast Asia, even it is the largest Buddhist monument on Earth. It is a 113 foot high pyramid, with 9 levels of pyramid, 2672 carved panels and 504 Buddha statues.  The next one is Prambanan which is a UNESCO world heritage site, it was discovered by the Dutch in the 10th century. The tallest temple is towering 47 meters high and it has three biggest temples dedicated to the main Hindu Gods.

4. Ramayana Ballet

Still in Prambanan you can enjoy the next 7 things only you can find in Jogja. Ramayana ballet is a nightly show that is held in Prambanan, so stick around after walking around the temples. There are over 200 dancers and musicians performing in an open air, with the majestic Prambanan temples as the backdrop. The play is originated from India where it is a tale of King Rama and Princess Shinta but it has been adapted to the Javanese style, culture and music. When the rainy season comes the play will be held inside.

5. Twin Beringin Trees

This twin trees is located in Alun-alun Selatan Keraton, the first time you visit this place you will see it is a very busy place. One of the popular activity is to walk between these Twin Beringin Trees blindfolded, we can also say it a challange. People say that if you pass between the twin tress blindfolded or eyes closed, whatever you wish for is going to come true. Another myth is if passing these twin trees successfully then it will refuse bad things that is being addressed to one person.

6. Timang Beach

Beaches are popular attraction for the locals or the tourist, Gunungkidul Region is jam packed with wonderful beaches. Timang beach is one among other beaches that needs to be visited, it is called Timang beach for a reason. The view of this beach is exceptional with cliffs and coral stones. There is a wooden cable cart tied together on fabric rope not steel cables, you can test your adrenaline by hopping on this cart to get across to Watu Panjang Island. It is popular as a photo spot but you can also find fresh seafood nearby.

7. Kota Gede

Kota Gede is the place to discover the arts and crafts in Jogja. There are many foto spots and the popular thing from this place is the silversmith workshops. Becak and bicycles are the most common transportation to find in this area. There are Muslim houses decorated with Arabic script and carving of a crown on a colonial time houses, these shows which era the houses were from. Batik is also popular in Jogja and in Kota Gede you can do a Batik workshop, where you will learn that making Batik is tricky. As mentioned before there are many silversmith workshop in the area, you can buy right away silver souvenirs or even follow a workshop.

Visiting Jogja can be exciting since there are actually many activities to do and places to be visited. Not only enjoying the view but the culinary in Jogja is worth to try. Learning about the culture and the history can be done in this city, there will be a lot of places that can accommodate your plan. Economically you will not spend too much money in Jogja so you can plan a tight budget or just enjoy your way through Jogja. Don’t forget to make fit in your plan the 7 things only you can find in Jogja.

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