
15 Basic Greetings in Indonesia For Foreigners

Saying greetings is a daily speech commonly used by anyone. Because language as a universal speaking culture, language becomes a reflection of the identity of a cultured nation. Whether young, teenager to adult utters a sentence of speech, every sentence can be pronounced with the same sentence, and there are also with different sentences. You should know about Most Spoken Languages In Indonesia and Characteristics of Indonesian Languages.

As a daily language, speech in every region in Indonesia has a clear distinction. Seen from the vocabulary, the accents and sounds have their own characteristics. For example, if you meet the original Batak people, the usually spoken language they say is “Horas”. It will be different again if you meet the people of Padang, they will answer the greeting with the phrase “Apo Kaba” or “Slamaik datang”.

This uniqueness that makes the Indonesian nation famous for its cultural family. Despite the many languages spoken, each language has its own meaning and profound meaning for some local people. If there are traditional ceremonies and ceremonies, the language is of course very preferred that is the language and the sentence of regional speech itself.

To learn all the words of speech every area is very easy if just a spoken phrase. However, if you want to learn the whole language of every region would need the science and the old process. Local languages have their own unique uniqueness.

If you want to know only a sentence of greeting only the following will explain its use and a commonly used phrase:

1. Sundanese Speech Words

For the people of Sunda, West Java used to use the phrase greeting with “Sampurasun or Punten”, which means greeting permission or daily greetings. The bias against this sentence is replied with the saying “Rampes or Mangga” which means “Please”. Read more about Sundanese Wedding Traditions

Pronunciation also has a distinctive accent, especially in the mention of the letter “e”. In addition to the sentence, for a greeting thank, you usually said: ” Hatur Nuhun”, and “Hatur Nuhun Pisan” which means thank you or thank you very much. If the phrase greeting the good morning and so forth usually mention like:

  •  Good morning = Wilujeng enjing
  • Good night = Wilujeng wengi
  • Good day = Wilujeng siang
  • Welcome = Wilujeng Sumping

2. Betawi Speech / Jakarta

For the phrase greetings of Betawi language almost the same as the Indonesian language or the National language, there is only a change of letters only in a few sentences. Read more about Social Activities in Jakarta You Can Do

Like an example of a greeting:

  • What’s up? = apa kabare ?
  • Where to go = mo kemane ?
  • How is it going = begimane kabarnye ?

For greetings such as good morning, good afternoon, good night and welcome are still the same as the national language. It is only necessary to study vocabulary that is very unit and plural. Many things can be learned about Betawi language including some other things like :

3. Sentence Speech Batak / North Sumatra

Batak ( North Sumatra ) language is different from the language of Medan because Batak tribe has its own language. It consists of Karo language, Toba language, Mandailing language. As well as Pakpak language, Simalungun language, Angkola language.  All of them have their own peculiarities.

As for the language of Medan people usually, use the Malay language. Example of phrase expressions and greetings Batak people are:

  • Good morning = aha Salamat Pagi
  • Good day = salamat arian
  • Good Afternoon = horas borngin
  • How are you doing? = aha do kabar ?
  • Welcome = salamat ro

4. Speech words Padang / West Sumatra

If you are a fan of Padang  ( West Sumatra ) cuisine, it would be no stranger calling the seller’s call with Uda (male title) and Union (female name). The Padang language also has its own uniqueness and envy. In addition to the delicious and delicious cuisine, Padang language is also delicious when heard.

Here is an example of Padang greetings:

  • Good morning = selamek pagi
  • Good day = selamek siang
  • Good afternoon = selamek malam
  • How are you ? =  ba a kaba, ni ?

5. Greeting Sentences Yogyakarta and Central Java

Javanese is a regional language that is often spoken, especially the island of Java after the Sundanese language. Java language itself consists of several languages such as Java’s subtle language, moko language, madya and krama. Of different meanings and grammar and vocabulary. Read more about Interesting Facts about Yogyakarta You Need to Know

Each language has its own functions and rules. Usually, Moroccan language is used as a colloquial language, the language is used for adults or older, whereas special krama language is usually used in the language of the palace or people who understand the grammar of Javanese fine and special, for example, the usual greeting language used:

  • Good morning = sugeng enjang
  • Good day = sugeng siang
  • Good afternoon = sugeng ndalu
  • How are you = piye kabare ?

6. Madura Speech Sentence

Madura is famous for its typical sate Madura food, but there is also a typical local language. Madura is still in the unity of the island of Java, but in the language, of course, is not the same. Here is an example of a greeting sentence in Madurese:

  • Good morning = selamat pagi
  • Good day = selamat siang
  • Good afternoon = selamat malam
  • How are you? = beremma kabereh

7. Speech Sentences Bali

In addition to the beautiful and interesting site, Bali also has a unique language. The Balinese tribe consists not only of the Sasak tribe, but there are several other tribes. Where language use is also different. Read more about Fascinating Things to Learn in Bali

To learn the language of Bali is very easy, you simply find a private teacher or come and stay longer in Bali. Surely 1-year course you will be proficient in using the Balinese language. Here’s an example of a salam sentence in Balinese:

  • Good morning = rahajeng semeng
  • Good day = rahajeng tengai
  • Good afternoon = rahajeng wengi
  • Welcome = Homsiastu

8. Sentence of Lombok Speech

Besides Bali, Lombok is also a beautiful, interesting place and have 30 Surprising Facts About Lombok Indonesia. Also, referred to as the second island after the island of Bali. Read more about  Facts About Lombok Indonesia

Many unique culture and traditions in Lombok. One of them is the grammar used in everyday communication. To find out a few sentences of congratulations in Lombok, let’s look at the following example:

  • Good morning = selamat pagi
  • Good day = selamat siang
  • Good afternoon = selamat malam
  • How are you = berembe kabarm

9. Ambon / Maluku Speech Speech

In the daily pronunciation of Ambon’s every day, a greeting is unique and distinctive. In addition to its famous beach panorama, Ambon city is also famous for its various agricultural products such as spices. To learn the culture of the island of Ambon is directly you must visit and learn through the culture that is there. Here are some words in Ambon:

  • Good morning = selamat pagi
  • Good day = selamat siang
  • Good afternoon = selamat malam
  • Goodbye = amatoo

10. Bugis Speech Sentences or Makassar / South Sulawesi

The city of Makassar is famous for its excellent and tasty culinary center to try, as well as the distinctive language of Bugis, Makassar as the largest metropolitan city after Java and Medan.

Makassar is also famous for its various small islands in it, to learn the language of Makassar you also need to know some as a reference when visiting Makassar. Examples of several sentences of greeting Makassar language:

  • Good morning = salama’ ele’
  • Good day = selamat siang atau salama tengnga esso
  • Good afternoon = salama wenni
  • Welcome to Makassar = salamakki Battu Ri Mangkasara

11. Papua Speech Sentence

The island of West Irian is now known as Papua, famous for its interesting and stunning attractions. In addition to tourism, culture and ethnic there is very diverse and unique, there are 13 Fascinating Facts about Papua Indonesia. No wonder if the language used is also unique and different.

Having diverse tribes and customs certainly makes the language in use also vary. Example as a colloquial expression in greeting can be seen in some examples as follows:

  • Good morning = using the same language kinaonak
  • Good day = kinaonak
  • Good afternoon = kinaonak
  • Welcome = Narak gerotelo

12. Aceh Greeting Sentence

Aceh is the first city on the tip of the island of Sumatra, the island of Aceh is also commonly referred to as Serambi Mecca.Aceh is very thick Islamic religion, and Aceh famous with  Family Norms in Aceh, the majority of Aceh’s population embraced the religion. The combination of various tribes then the people of Aceh have the uniqueness of the language in use in everyday life. Example of the phrase survived in Aceh:

  • Good morning = Seulamat beungoh
  • Good day = selamat siang
  • Happy birthday = Seulamat Uroë Lahé
  • How are you = Peuë haba

13. Sentence Speech Banyumas / Central Java

If you often hear people talking with the accent “ngapak – ngapak or ngapak”, of course, you think it is the original accent Banyumasan language. It is true that the language of Banyumas is famous for its accent because the language used still has a connection with the ancient Javanese (Kawi). Read more about Fascinating Facts about Java Indonesia

Banyumasan language is slightly different from another Javanese language, apart from the word accent and accent is slightly different. Here are some examples of spoken language used:

  • How are you = rika kepriben kabare?
  • Welcome = sugeng tindhak
  • Good morning = sugeng enjang
  • Good day = sugeng siang
  • Good afternoon = sugeng ndalu

Beside what I explained above, here the information about commonly used and basic greetings in Indonesia. Check this out.

So are some examples of language expressions to express congratulations and greetings in several local languages that exist in Indonesia. There are many other language expressions that need to be learned. Hopefully can add knowledge and insight about beauty and uniqueness of Indonesian culture.

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