
15 Different Types of Police in Indonesia

The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia is the National Police, which is a unity responsible in upholding the security and order of society, upholding the law, and providing protection, protection, and service to the public in order to maintain domestic security.

Due to the extremely heavy police duties, the Indonesian Police are divided into sections or divisions based on their duties. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see so many types of police in Indonesia. These are the types of Police in Indonesia you have to know.

  1. Samapta Bhayangkara

Samapta’s principal task is to carry out the function of the police preventive duty on violation of law and the disruption of Kamtibmas with the activities of guarding, controlling and patrolling with its main targets.

Samapta, is a police function that carries out general Police duties such as patrols, headquarters maintenance, detention custody, vital objects maintenance (Banks, Railways, Ambassadors, etc.), receipts and reports of loss letters, etc. The police uniform we often see is gray. This uniform is called the Sabhara uniform whose length is Samapta Bhayangkara.

  1. Traffic Policeman

Traffic policemen are a function that many people already know, perhaps even have many distinctive nicknames by Public Relations Partners. When you get caught do not wear a helmet, or your brake light is dead. This type of police is responsible for the smoothness, orderliness, and safety of motorists on the road / public.

The distinctive features of this division are white couplings, white headgear or helmets, and white rope bands. Satlantas policemen charged with building traffic include care, arrangement, patrol, escort, and all matters relating to vehicles and traffic.

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  1. Brimob

Brigade Mobil or often abbreviated Brimob is the oldest (corps) unit within the Police of the Republic of Indonesia (POLRI) since initiating the formation of Indonesian police in 1945. The corps is known as the Blue Baret Corps. Brimob includes an elite unit within the ranks of the Polri union, Brimob also belonged to a paramilitary unit reviewed from the responsibilities and scope of police duties.

The task of Brimob is to overcome emergencies, to provide assistance to regional police and to handle high levels of crimes such as criminals who use firearms or bombs when performing their actions. In addition to this uniform, Brimob also has a black uniform that you can see in the earliest picture in this article.

  1. Pamong Praja (Satpol PP)

Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja abbreviated as Satpol PP, is the element of the Regional Government in maintaining public order and upholding Regional Regulations. Organizational and work arrangements of the Military Police Unit are set by Regional Regulation. It is the police who are in charge of curb street vendors, beggars, homeless, or pengamen who disturb the beauty of the city.

Satpol PP can be domiciled in the Province and Regency / City Regions.  In the Provincial District, the Military Police Unit is headed by the Head that is below and is responsible to the Governor through the Regional Secretary.

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  1. Inteligence

Intel, this function is the eyes and ears of the police institution. They hear and see all the symptoms and grievances of the people ranging from rising kerosene prices, to the smallest possible terrorist explosions at explosives. They produce reports of information that will later be routed to the relevant functions to muffle so as not to increase into factual / real threats.

This type of police never wears uniforms while working. This is because most of their tasks are to disguise and spy on. So they have never been seen wearing uniforms. Intel is usually working together or incorporated in the Agency of State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

  1. Resrkrim (Criminal Investigation)

The Reskrim task is to carry out all efforts, activities and work in respect of the implementation of the police’s reserse function in the course of criminal investigation, including the general offense, special criminal offense, corruption offense, drug offense, certain offenses and as a Criminal Information Center National (Pusiknas).

The police function of this section will work if there has been a criminal act. They are tasked with collecting evidence, aimed at revealing cases that have occurred from start to finish. After the evidence is collected, they arrest the suspect, then together with the evidence collected, handed over to the Prosecutor General.

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  1. DVI

DVI stands for Disaster Victim Identification. This division is tasked with identifying victims from a disaster. This division is called when the victim has not been able to recognize the shape of the alias destroyed. People in this division usually have forensic backgrounds, doctors, anatomy, and so on.

The DVI team consists of forensic, dentists, anthropologists, policemen, photography, and some from the community as well. His job was to identify the victim. DVI is a predetermined procedure for identifying victims (dies) scientifically in an incident or mass disaster by the INTERPOL Protocol.

  1. Puslabfor (Forensic)

Puslabfor is the police officer in the investigation of the crime scene (case scene). It is the division that collects evidence which will later be used for further investigation. Special uniform for this division is black shirt with hat and vest. The Center for Forensic Laboratory (Puslabfor) is a working unit under Bareskrim Headquarters Police as a technical assistance investigator in the investigation and criminal investigation.

Inside Puslabfor there is also inafis. Inafis is a police officer in charge of fingerprint identification. In the interest of criminal disclosure, the purpose of involving Inafis is to secure fingerprints attached to the crime scene (TKP). In the event of a natural disaster, Inafis is required to identify a victim without identity or whose face is unrecognizable.

  1. Military Police

Military Police is often abbreviated by the PM or “POM”. They are policemen from military organizations in charge of maintaining disciplinary maintenance, discipline, law and order in a country’s military environment in support of the basic military duty to uphold the sovereignty of the State.

Military police in Indonesia served as law enforcement, special protected areas, disciplinary / discipline enforcement, and criminal investigators at military institutions or the Indonesian National Army. In the course of certain tasks such as criminal / criminal investigations, the military police also work with the Indonesian National Police if the case involves civilians.

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OTHERS (10-13)

  1. Shoe policeman: This division usually works when car free day is held on the Sudirman-Bundaran HI road, Jakarta. It’s fun to use wheels.
  2. Water / air police: They use blue uniforms. In accordance with its name, the police are in charge of securing Indonesia’s territory from water that is sea and from the air.
  3. Touristmpolice: Policemen who use chocolate uniforms, red and cycling uniforms are usually in a tourism division that serves to secure situations in tourist attractions, and provide services to tourists.
  4. Binmas: This type of police approached the public relations function, which is to concentrate on the active dissemination of police information that links between the Police and the community.
  5. Beach police: Because of its location on the beach, beach policemen have a more casual uniform alias relaxed than police from other divisions.
  6. Forest Police: The jungle police officer is in charge of securing forest from hunters or illegal timber thieves. Normally, forest policemen are dressed in green to avoid the target.

After reading those types of police, now you can conclude that there are many kinds of police in Indonesia with their different duties. How is the police system in your country? Does it also have many types?

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