
9 Traditional Dances From Jambi That Will Mesmerize You

Jambi province is located in the center of Sumatera island as one of the 5 largest islands in Indonesia. Jambi consists of more than 80% Muslims that come from Melayu, Kerinci, Chinese, and other tribes. Jambi with the Kerinci national park becomes one of the world heritage sites in Indonesia has so many traditional cultures.

Just like other regions in Indonesia, Jambi keeps preserving their traditional cultures as part of  Jambi’s custom tradition. They have some traditional clothes, music, dance, and many more.

This time, we have some glances about traditional dances from Jambi that you should know. Most of them come from the original tribes in Jambi and still exist until now. Let’s check them out!

1. Sekapur Sirih Dance

Sekapur Sirih dance is one of the most popular traditional dances from Jambi. This dance is typical with the Persembahan dance in most traditional dances from North Sumatra and Sumatra island generally. This dance purposedly plays for welcoming guests in some important events.

Sekapur Sirih Dance

Sekapur Sirih dance usually plays by two men and nine women. The men will bring the umbrella, Keris, and Cerano that fulfill the betel leaf. People believe that this dance was found by Firdaus Chatap in Jambi in 1962. Jambinesse keep plays this dance in some important ceremonials.

2. Rentak Besapih Dance

Rentak Besapih dance is one of the traditional dances that come from Jambi. People believe that this dance is very close to the Jambi historical dance as it has shown the close relationship between one and each other in Jambi society.

Tari Rentak Besapih

Every movement in Rentak Besapih dance shown the step by step of the tribes that unite in one Jambi’s culture. It plays by both men and women in more than eight dancers.

3. Kubu Dance

Kubu dance is one of the most popular traditional dances from Jambi that comes from Kubu tribes. This dance usually plays by more than 5 dancers and they wear Kubu traditional clothes. The dance looks like the mad bamboo of Maluku with the shaman lead the dance.

Kubu Dance

Jambinese believe that Kubu dance is purposed plays to the healing process for someone. That is why this dance has the most sacred dance in Jambi. During the dance, the one who will be healed by the shaman will be lifted by every dancer and people will follow the spell from the shaman.

4. Kisan Dance

Kisan dance is one of the traditional dances from Jambi that comes from the Sarolangun, Bangko regency. The dance tells us about the process of the rice field becomes rice that can be the most delicious staple food in Indonesia.

Kisan Dance

Commonly, Kisan dance plays by the youth generation and mostly girls with more than five dancers. They will wear Jambi’s traditional clothes in green and orange combination color.

5. Nitih Naik Mahligai Dance

Nitih Naik Mahligai dance is one of the traditional dances from Jambi that originally comes from the Kerinci tribe. This dance becomes the part of Asik dances as one of the most sacred dances in Jambi. Asik dance is a type of ceremonial dance that is related to the worship of ancestral spirits.

Nitik Mahligai Dance

Nitih Naik Mahligai dance used to plays for the coronation of the king in Jambi. Nowadays, this dance specifically plays for welcoming guest in some important events for government sectors only.

6. Tauh Dance

Tauh dance is one of the traditional dances from Jambi that originally comes from Rantau Pandan village, Bungo regency. This dance will tell us about the story of youth relationships in Jambi. You can find this dance on some occasions such as welcoming the king, Berelek Gedang, and Beselang Gedang festivals.

Tari Tauh

During the Tauh dance, the dancer will play some Pantun or short poem. They will wear Jambi’s traditional clothes in red and yellow combination colors. This dance will follow by some of Jambi’s traditional music instruments such as wooden Kelintang, Gong, Gendang, and the specific violin to play the Krinok.

7. Selampit Delapan Dance

Selampit Delapan dance is one of the popular dances from Jambi that usually plays by the youth generation. This dance will show us that in daily life we are connected with others and building a family relationship in every situation.

Selampit Delapan Dance

Selampit Delapan dances usually play by eight dancers with eight shawls that connected each other. This dance was found by M Ceylon the dance choreographer that comes from Padang Sidempuan. That is why this dance has colorful movements and colorful Jambi’s traditional dresses.

8. Rantak Kudo Dance

Rantak Kudo dance is one of the traditional dances from Jambi that originally comes from the Kerinci tribes in Hamparan Besar Tanah Rawang, Sungaipenuh regency. This dance used to becomes one of the most sacred dances to welcoming the harvest seasons.

Rantak Kudo Dance

Nowadays, people in Jambi use the Rantak Kudo dance for their worship of God while they got difficult and long dry season. Commonly this dance plays by both men and women in Jambi’s traditional clothes in blue and red color.

9. Rangguk Dance

Rangguk dances is one the most popular traditional dances from Jambi as the main dance in Kerinci tribes.this dance used to plays as the means for spreading the da’wah in Islamic regions. That is why this dance fulfilled with the Arabian vibe.

Rangguk Dance

As time goes by, Rangguk dance plays in Kerinci lake festivals that are held every year in Jambi. This dance plays for entertainment only and sometimes plays in welcoming guest ceremony.

So, there are some glances about traditional dances from Jambi that you should know as the famous culture in Indonesia. Most of them still exist until now, and you can find them on most occasions such as festivals or wedding ceremonies as part of entertaining guests.

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