
14 Things To Buy in Jakarta – Recommended!

There are many interesting and fun things you can do while in Jakarta. The city of Jakarta is indeed the target of many people, whether it’s to find a job, find a home, vacation, see entertainment centers, and shop. So that people feel comfortable and at home in Jakarta. Besides that, in Jakarta, the center of Indonesia’s economy has a unique number of modern buildings which are the main attraction of this city. The following the best and interesting facts of Jakarta Old Town you must try.

For those of you who are aiming for Jakarta to enjoy shopping, then the following article will explain about thing to buy in Jakarta, which is definitely interesting and cheap. Consider some examples like the following:

1. Clothes

Jakarta is indeed a fashion center in Indonesia, even in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has become a variety of types and types of clothing, therefore many visitors and residents of Jakarta themselves are looking for the best quality cheap clothes.

For example in Tanah Abang and other shopping centers that offer a lot of uniqueness and attractive clothes at relatively cheap prices, you can buy a variety of clothes ranging from casual, formal, party, children and so on. Many places you can explore in Indonesia. Hence the beautiful but most expensive Japanese restaurants in Jakarta.

2. Electronic

The next to buy in Jakarta is electronic goods such as televisions, cassettes, DVDs, washing machines, refrigerators, and so on. In addition to the many choices, the price is also relatively cheaper compared to buying it in the area or village.

In addition, the price of goods in the store can still be negotiated according to the normal limit rate, you can buy the item at a sales center that is widely available in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Guaranteed you will be satisfied and come back again to buy other electronic items.

3. Gadget

In Jakarta, you can also buy various types and types of new and used gadgets. All can be purchased at affordable prices, there are several grocery stores and gadget sales centers such as Glodok, Mangga Dua, Roxy, and several other sales centers.

You can find the choice of gadgets from various brands and the best quality, just prepare the funds that will be spent on your favorite gadget. So you can buy at any time while you are in Jakarta. The best and 15 highly standardized and most expensive International Schools in Jakarta.

4. Shoes

One of the things to buy in Jakarta is shoes, many shoes with famous brands and different types. There are also shoes with original quality levels until the imitation is also available, cotton shoes to leather shoes you can buy. The price of shoes that can be purchased starting from the price of hundreds to millions, many outlets and shoe stores offer affordable prices.

In Jakarta, there are many shoe stores, especially in the Mall, offering certain discounts at certain times as well as for cheap shoes, so we should start looking for shoes that we are looking for at certain moments.

5. Accessories

Apart from this, in Jakarta also offers a variety of knick-knacks such as accessories, jewelry, wedding souvenirs and so on. You can get it all in various accessories centers such as Pasar Senen, Jatinegara market, and so on. In these markets the price of accessories is very affordable and the choice of various types.

Guaranteed you will feel satisfied and confused about which form to choose because it is very beautiful and also interesting. You can visit and shop at the most luxurious Malls in Jakarta.

6. Merchandise

In Jakarta, you can also find many other unique and interesting merchandise, for example, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and so on.

Merchandise that is needed for those who want to resell the customer, can be through a direct store or sold using social media and the internet. These merchandises are valued at affordable prices and many choices can be bought or resold.

7. Bags

The next thing to buy in Jakarta that you can buy is a bag. Many unique and attractive bags that can be bought at fairly cheap prices, many bag selling centers in various stores in Jakarta.

You just choose and determine which is the best and if you buy it in a traditional shop, the price can be negotiable, but if you buy it at a large mall, the price is no longer negotiable. You can try and visit the best cultural tourism in Jakarta, so fascinating.

8. Foods and Beverages

One interesting fact that you can buy in Jakarta besides objects and goods is culinary. You can taste culinary with a variety of flavors, shapes, and prices.

Whether it can be packaged or directly purchased for food. Surely you should not miss feeling the sensation of delicious and fresh food and drinks. You can also try to do packaged food and beverage businesses that can be resold directly or online.

9. Books

For you book lovers, your choice is not wrong to come to Jakarta. There are many choices of books with various titles and also cheap prices.

You can get cheap books or new books, examples of locations that you can make cheap book locations, namely the Kwitang market. You can try to explore it with friends or relatives. Here there are the best street shopping in Jakarta that you must visit and see.

10. Toys

Well, you like toys, both in mini and large sizes, so here’s the thing to buy in Jakarta. For example in the Gembrong market, Senen market and so on, there are many types and prices that you can buy. If you are a toy collector then you should try to buy in various forms according to your wishes.


Aside from the thing to buy in Jakarta above, here are some other things you can get as well in Jakarta:

  • You can buy cheap watches in Jakarta, there are various imitation or imitation watches, there are also genuine watches with low prices. All can be obtained at the sales center such as at the Senen market. So if you are interested, just hunt for your favorite hour.
  • For you women who like a variety of cosmetics, then you can buy it in Jakarta. A variety of cosmetics and also the prices offered are quite affordable but don’t be fooled by counterfeit goods, check and find out before you buy them. The wonderful and the interesting facts of Jakarta city, Indonesia.
  • Then you can also buy household items at low prices. For example plates, spoons, dishes and so on, in Jakarta there are many sales centers for these items. And certainly, the price offered is quite cheap according to the type of item you want.
  • The next to buy in Jakarta is jewelry. For those of you who like to collect a variety of jewelry, so in Jakarta many types of jewelry, ranging from jewelry stones, silver, imitation and original, of course, the price also varies according to the item you want to buy. Make sure you buy jewelry that is good and can be resold, and be careful of fraud.

Such are some explanations about thing to buy in Jakarta, hopefully, you will become your recommendation and choice while in Jakarta.


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