
10 Best Nightlife in Lombok

Lombok Island is one of the most favorite tourist islands in Indonesia. Many foreign tourists and local tourists who make the island of Lombok as a destination for a vacation with family, spouse, and own.

Lombok does offer several places of interest for you to spend the holidays. Its beauty can not only be enjoyed during the day, but also at night. In this occasion, we would like recommend you the best nightlife in Lombok that you can have.

  1. Camping in Tanjung Ringgit

Camping is one of the exciting activities you can do at night in Lombok. With a variety of interesting spots, guaranteed your camping activities will not be boring. The best camping reference is at Tanjung Ringgit. Although it requires patience due to ex and poor road conditions and a long time, still Tanjung Ringgit visited by many tourists.

In addition to having an exotic scene, this place is also very stunning with a blend of beaches and hills. One of the awaited moments while camping here is its sunrise moment, because Tanjung Ringgit is one of the most beautiful sunrise scenery in Lombok.

  1. Walking around Gili Trawangan

One of the Lombok night tours found in Gili Trawangan and quite attract tourists is the Art Market. During the night, Pasar Seni is actually visited by many tourists, both foreign tourists and local tourists.

Here, you can have dinner with a beach background. In addition, there are also some places that provide movies together on the beach. Gili Trawangan is one of Lombok’s night tours that offers a 24-hour tourist destination. You can spend your night here and enjoy the spin time in Lombok.

  1. Hanging out Taman Sangkareang

The next Lombok tourism that you can enjoy at night is Taman Sangkareang. This park is in the center of Mataram City. The complex is so wide that it is often used as a venue for concerts or art performances. Taman Sangkareang provides facilities such as children’s playground, garden chairs, cycling arena, mushala, and toilets.

This park began to be crowded when the afternoon until night. Many young people make Taman Sangkareang as a gathering place and berfoto.Kamu also can invite some colleagues or your brother to hangout in this park.

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  1. Tasting Lombok Culinary at Udayana Park

Green open space park, that’s the right name for this place. This tourist place is located in the center of Mataram, precisely on Jalan Udayana. This place is getting crowded as the sun begins to sink. The majority of the evening visitors were young people meeting. But, there is also just mingle with his friends.

In addition, Udayana Park is a place to try Lombok cuisine that fits in the evening. You can taste Lombok cuisine in this place. In addition, this park can also be a cool place to hang out at night.

  1. Enjoying night in Senggigi Beach

Senggigi Beach becomes a favorite tourist attraction for tourists, because it has a special attraction for other attractions on the island of Lombok. The beauty of the beach during the day still streaked until the night seemed to never fade or fade away will be a sun ambush in the afternoon.

At night, Senggigi beach atmosphere slightly different and more beautiful than during the day. The beauty of light bulbs is so squeezed here and there either on the roadside to illuminate the beach lips to make anyone fascinated with its beauty.

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  1. Hanging Out in Bundaran Gerung

The first icon you encounter when visiting lombok island is Bundaran Gerung (if you pass the port of the sheet). Now, Lombok already has access road coming from the international airport. Then you can pass Roundabout Gerung because here is one place tongkrongan residents and residents lombok in general.

If the night comes, the Bundaran Gerung will roar with its colorful lamps. Then you will feel at home hanging out here. If lucky then you will find a fountain that comes out from the sidelines of this Bundaran.

  1. Visiting Pura Batu Bolong

Visiting Pura Batu Bolong may feel stinging in the skin during the day due to its location near the beach. However, for those of you who do not really like the heat during the day, you can visit Pura Batu Bolong at night. However, make sure not to be alone when it comes to this place, because there are some mystical stories that spread in the community.

Batu Bolong Temple is the perfect location to enjoy the sunset. The moment of sunset is a moment that most awaited by tourists. This is where you can see the most enchanting sunset. Batu Bolong Temple is crowded with visitors until the evening.

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  1. Visiting Istana Mayura Park

Istana Mayura Park is a park built by a king from Bali. The term Mayura itself means a peacock. Park Mayura Palace is divided into two, namely the park and temple area.

The garden area is surrounded by mangosteen trees that serve as a guardrail. The temple area at the Mayura Park can be visited by anyone. Usually, this temple is used as a means of worship of Hindus. There are four main temples here, namely Pura Gunung Rinjani, Pura Gedong, Pura Ngelurah, and Pura Padmasana. You can visit this park at night. Apparently, the scenery in this park is more beautiful when the night. This is because many of the lights are luminous.

  1. Trying Ayam Taliwang for night culinary

When visiting Lombok, it seems complete if not try the traditional culinary. Taliwang chicken is the number one culinary cuisine in western Lombok, although many are encountered in other cities, the cuisine and the distinctive smell are so different.

For this cuisine can be tried immediately in the space Senggigi tourist attraction, but for the existing city center is also much found as in the house lesehan Jalan Ade Irma Suryani. 53, Mataram. Usually chicken taliwang sellers only open at midnight until midnight. You can try the typical menu Lobok this one as much.

  1. Spending your night at Sama-Sama Reggae Bar

Wa Ta Gwan Mon? Let me tell you the best Reggae Bar in the island. Okay, if you guys are Reggae music fans, you have to come here. Every night, this bar will have a live band that plays most reggae hits songs. Reggae and the beach is a very fitting combination, is not it?

You can spend your night in this bar to simply reduce fatigue. The menu provided also varies with a variety of cocktails. This bar is located at Jl. Raya Trawangan (Cross Bali), Gili Trawangan, Lombok, NTB 83352.

Those are some recommendations of best nightlife in Lombok. All of them must be so wonderful. You need to try some of them in some occasions!

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