
10 Facts about Indonesian Government – 2014-2019 Periods

The Indonesian government is divided into several periods. Each period of government, of course, has a different policy. In the Indonesian government especially the period 2014-2019, not much changed from the previous government leadership (2009-2014). In this period, for the seventh time Indonesia has a new president (Ir Joko Widodo).

Then of course the cabinet system, ministries, parliament, and cabinet are different. It could be said there are also some significant changes in Indonesian government. The following are the facts of Indonesian government for 2014-2019 periods.

  1. The profile of head of government Joko Widodo as a president

Joko Widodo or often known as Jokowi was sworn in as the 7th President of Indonesia at 53 years. The journey of the Solo-born people ended sweetly. Started as a furniture entrepreneur, he plunged into the political world. The concept of going down to the field, led him to be the mayor of Solo, the governor of Jakarta, to the president.

The Indonesian president is believed by the people to lead Indonesia with a win rate of 53.19% of the electoral vote against Prabowo in 2014. Thus the post of president as the leader of the Indonesian government for the period 2014-2019 is mandated to Jokowi and his vice president Jusuf Kalla (JK).

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  1. Working Cabinet and the reshuffle

On Sunday, October 26, 2014, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo has announced the composition of his cabinet in the courtyard of Istana Negara, Jakarta. The new cabinet was named “Working Cabinet”. The Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla Working Cabinet consists of 30 Ministers and 4 Coordinating Ministers (Menko) and 8 Officials at the Ministerial level.

This Jokowi-JK Working Cabinet was once reshuffled three times; those are on 12 August 2015, 27 April 2016 and 17 January 2018. The working cabinet is taken because the president wants that all the part of people in government works as best as they can do.

  1. The DPR as legislative government

The DPR (House of Representatives) of the Republic of Indonesia filled by members of the legislative election results held on April 9, 2014. Members of the House of Representatives of the period 2014-2019 are sworn in and taken oath on October 1, 2014 by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

The leadership of the House of Representatives of the period 2014-2019 was held by the leadership package which was carried by Setya Novanto (Golkar) as chairman, and four deputy chairmen namely Fadli Zon (Gerindra), Agus Hermanto (Demokrat), Taufik Kurniawan (PAN) and Fahri Hamzah, (PKS).  The total of members for DPR is 560 persons.

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  1. The members of DPR based on fractions

There are at least 9 fractions of parties that become the members of DPR as the legislatives government. 109 persons from PDI-P who won the election in 2014, the second is Golkar (Golongan Karya) with 91 persons in DPR. The third position is Gerindra as the opposition parties with 73 persons together with PAN (Partai Amanat Nasional) (48 persons), and PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera) 40 persons.

Then PKB with 47 persons and PPP 39 persons were rolled as opposition party thn changed to pro-government in 2015. NasDem (36 persons) and Hanura (16 persons) are the newest party in the government. Then Democrat party declares as neutral which has 61 persons member in House of representatives.

  1. The government focus in the development of infrastructure

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) focuses on building infrastructure. Therefore, Indonesia, which consists of thousands of islands considered necessary to connect well. Infrastructure becomes the focus of Jokowi-JK Government today. A total of 865 kilometers of new roads, 25 kilometers of toll roads, 8,695 meters of bridges, 620 kilometers of railway lines, 8 airports, and so forth will be built for the prosperity of the country.

Infrastructure projects that were stopped since some periods of government before then are continued. The benefit can be felt by the community. Call for example, Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu or Becakayu Toll Road. After its construction has been halted for two decades, the toll has finally operated in November 2017.

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  1. Make a result in getting the 51% investment of Freeport company from the first time

The firm action was taken by the government under the rule of Jokowi to against PT Freeport for the first time. Currently, Freeport still wants to extend the contract until 2041, but Jokowi provides three conditions for Freeport, which must divest up to 51% of shares owned by Indonesia.

It must be willing to build a smelter, third, tax revenue and state royalties must be greater than the Contract of Work. Indeed, for a long time Indonesia has received only a small profit from PT Freeport, but with this new step taken Jokowi, Indonesia can achieve win-win solution.

  1. Applying the death penalty for a numbers of Lord of Narcotics criminal

Jokowi’s handling of drug problems seems little bit firmer than the government before. Drug problem is not a trivial issue but very big impact in Indonesia. This problem has mushroomed for many years, and in the end Jokowi sentenced him to death for drug lords. So far there have been 18 people executed within 3.5 years, and most are drug lords. Meanwhile, at the time of SBY (Indonesian President 2004-2012) there were 21 executions died for 10 years in office.

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  1. The national debt is at the highest rate for the first time

By the end of 2015, central government debt will increase to Rp 3,165.2 trillion or US $ 229.44 billion. The debt to GDP ratio increased to 27.4 percent. Total outstanding government debt throughout 2016 was recorded increased again to Rp 3,466.9 trillion or equivalent to US $ 258.04 billion.

The debt ratio is 27.5 percent of GDP. Looking at the history of debt from the New Order era to date, although the debt value rises, but the ratio of Indonesian government debt to GDP is still far from the maximum limit set in Law (Law) No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance of 60 percent to GDP.

  1. The improvisation of bureaucratic system works really well

The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Asman Abnur claimed the past two years, bureaucratic reform and public service work well. It is seen from the existence of 22 non-structural institutions (LNS) which was dissolved by the government.

In addition to the dissolution of dozens of LNS, Asman also claimed to have paid attention to public services through the development of innovations in various lines. For example, public services related to market and licensing services, one-door integrated services (PTSP), service of Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Disdukcapil, to Puskesmas.

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  1. The controversion rule toward the foreign workers (TKA)

The Presidential Regulation on Foreign Workers in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is governed by Presidential Decree No. 20 of 2018 containing 10 chapters and 39 articles covering TKA. With consideration to support the national economy and the expansion of employment opportunities through increased investment, the government considers it necessary to re-regulate the licensing of foreign labor usage.

In this Presidential Regulation there are sanctions for TKA employment in violation of regulations. The Presidential Regulation stipulates that the use of foreign workers shall be conducted by the Employers of Foreign Workers in the employment relationship for certain positions and at certain times, which are conducted with due regard to domestic labor market conditions.

Those are the facts of Indonesian government in 2014-2019 periods. Some of them might give a big and great result, although it still needs much improvement to. However, as good Indonesian citizens, you must support the government to make Indonesia better.

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