Food and Beverage

8 Delicious Types of Indonesian Soto

Soto becomes one of the most popular soups in Indonesia that is worth tasting. It has a delicious taste of Indonesian recipes that contains some traditional Indonesian herbs and spices.

Soto becomes one of the Indonesian main courses that love the most by Indonesian. It is perfect to consume whether for breakfast or lunch in some Indonesian regions. The richest of herbs and spices of it will not only makes your body warmer but also fulfill your stomach as well.

Speaking of Soto, here we have some of the delicious types of Indonesian Soto that exist in Indonesia. Let’s check them out below!

1. Soto Betawi

Soto Betawi becomes one of the most popular types of Soto in Indonesia. It comes from the Betawi tribes in Jakarta, which exist many years ago as one of the most popular Betawinese cuisines. It contains coconut milk and sometimes fresh milk in the soup.

Soto Betawi commonly uses clove as the main ingredient of Indonesian spices. It brings a stronger taste of Indonesian herbs that makes the taste is so delicious. Moreover, it combines with beef, type of cow’s lunge beef, tomatoes, potatoes, and prawn crackers of Emping.

2. Soto Kudus

Soto Kudus becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian Soto decades ago as an Indonesian famous main dish. It comes from Kudus, Central Java, which brings the authentic taste of Javanese traditional food.

Soto Kudus contains meat broth that mixes with beef, sprouts bean, cabbage, onion fried, and celery. This type of Soto becomes so famous with its serving package that uses a small bowl that looks similar to a traditional Chinese bowl.

Soto Kudus tastes so delicious with a combination of savory tastes. It is perfect to consume during breakfast with one amount serving bowl in a row.

3. Soto Lamongan

Soto Lamongan becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian Soto. It comes from Lamongan, East Java which represents the taste of East Javanese traditional food. It tastes a bit more savory compared to other types of Soto in Indonesia.

Soto Lamongan contains Koya spices made from the prawn of Lamongan shrimps that are smashed properly. It gives the savory taste on the Soto with the richest taste of seafood soup. Moreover, it mixes with rice, half of boiled egg, sprouts, and cabbages.

4. Soto Banjar

Soto Banjar becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian Soto that comes to Banjar, South Borneo (Kalimantan Selatan). It contains glass noodles, Ketupat, chicken shredded, a half-boiled egg, mashed potato, fried onion, and celeries.

Soto Banjar has a savory taste from the chicken broth soup. It mixes with fresh lime that making it more delicious to taste. It is commonly consumed for breakfast or lunch in most Indonesian regions.

5. Soto Lenthok

Soto Lenthok becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian Soto in Yogyakarta as the most famous Yogyakarta street food. It looks similar to common Soto in most Javanese traditional food but has the smash of cassava on the top.

Soto Lenthok has a savory taste from the chicken broth that mixes with chicken shredded, cabbages, tomatoes, sprouts, celeries, and fried onion. It is always served with rice, fresh lime, and juicy Indonesian hot chili peppers.

Soto Lenthok commonly uses a little bit of turmeric that makes the soup a bit yellow. It gives a different taste of Javanese soup that combines with chicken broth.

6. Soto Sokaraja

Soto Sokaraja becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesia from time to time. It comes from Banyumas, Central Java which brings the local cuisine taste of Banyumas traditional food.

Soto Sokaraja commonly contains colorful prawn crackers, chicken shredded, glass noodles, and fried onion. It is commonly served with Ketupat as one of the most popular Indonesian staple food.

Soto Sokaraja has a fresh and savory taste which comes from the chicken broth inside the soup. Some areas in Banyumas use some turmeric and juicy peanut sauce that makes it more special and delicious to taste.

7. Coto Makassar

Coto Makassar becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian Soto from time to time. It comes from the Bugis tribe, Makassar, which represents the richest taste of Makassar traditional cuisines.

Coto Makassar commonly uses the broth of beef with some Indonesian spices and Tajin water from the rinsing of the clean rice. It contains beef, peanut, sprouts, and fried onions.

Coto Makassar is served with Buras or Makasar’s Ketupat and fresh lime. Some people love to consume it with juicy Indonesian local chili pepper that makes it more delicious. Moreover, it uses 40 types of Indonesian herbs and spices.

8. Soto Medan

Soto Medan becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian Soto on Sumatra Island. It contains a yellow soup made from chicken broth and turmeric. The taste of turmeric is so strong that makes your body a bit warmer once you consume it.

Soto Medan commonly contains chicken shredded, fried onions, half of the boiled egg, mashed potatoes, sprouts bean, and celeries. It tastes a bit savory from the turmeric that mixes properly with lemongrass, bay leaf, and galangal.

Soto Medan is perfect to consume for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It serves rice just like common Indonesian Soto. The rich taste of Indonesian herbs makes it popular among Indonesian from time to time.

So, there are some of the most popular and delicious types of Indonesian Soto from time to time. Most of them are exist in most Indonesian regions, which brings the richest of traditional Indonesian cuisine. Have you ever tasted them all? Which one is your favorite?

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