Socio Cultural

8 Safest Tips for Solo Travel in Bali

Are you a solo traveler and having a plan to travel to Bali, Indonesia? Exploring Bali island can be more challenging if you travel alone. You will get so many new experiences that you can’t imagine before.

Bali is a province in Indonesia that covers the whole of Bali island. There is so much beauty in traditions, custom cultures, and natures. As a solo traveler, you may need more preparation to explore the island.

The whole island of Bali has a unique tradition and natural wonder of Indonesia that is worth visiting. If you are a solo traveler who needs a safe trip, here we have some tips that are helpful to accompany your travel time. Check out below!

1. Offline or Online Taxi?

First of all, you may be wondering how you could explore the island alone when visiting Bali. That makes sense for you to take the right accommodation.

Think carefully from the start once you arriving in Bali at the airport. It is better to browse more on the internet to get some tips for visiting Indonesia for the first time.

How do get to the hotel from the airport? Taxi may be one of the best answers. You may aware that so many articles suggest you choose a Bluebird taxi. But if you are a foreigner, it will be difficult to conclude the right Bluebird with the fake one.

Download the Bluebird App, or another transportation Apps will help you. Rather than gambling to take an offline taxi at the airport, choose the one line by an App can be more helpful for you.

2. Rent a Scooter or a Tour Guide?

Having your private accommodation is better if you are like your own travel. But, you need to know how to read a map as well. Download the offline map can be helpful for you. That will take a minimum risk of getting lost in Bali.

There are so many rent scooter services in Bali even at the hotel or hostel you stay. Just ask the receptionist if they have an available scooter to rent. The fare is pretty affordable, which commonly starts from US$5 for a day.

If you choosing to explore the city or the whole island with a tour guide, you will get a comfortable way to travel. At least you will not be getting lost but sometimes it takes a higher rate for the price to a company you.

3. Hostel or Hotel?

If you are an extrovert who loves to interact with new people, then the hostel is the right choice. The hostel is the best way to meet new people from all around the world. You can even do sharing a room so you can save your budget for other things.

Another way, the hotel can be the right choice for your introvert side. It’s more private, and you can own the room for yourself only. There will be no one disturbing your rest time. Some hotels can be more pricey, but the choice is still yours.

4. Be aware of Scammers

Bali is well known for being one of the safest places in the world for solo travelers. But, it doesn’t make you become off guard of your belonging. Whether in a hotel or at a public place, you need to be careful of thieves.

Scammers can come in so many ways in Bali. It can attack you in no time while you try to pick a taxi, rent a scooter, or even change your money into Indonesian currency. So, keep your guard whenever you are.

5. Crowded or Quiet Place?

As for stay in Bali, the solo traveler needs to choose the hotel, hostel, or villa in a crowded place. Some of them can be safer for staying. Just remember to keep your guard on to avoid some thieves approach you.

The quiet area is a must to avoid for the solo traveler because you have no idea to crying some help if you need it the most in a quiet place. It can be difficult to handle too if something bad happens to you while no one is around.

6. Itinerary

Making your itinerary is important to do while you are traveling in Bali alone. Do some research on what month you will go. Some specific months during the dry season from July to August the island can be so crowded more than you think.

Some popular places such as Kuta beach or Seminyak will always crowd no matter what the season is. Visiting some popular villages in Indonesia to visit and exploring another beach can be a new experience for you which can make a good memory for your itinerary.

7. Knows the Nyepi Day

Nyepi day is the annual holy day for Hinduism in Bali, which happens once a year Commonly, it happens during March, but the date changes every year. During Nyepi Day, every business is shut on the entire island.

So, if you are planning to visit Bali in March, better consider Nyepi Day first which can’t be one of the best times to visit Bali throughout the year. The hotel closes on that day and the tourism visit,  airport, and other businesses as well.

8. Avoid Sampling Arak

Arak is a kind of Balinese local moonshine as one of the types of traditional alcoholic drinks in Indonesia. Most of them have a stronger taste of alcohol than you think. If you are a solo traveler in Bali, is it better to avoid this kind of drink for your good?

Don’t get me wrong, but just choose from reputable bars if you want to try some Balinese alcohol drinks.

So, there are some tips for solo travel in Bali for your safety. Most of them are helpful enough for both women or men solo travelers. Are you ready to explore Bali island now?

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