Socio Cultural

Read This 8 West Sumatran Folktales So You Can Take Pearls of Wisdom

Indonesian bedtime stories commonly come from the myth of some places. But, it doesn’t mean the story becomes unpopular. Hence the story becomes everyone’s favorite and some of them believe that the story existed along time ago.

Such as other regions in Indonesia, West Sumatera also has their folktales. Not only becomes one of the most beautiful world heritage sites in Indonesia but also a beautiful story of their folklore.

There is no difference with other regions in Indonesia that the story was made by their ancestors. Not only comes from myth but the story also has some pearls of wisdom behind such as the history of Singaraja, Bali.

Here we have some of the popular west Sumatran folktales that you should know. Sit tight so you wouldn’t miss the story. May you can take some lessons learned from them.

1. The Origin of Maninjau Lake

Maninjau Lake is one of the famous lakes in the west of Sumatera which located in the Tanjung Raya sub-district at the Agam district. The story begins with the love story between Giran and Siti Rasani that bring some facts about the wedding ceremony of the Minang tribe.

Maninjau Lake

Siti Rasani was the only daughter over her 9 brother siblings in her family. Giran and Siti Rasani lived in the same neighborhood so that they fell in love easily. After most of the time, Giran proposed Siti Rasani but her older brother rejected it.

Both Giran and Siti Rasani disappointed with the decision so that they were silently meet to discuss it. But, Siti Rasani’s clothes had been caught with the sharp root so that makes it hurt her leg. Giran tried to heal it, but her brother found it was a misunderstanding.

Siti Rasani’s brothers and all of the villagers decide to punish them to jump into the crater of the Tinjau mount. Once they jumped there, the mount erupted and make a huge lake. People then call it as the Maninjau Lake and Siti Rasani’s brother was cursed become fish on its lake.

2. Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang becomes the famous folklore in the West Sumatera. The story is about a young man calls as Malin Kundang which abandon his mother. It almost has a same story with the Si Kantan from the North Sumatran folktales. Once he got rich and come back to his village, he pretended not to know his mother.

After that, his mother was so angry and sad in her deepest heart. That is why she prays to God and cursed Malin Kundang to become the stone in the Air Manis beach. The fact of the Malin Kundang stone in Air Manis beach was built by the sculptor in 1980. The beach is located about 15 km from the center of Padang city, West Sumatera.

3. The Origin of Minangkabau

Minangkabau tribes are the most dominant tribe which live in West Sumatera. Minangkabau in Indonesia means as the Menang Kerbau (win buffalo). It remains as the battle of buffalos between the Majapahit kingdom and the Pagaruyung kingdom.

The battle was winning by the Pagaruyung kingdom so that people call it the Minangkabau. Since then, the region becomes famous and the king of Pagaruyung build a home that has the buffalo horn-type at the top of the house. The buffalo battle then becomes a famous culture in Indonesia.

4. The Origin of Singkarak Lake

Singkarak lake becomes famous in West Sumatera after Maninjau lake. The lake often becomes the right place for some bike competitions in Indonesia. the story is about a young man name Indra which has a lot of desire to eat.

One day, his parents were cooking some food but because the amount of food is not enough they decided to eat all of them. Indra became disappointed, and suddenly he could fly with his chicken bring the stone where he sat down. The stone then fell and crack the hill towards the sea which makes the Singkarak lake.

5. The Magic Fish in Janiah River

Janiah river is one of the tourist places that you must visit in West Sumatera. The water is so clean comes with a humble story behind it. people believe that two children suddenly became fish while they were not obedient to what their mother said.

6. Sabai Nan Aluih

Sabai Nan Aluih is the daughter of the Rajo Babanding that lives near the Agam river, West Sumatera. She is famous for her diligence and her beauty so that makes everyone love her. One says, her father’s best friend name Rajo Nan Panjang come to propose her.

Rajo Babanding was refuse the proposal so that makes Rajo Nan Panjang angry with his decision. After that, Rajo Nan Panjang offered a fight with him which makes Rajo Babanding die over the fight.

Sabai Nan Aluih was so sad knowing her father die and became so angry with the Rajo Nan Panjang. She knew that he was cheating on the fight so that her father died. She runs to him and shot him so that becomes the end of Rajo Nan Panjang’s life.

7. The Unlucky of Pak Lebai

The unlucky of Pak Lebai is a famous story from West Sumatera that reminds us of the greedy person. Once upon a time, Lebai Malang was invited by two-party located separately. He wanted to take all the meat at the party from both places.

Because the place was located in a separated far away, Lebai Malang started to ride his boat to the first place. But, in the middle of his way, he changed his mind and ride his boat to the other side. That makes him lost his chance to get the party.

8. Batu Ajuang Batu Peti

Batu Luang Batu Peti is a story about the ship that turned out to be stone. The story reminds us of honesty. The story begins with Hendrik that proposed the princess name Langgegeni. But, Hendrik was lying to her about his true identity which he said that he was the prince of Portuguese.

So, there are 8 stories from West Sumatran folktales that you should know. Every story has a lot of the lesson learned that we can take and follow instead of abandoning them.

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