
Badminton in Indonesia – History – Achievements

Badminton is a popular game in Indonesia. This game is very easy to play. Because we only have to hit the shuttlecock and drop it into our rival area to get a poin. You can play this game one on one or maybe in a team. Every team consist with two womans, two mans, or mixed. The stuffs that you need are a racket and shuttlecock. Badminton is not being prevalent for Indonesian.

Further Indonesia has many popular athletes. For example Taufik Hidayat and Susi Susanti. These two are so popular in their era and became trending topic in a decades ago. Sadly, they are retired.

If we make comparism, Indonesia maybe bad-known in sports like football or basketball. But not in badminton. Because most of the player well-known abroad. The player also brought medals from the Olympic. Included gold medal.

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Badminton History

Badminton already exist and develope 2.000 years ago in Egypt. Not only in Egypt, badminton also existed in London. In the middle of era in London, shuttlecock is the well-known game. This game is very popular.  Additionally, in 1854, there is a cartoon that show how to play badminton. The rule while playing badminton shown in real terms. In case, we must keep the shuttlecock in the air while playing. And when we fall the shuttlecock into the rival area, we made a score.

See also: Indonesian Traditional Puppets

When England ruled Tiongkok (well-known as China), badminton unveil. England succeed to unveil badminton and the game become popular in Tiongkok. Badminton played with shuttlecock and with no racket. To play badminton, people use their foot to manipulate the racket. Kinda odd, but people like it very much. They play badminton often.

Badminton Development

In Indonesia, badminton also well-known as “bulu tangkis”. The badminton developed until now because badminton has scent Indonesia in the world. If badminton wasn’t exist, then there is no sport branch would be scent Indonesia. Badminton was exist for the first time in Barcelona when its an Olympic in 1992. In 1992, Indonesia and South Korea has reached two gold medals. In case, this is an improvement that Indonesia was able to compete in sports.

The badminton development can’t be split from development era in Indonesia. Such a before revolution, independence, and after revolution itself. Some Dutch people has brought badminton to Indonesia. Also some students whom came back to Indonesia after their studied abroad, rapidly made badminton as a penchant sport.

Around 1950, badminton has played in National level. Because its National level, its played in the whole cities in Indonesia, especially Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java, and Sumatera. Those cities basically known as an island in Indonesia. Particularly, those islands been more participated in badminton development. Due that time, competition for each area started. And its firmly became a competition in PON (Pekan Olahraga Nasional) in Surakarta.

See also:

Badminton Tournament

Badminton is not a Traditional Indonesian Games. Because its played globally in the tournament. There are 3 tournaments well-known in badminton, such:

  • Thomas Cup

The title “Thomas Cup” came from ex IBF president named Sir George Alan Thomas. Thomas Cup is a championship number for men’s team. This cup would be held once in two years. The oldest championship held by IBF in 1948 – 1949. In that year, badminton championship followed by 10 countries. Such a Canada, England, France, Bosnia, USA, Ireland, Malaysia, Sweden, India, and Denmark.

Throughout the championship, there are only 4 countries who has won the Cup: China, Malaysia, Japan, and Indonesia. But that history record was broken in 2016 when Denmark became a winner for the first time.

  • Uber Cup

Opposite the Thomas Cup, Uber cup is a championship number for woman’s team. This championship coming from ex player of Uber Cup itself, Betty Uber. The first Uber competition held in 1956. Due to that time, there are 11 countries who participate in the championship. From 11 countries, there are only five countries who has won the Cup. The lists are China, South Korea, Japan, USA, and Indonesia.

  • Sudirman Cup

Sudirman Cup is an international championship for all of number in badminton. This tournament held once in two years. The first tournament held in 1986 by Indonesia itself. Throughout the history, there only six countries whom succeed reach the semi-final level. The six countries are Indonesia, England, South Korea, China, Denmark, and Thailand.

Name “Sudirman” was taken from late Dick Sudirman. He is well-known as a badminton player and a man who participated while PBSI established. Now, he is called as a “Father of Indonesian Badminton”.

See also:

Beside those three, there are the other tournaments in badminton, such:

  • Badminton World Federation

This tournament basically held by Badminton World Federation (BWF) itself. This tournament started in 1977. But it held once in two years since 1985 – 2005. But it changed and became annually tournament since 2006 – now. Throughout the tournament, Indonesia has won a medal in every number. But not in the woman’s team number. Hopefully in the next tournament, woman’s team could win the medal.

  • Badminton Asia Championships

Previously known as Asian Badminton Championship. But it changed in 2007 became Badminton Asia Championships. The tournament only followed by countries in Asia level. This championship started in 1962. And since 1991, this tournament held annually. From the whole medal record, China took plenty parts. Because player from China won medal almost every single year.

  • Olympic

Olympic held every four years. Since 1992 until now, Indonesia has won seven gold medals. Recently in 2016 when Tontowi Ahmad and Liliyana Natsir has won the gold medal in Rio de Janiero. This is the only gold medal brought from Olympic in 2016. The mixed team succeed bring back the medal tradition from badminton. This is such an improvement that Indonesia could shine again in badminton.

See also:

Badminton Institution in Indonesia

Badminton in Indonesia controlled by the Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia (PBSI). The name was given also mean for whom would be responsibly to the Badminton game. PBSI formation etablished on May 5th, 1951 in Bandung. The first head of PBSI is A. Rochdi Partaatmadja.

Though established in Bandung, the central office of PBSI based on Jakarta. Before PBSI existed, the badminton orgnanization moved themselves. Like there were an organization in regional level and branch level. When PBSI created, the badminton has a national organization eventually. The main function of PBSI is to unite the whole organization in badminton. Then, there is no gap between every area. Regional, branch, and central level united beneath of PBSI.

Logo of Badminton Institution

The logo of badminton Institution in Indonesia have a meaning. Each color have its own characteristics which different among others. Here the explanation:


[tr][td]Green : [/td] [td]Symbol of Prosperity[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Red : [/td] [td]Symbol of Courage[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Yellow : [/td] [td]Symbol of Triumph[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]White : [/td] [td]Honesty[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Black[/td] [td]Loyalty and Eternal[/td][/tr]


Meanwhile, each image there also have their own meaning, as follows:


[tr][td]The PBSI Letter : [/td] [td]Symbolized as 1945 year[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Picture Shield : [/td] [td]Strong, Persevering, and low self but tenacious[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Shuttlecock image : [/td] [td]Representing 8 which is month august, independence day.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Picture Cotton : [/td] [td] consists of 17 seeds which represented the date of independence day[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Figure Rice : [/td] [td]symbolized as the birth of PBSI in 1951.[/td][/tr]


National Training Camp

There are another facility for badminton player who need a daily training. for the chosen athletes from all over Indonesia can live in national training camp for become a greater player. This National Training camp for badminton is located in Cipayung, East Jakarta. Meanwhile, Badminton National Training camp owned by Indonesia already recognized as the best one training camp which provide best qualities among others.

Then, this training camp built in 4 hectares of land. The facilities are very complete. Start from 21 training carpet fields, office space, fitness center. As well as athletes dorm, dining room, swimming pool which spent up t0 3.6 million rupiahs even jogging tracks.

See also:

Indonesia Badminton in New Era

Li Yongho is the badminton coach in Indonesia. He become a head of badminton about 24 years. But now, his position replace by Xia Xuanze and Zhang Jun. The replacement isn’t really matter. Recently, performing of Indonesia badminton decrease. Unlike many decades ago, when Indonesia succeed to win medals.

This performing rapidly corrected by PBSI. After realize the main problem, PBSI started to monitoring the player in young age. Not only in the central areas but also in the branch. Thus, thew till nutured and trained by proffesional coach to increase their skill while playing. Not only that, PBSI also ask the player  to follow many competition often. These ways automatically enhance their experience. By doing this, hopefully Indonesia could be triumph in badminton world.


There are some awesome achievements from Indonesian Badminton Players. Such as:

  • All England World Championships in 2014, Got Gold Medal in Men Doubles Category (M. Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan).
  • All England World Championships in 2014, Got Gold Medal in Mix Doubles Category (Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir).
  • Asian Games in Incheon 2014, Got Gold Medal in Women Doubles Category (Nitya Krishinda Maheswari/ Greysia Polli).
  • India Open Super Series 2016, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya).
  • Australia Open Super Series 2016, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya).
  • China Open Super Series 2016, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya).
  • All England 2016, Got Medal in Mix Doubles Category (Praveen Jordan/Debby Susanto).
  • China Open 2016, Got Medal in Mix Doubles Category (Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir).
  • All England 2017, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya).
  • India Open Super Series 2017, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya).
  • Malaysia Open Super Series 2017, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya).
  • Thailand Grand Prix Gold 2017, Got Medal in Women Doubles Category (Greysia Polli/Apriani Rahayu).
  • Thailand Grand Prix Gold 2017, Got Medal in Men Doubles Category (Berry Anggiawan/Hardianto).

See also:

So, there are plenty information about badminton in Indonesia. Start from the history, institution, development, and in the new era. Hopefully badminton could triumph as many years ago. Especially in the next tournament.

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