
15 Useful Tips When You Spend Three Days in Jakarta Indonesia

There are many needs that can be done in the city of Jakarta, it can be for vacation reasons, seminars, gatherings, or other things. Jakarta is a busy, crowded city and is also the center of Indonesia’s economy. For those of you who are traveling to Jakarta for this purpose, and only stay in a few days. Then there is no need to be confused because automatically you already have careful preparation. The unique Café in Jakarta with a wonderful design.

There are many interesting things you can do in Jakarta. To find out what’s fun and useful tips when you spend three days in Jakarta Indonesia. The following is an example and also the explanation below:

1. Prepare life necessities while in Jakarta

When you decide to take a long vacation in Jakarta, the main thing that must be prioritized is the necessities of life there. Indeed, in Jakarta there are many needs such as food, clothing, etc., so you don’t need to be afraid of losing or feeling insufficient. Only notes and a list of needs are needed, which you can buy in Jakarta, you don’t need to carry. Because in addition to saving luggage, the burden of your luggage will not be too heavy. So as much as possible bring only the main needs that are enough for 3 days in Jakarta. The important tips to spend for only $300 in Jakarta effective and easy.

2. Determine the purpose of going to Jakarta

Before you go to Jakarta for any of these things, determine in advance what is the purpose of going there. Is it for a vacation, or is it work, gathering or wants to stay in a few days. Because if you decide to stay for a while time, then there are many activities that can be done to fill your rest time. One of them is about interesting and memorable tourist attractions you can try. So that as long as you are there you will feel satisfaction and lose your curiosity to know about the city of Jakarta.

3. Make a list of activities carried out while in Jakarta

Next is useful tips when you spend three days in Jakarta Indonesia, that is, make a list of activities. This is to avoid you being confused and tired when you stay in Jakarta. Learn what you are interested in and enjoy the activities there. With a list of activities, you will more easily carry out regular, disciplined and well-scheduled activities. At the very least, you can feel a regular life, time to go for a walk, rest time, meal time, and so on. The best you must visit restaurants in Jakarta with a unique theme.

4. Choose the type of transportation that is suitable and cheap

It is impossible when you are in Jakarta, you must be confused about which transportation to use. Before you choose the type of transportation, find out first which location you will choose. If the distance is near you can walk, for long distances you can rent a vehicle such as a motorbike or a car. There are several types of modern transportation in Jakarta, such as conventional taxis, taxis online, MRT, train or public transportation. According to you that is comfortable and affordable, that is the choice you can use. If you want to avoid traffic jams, then you can use a two-wheeled motorbike.

5. Choose an affordable and inexpensive lodging place

If you live in Jakarta for the next few days, it would be nice to make a detailed budget or fund. Surely you will need not a small amount of money, if you choose a backpacker style, then you have to specify cheap costs in accordance with the funds.

Different if you want to enjoy luxury facilities, of course, no matter how much the cost is a problem. Determine the accommodation according to your needs, starting from the funds, location, facilities, and comfort. Do not let you feel disappointed with the facility you had before. The top you must visit places in Jakarta during weekend.

6. Find out about interesting things in Jakarta

Useful tips when you spend three days in Jakarta Indonesia are interesting activities and moment. It’s not wrong if you are in Jakarta to find out about many interesting things there. You can find out through the internet, friend references, advertisements and so on about many things that make you interested in the city of Jakarta. Jakarta has attracted many people whether it’s because of tourist attractions, food, its citizens, its history and many others. After you find that interesting thing, then you definitely don’t want to go home soon and still feel the beautiful impression as long as you stay in Jakarta.

7. Relaxation in an interesting place

You can do is enjoy many interesting vacation spots in Jakarta, such as Monas, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, DuFan, Ancol, and so on. After you know and determine which location is interesting, then you can enjoy it all day. You can feel the excitement, excitement while on vacation at the place. You can capture your excitement through photos, Facebook, Instagram and so on. Because through social media you also share recommendations on interesting places in Jakarta. The hectic places to avoid in Jakarta that you should know.

8. Enjoy cool and fun hangouts in Jakarta

In Jakarta, there are also lots of fun hangouts and gatherings. You can find new relationships, exchange ideas, add new insights. What is certain is that your mind can become open to the new atmosphere in Jakarta. Maybe you can find many of the same places, but not necessarily in Bandung because hangouts are different from other places. Therefore, be sure to get together with the right people to make the atmosphere more enjoyable. This city 24 hours never stops its activities, so it’s always crowded and crowded due to traffic jams.

9. Enjoy the tasty delicacies in Jakarta

Next useful tips when you spend three days in Jakarta Indonesia are culinary. There are many types of foods in Jakarta that are famous like Soto Betawi, Kerak Telor, Martabak, nasi uduk, asinan Betawi, and so on. You will definitely be addicted to it, so make sure you try the special types of food served in Jakarta. You can also make it as – by after you spend time on vacation here. And is known for its culinary delights, so don’t be afraid to run out of food when you’re hungry. If you live in the city center, almost 24 hours of food is available in various places. Hence the top 12 best family vacation in Jakarta.

10. Shop till you drop at cheap locations and markets

You can find and shop for needs such as clothes, personal equipment, and so on at low prices in Jakarta. You can walk around the Tanah Abang, ITC Mangga Dua, Pasar Senen and many more. They are a market and various other locations that you can know before. If you want to try several Malls, there are many famous and high-quality lines. So just choose which one you think is best and according to the needs you are looking for. Jakarta is the one as a shopping paradise, both for local and foreign visitors. And it has become famous throughout Indonesia.

Next, the explanation about useful tips when you spend three days in Jakarta Indonesia is as below:

  • In Jakarta, it is known as the most jammed city in Indonesia, so if you want to take a walk or travel then find the right time so you don’t get stuck or use a motorized fleet.
  • When you are in Jakarta you should be more vigilant, because the crime rate is quite high. Avoid roads that are quiet and dark at night, if necessary bring friends or friends to accompany you while in Jakarta. The best natural places in Jakarta Indonesia you can enjoy.
  • Enjoying the beauty of Jakarta at night, there are several spot locations in Jakarta that offer interesting night scenes to see. If you are a night tour lover, you should try and be obliged to make an agenda for these activities.
  • Don’t forget to bring important equipment such as ID cards, drivers’ licenses, and other documents. Because the document is needed at any time, it’s better to complete it than unpleasant events happen to you.
  • Take care of the cleanliness of the environment wherever you are, because in Jakarta the discipline of disposing of garbage in place. Be wise in behaving and maintaining cleanliness in people’s cities. The following are the famous places to visit in Jakarta Indonesia.

Those are many examples of useful tips you can do when you spend three days in Jakarta Indonesia. Hopefully, they will be useful and make you enjoy your trip more.

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