
The 15 Natural Places in Jakarta Indonesia

After telling you about the beauty of Bali island, now we’re going back to the Java island to tell you about some stuff that still not very familiar for you. Now we’ll see the capital city of Indonesia, in the Jakarta city. Jakarta is indeed a busy and very crowded area. Some foreign tourists even surprised by how stressful the traffic jam in the city. By seeing the situation around the city of Jakarta, you may think that it’s impossible to find natural attractions because most areas are converted into business.

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Even though the business area is really important to support the economy of the city by the taxes, but surely the green area will provide the humans with better benefits. With their existence, the people of Jakarta can get a decent amount of oxygen every single day. As you may know already, we desperately need the oxygen. Without it, we surely not living anymore. Buy, if you want to find them, you can do a little visit to the natural attractions around the city that included inside the natural places in Jakarta below :

1. Suropati Park

As one of the natural places in Jakarta, the name of Suropati Park is not too strange anymore for anyone who lives in Jakarta, especially in Menteng residential area. Yes, people usually use the park as a media to refresh themselves. The park has a very good design, especially because of the existence of some status that provided especially by the members of the United Nations.

Trees that planted around the park are also the reason why people do need the Suropati Park. Of course, they need the amount of oxygen, and they can surely get it in a place like this. The Suropati Park was decorated nicely for the people of Jakarta. Aside from the park itself, visitors can also enjoy the snacks that they can get on the nearest food sellers. The evening is maybe the best because usually there are some musicians showing their performances there.

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2. PIK Mangrove Forest

The next one is Mangrove Forest. In a place like Jakarta, the flood commonly happens because of many problems. One of them is because of the drainage problem that causing the water to rise when it’s raining heavily. Aside from that, the waves from the sea can also cause a special problem that sometimes can be really troublesome.

However, in the area named Pantai Indah Kapus or PIK, there’s a Mangrove Forest that you can also visit. Even though the main purpose of the forest is to protect the city from upcoming waves, but because of the tourists who are interested to come to this place, the PIK forest then decorates and added with some new services. The tourists can do so many things in here, such as taking pictures or canoeing around the lake.

3. Cattleya Park

And then, here’s the Cattelya Park inside the natural places in Jakarta. The Cattleya Park exists in the middle of a crowded area of Taman Anggrek Mall. It looks so good with so many green vegetations. Places like this are always favorable, especially on the weekend where the people of Jakarta need to breathe in a good amount of natural oxygen.

Thanks to the developers of the park, Cattleya Park became a very good place to do sport and resting on the weekend. In the park, you can even find a special area where you can try to do some sports like bench lifting and many more. People can also do jogging on the track provided.  Sometimes, the visitors also visiting the nearest lake that located right in the middle of the park.

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4. The Thousand Islands

What a nice place. That’s the first impression when you come to the Thousand Islands area of Jakarta. If you have a tight budget, you don’t need to go somewhere else far away like Lombok or Tanjung Benoa, because in Jakarta, you can get similar experience inside a tourism complex named Thousand Islands, or as the Jakarta people call it as Kepulauan Seribu.

Even now we can say that The Thousand Islands area is actually the best natural attraction you can get in a city like Jakarta. It’s not so far away from the city, really accessible and can provide the best experience of vacationing in a tropical country. However, the area has about eleven different islands, such as Bidadari Island, Putri Island, Pramuka Island, Tidung Island, Untung Jawa Island, and many more.

5. Srengseng Forest

The forests are indeed the lungs of the city. Without them, the city that filled with thousand and thousand people will be much tighter and stressful. The city will be full of pollution that comes from vehicles. It’s a really bad thing basically. However, the government of Jakarta still believe in the existence of the city forest, like the Srengseng Forest for example.

The park that developed directly by the government is actually the lungs of West Jakarta. Inside the forest, you can see about four thousand different trees from six different varieties. The park also looks so much fun because of the family facilities such as the kid’s playground, jogging track, and a small restaurant. The people can also catch some fish in the lake. With all the facilities, the Srengseng forest can be a great place for family vacation.

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6. Menteng Park

Next one on the natural places in Jakarta is the Menteng Park. The Menteng Park also looks as great as The Suropati Park on the first one above, even better. The reason behind it is because this park actually has two main purposes, as the place for sports and recreation. In the park, there are some spots to do a basket, soccer, and many more.

Usually, during the evening, there’s some sparing between two clubs in there. You can watch them do a match of soccer or basket. Aside from the fields, the visitors of Menteng Park can also do the BMX and skate boar ride in there. As for the family, there are kids playthings that can be used to entertain the children. The others can just jogging or take a walk at the track provided.

7. Setu Babakan

The next location is not fully natural place, but it still has the natural aspect in it. The name of this place is Setu Babakan, of course, the people of Jakarta are very familiar with this location because in there, the visitors can also visit the traditional Betawi village that still has their unique culture of Betawi. Aside for enjoying the culture in that very village, you can also enjoy the lake, the Setu Babakan.

However, the location of this place is in the Jagakarsa of South Jakarta. The people can enjoy so many things in here, not only the village situation and also the lake itself but also the culinary of Jakarta. Visitors can taste the famous Kerak Telor and the other traditional meals. They can even fish their own dish in the lake if they want.

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8. Allianz Ecopark

Another park in the list is the Allianz Ecopark. The park is located in the Ancol area, which is known for its tourism area. However, as one of the natural places in Jakarta, the Allianz Ecopark us always used by people who live around Ancol as a place for refreshing at the end of the week. The park has about 34 hectares wide of green and vast land, making it looks so wide and suitable for the people.

With that size, of course, there are some things to do. And people indeed can do so many kinds of activity in here, from the simple things like walking or jogging to the canoeing, outbound, bicycle riding, and the others. Visitors of the Allianz Ecopark can also enjoy doing the culinary trip, learning archery, and also visiting the house of energy and the bees house.

So, aside from the locations mentioned above, we also prepare the other list containing the rest of the natural places in Jakarta that still untold. The facts that the number of them is still considered many, the Jakarta city has high hope for being a place that suitable for all people who want to get a better living and better economy. Those places are as follows :

  1. Tanah Tingal City Forest
  2. Festival Beach
  3. Batu Karas Beach
  4. Sanghyang Beach
  5. Sawarna Beach
  6. TVRI Park
  7. Tribeca Park

So that’s the article about the natural places in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yes, even though the city seems to be a big no for anyone who wants to live in a very natural city, which is still completed with some green areas, Jakarta still has some places that you can visit on your weekend to release some stress. With them, you don’t need to go to other cities just for looking the natural attractions.


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