
9 Traditional Dances from Jakarta That Will Brighten Your Day

As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta becomes the most beautiful city in Indonesia which has wonderful cultures that so unique and vulnerable. The culture is a reflection of local privileges that comes from the Betawi tribe. As the original tribe from Jakarta, the tribe has brought their local culture.

Even though most people that living in Jakarta come from all around Indonesia, but it doesn’t mean that their original tribe is extinct. Jakarta keeps their tradition such as their traditional instruments, traditional clothes, traditional house, and traditional dances.

Speaking of traditional dances, Jakarta has so many traditional dances that you should know. Most of them can make your day brighter than you thought. Here we have some of them. Let’s check them out!

1. Lenggang Nyai

Lenggang Nyai is one of the traditional dances from Jakarta. It originally comes from the Betawi tribe which has a beautiful story behind the dance. The name of Lenggang Nyai comes from Betawinese women call as Nyai Dasimah.

Lenggang Nyai

The story begins when Nyai Dasimah is confused to decide which one of the men that she should marry between Betawinese man or Dutchman. She finally took the Dutchman even though for a while she felt not happy in her marriage.

The dance describes Nyai Dasimah’s life on the way to reach her freedom. That is why this dance should do with Betawi traditional clothes which have a red and green color.

2. Zapin Betawi

Zapin Betawi has a unique dance that has educational motives in every movement. This dance is a great combination of Arabian cultures and Melayu cultures as the campaign of spreading Islam as religion such as some traditional dances from Aceh.

Zapin Betawi

Zapin Betawi’s dancer wears the traditional clothes from Betawi but should be wearing a hijab in their head. It is different from other traditional dances in Jakarta because the purpose is for Da’wah. This dance followed by the Gambus and Marwas traditional music from Betawi.

3. Cokek

Cokek is a traditional dance from Betawi which followed by Gambang Kromong as Betawi’s traditional music. This dance has a unique dance where the dancer should wear hard makeup in Betawinese Kebaya’s traditional clothes. But it is so cool to see as long as you don’t dance in the historical temple in Jakarta.


Not only that, in the middle of the dance, one dancer also put the shawl to the audience. The one to be chosen from the dancer should not avoid her and come to the dance floor.

4. Yapong

Usually, you will see the Yapong dance at the Jakarta festival once a year every birthday of Jakarta. This dance claim was existed since 1975 whose build by Bagong Kusudiardjo. This dance was so popular since then so that it became a tradition.


Yapong dance commonly followed by some traditional music instruments such as Hadroh and traditional tambourines from Betawi. It has a piece of unique music that only plays by Betawinese.

5. Topeng Betawi

Topeng Betawi is a unique dance from Jakarta where dancers using the mask or Topeng while they dancing. The mask has to be made by Betawinese as their local traditional mask. They wear Betawi traditional clothes completes with its unique heat.

Topeng Betawi

Topeng Betawi describes Betawinese daily life that represents in the dance and drama. That is why people love to see this dance performances moreover when the drama is nearly related to their life.

Commonly, you can see Topeng Betawi dance at some wedding events or other traditional events in Jakarta. Followed by some traditional music such as the big Goong and traditional tambourines, make this dance more cheerful to enjoy.

6. Sirih Kuning

Sirih Kuning dance performs with Betawi traditional clothes in a yellow or Kuning color for women. For the man that followed them, they are wearing purple ones. This dance has a unique culture where dancers eat the Sirih Dare.

Sirih Kuning

Commonly, Sirih Dare should be eaten by the wedding couple. Not the bride or the groom should not avoid eating them all. Usually, this dance performs with a combination of the Cokek dance. That is why the music that following them is so cheerful with some tambourines behind.

7. Lambang Sari

Lambang Sari is a traditional dance from Jakarta which represents the happiness of parenting. People believe that this dance inspired by Bapak Jantuk from Betawi while he kept parenting his son.

Lambang Sari

Lembang Sari has a beautiful movement that you want to follow it. The music comes in a traditional way using some traditional tambourines and Kromong music.

8. Blantek

Blantek dance has the most cheerful dances in Jakarta because it is music. This dance will be followed by a piece of loud traditional music as they represent to welcoming the Blantek festival. A happy and cheerful shown in every movement of this dance.


As time goes by, Blantek dance becomes the dance that specifically uses for greeting in some official events or some festivals at some famous market in Jakarta.

9. Blenggo

Blenggo dance is one of Jakarta’s traditional dances which plays by some men. This dance represents the Silat Betawi on every movement of the whole dancing. Every movement plays with a slower move but has a beautiful performance.


Blenggo dance divided into two kinds of dances which depend on the music that follows them. There are Blenggo Ajeng which followed by Balinese Gamelan traditional music, and Blenggo Rebana which plays by tambourines.

So, there are 9 traditional dances from Jakarta that will make your day brighter. Most of them bring a happy vibe. That is why you will never forget but want to come back and enjoy every little thing about their performances. This activity is perfect for you when you spend three days in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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