
17 Activities to Do in Bali That You Should Try

Like we always knew, Bali is always becoming a tourists spot that get famous each year. The exotic and exclusive things in Bali are the thingthat you can’t find in many other countries. For the people who lived in a four seasons country, vacationing in Bali would be a beautiful story to tell, espedcially because anything is different from theirs.

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Beside the wonderful beaches, Bali also has some little options for the ones that really interested to go to it. And to help you find those otehr things, we offer something better this time, the complete list of activities to do in Bali. There are 17 in total, so you better watch out.

1. Swimming With Family

Of course, the thing that firstly must be done in the island of Bali is enjoy the beaches in Bali island, by swimming on them. You should bring any other members of your family with you, because swmiing ain’t so fun if you doing it alone.

You can bring some of stuff that you like, for example there’s the umberall, a mat for pickniking after swim, and then maybe a towel or two. Some beaches in Bali have pretty calm waves. SO you can swim with your fdamily without worrying a bit about it.

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2. Surfing With Friends

A little bit more extreme here, we’re gonna switching to another sport called surfing. Yep, as you can see on many instgram videos or pictures, you can see that people who travelling in Bali always showing off this surf activity.

Of course, you as a humble tourist can try this kind of sport. Don’t you worry, there are instructros around that willingly teach you, for some price of course. Having some friends wouldn’t be a bad idea either. You together surfing on the beach with much big waves to conquer. What a ton of fun.

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3. Trying The Traditional Balinese Dishes

Culinary journey is also the best one beyond all the tourism activities. The taste of fulfilling our stomach with different kind of foods is of course the best. Bali, as one island of Indonesia also has some of its interesting dishes.

For example, there’s Ayam Betutu, and then Sate Lilit, and many other stuff. To fully explore them all, it will take much more time to do that. But, in the end, you’re gonna get one of the most spectacular culinary hunting in all your life.

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4. Joining Some Cooking Class

Of course, beside serving the guests with so many delicious foods, some restaurants in Bali also offering a unique activity to the tourists that really interested on the making process of the dishes they already ate.

There will be some classes in different restaurants. Usually you can get the informations about how the class is, the starting hour of the class from the waiters, so don’t be shy to ask them straight out. Beside gaining much information about new method of cooking, you can also bring some unique recipes home, and applied it yourself comfortably in home.

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5. Looking at the Certain Ceremonies

Like always said, Indonesia is the land for looking cultures and arts. And so in this Bali island, where you can see for yourself many kinds of ceremonies. The ceremonies are also thick with culture, and they don’t seem to be forgotten soon.

All the people in Bali still doing their culture activities very well. Even in certain days, when they basically just staying at home doing their Nyepi, it’s still happen until now. You can also find many other interesting ceremonies in here, just be sure to have a permition first before proceeding to approach the ceremonty itself.

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6. Enjoying Sunset and Sunrise

One of the romantic things to do in bali is enjoying the view of sunset or sunrise. You can even have them both in the same day. After taking your partner going on every corner in the city, finally you and your love one can having some calm time while watching the sea.

In Bali, there are several goos spots to hunt either sunset or sunrise. They spots are beaches that located almost on every corner in Bali. The best ones? Amed beach, Pandawa Beach, and also not forget to mention the known Kuta beach. Those location can really fit so well to looking for them.

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7. Bungee Jumping

A very extreme kind of sport, way advanced and pumping adrenaline than surfing. In this ride, you’re gonna tied with super safe rope, and then just going down in a full speed. Even though the Bungee Jumping is very extreme, it’s also guaranteed to be a safe attraction for everyone.

Everyone except pregant lady, the old people, and the people with the history of heart attack or having a low blood presure. Fainting in this ride won’t be really funny and can be a serious and fatal to the tourist. And because of that, you may think twice in order to try the challenging Bungee Jumping. Aside from the danger, this is totally fun to do.

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8. Photoing Colourful Ships

Also, you can hunt some pictures of the beautiful colored ships in the dock or the sea in Bali island. There are some ships that will passby to either taking tourists to see the Balinese sea ecosystem, or just sailing around continously.

You can find those ships easily in the bay of Amed Beach, there are plenty of them right in that very spot. You can also joining the tour, but must pay a little bit of price to finally join in. They are vry unique and also really worth some pictures.

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9. Taking Selfies With Abandoned Plane

Beside the colourful ships in Bali, there’s another thing to notice in here, hidden beneath the forest of Pandawa beach, The Abandoned Plane. The origin of this plane is still unknown, suddenly the place just being right there without any notice or news.

It’s suggested that this plane is one crashing plane that done its emergency landing in a long time ago. Surprisingly, the body of the plane is still intact, and in a perfect condition. Aside from that, many people around start to “exploring” the plane by taking some selfies with it. You as a tourist can do the same thing just like any other tourist  did when they finally reached the location of the plane.

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10. Exploring The Hidden Cave in Sukawati

There are some hidden places in Bali, that if can be found by certain people, it can be a greatest thing in their life. One thing to notice, is this hidden cave located in Sukowati. It’s not actually a cave though, but it’s more like a canyon.

So many people finally can find the hidden canyon in Sukowati by looking at some review or pictures at social medias like intagram or twitter. But, that’s a fact. The place is indeed so wonderful and really worth to check out.

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Of course, those 10 things to do in Bali are not the limits for you to adventuring more deeper in Bali. So here we add another seven activities for you that can you choose to make your day more perfect and colourful when visiting Bali :

  1. Doing some jogging at Campuhan Hill
  2. Playing With Some Waterfalls
  3. Enjoying Tree House in Tulamben Village
  4. Flyboarding
  5. Seawalking
  6. Riding Sea Scooter
  7. Taking Pictures With The Gigantic Pandawa Statues

So, that’s our topic for today, the complete list for you of activities to do in Bali. You can see right there, that the activities are so muh fun to do, and also will be a great experience for you who want to try the new expedition on Bali. You can notice that other than visiting the beaches, you can also do many other things, especially exploring more deeper in Bali, like visiting the caves, waterfalls, etc. And it can be a great package of holiday to every one who want to take some vacations in teh famous, godly island of Bali. Enjoy your holiday.

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