Socio Cultural

8 Central Java’s Folktales with Wisdom Of Pearls

Central Java becomes a famous region in Indonesia with its myth as part of some facts of Java island. Like other regions in Indonesia, this region preserves its myth story in a folktale. Most of Javanese even believe that the folktales are true upon their story from their ancestors.

This time we will let you know about some folktales from Central Java. Most of them become so popular until now, and people use them to remain the existence of places. Their folktales not only rich with some authentic stories but also some wisdom of pearls we can take.

1. Timun Emas

Timun Mas becomes a famous story from Central Java’s folktales. The story tells us about Mbok Sirni and her daughter fight the evil giant. The story begins when Mbok Sirni wants to have a daughter so much, but she has no one until her husband dies.

One day, the evil giant comes to Mbok Sirni and gives her seeds of cucumber. Mbok Sirni plants the seeds until one day, the cucumber has grown. But, how shocked while she opens one of the cucumbers with the beautiful baby inside. She then named her with Timun Emas.

Once Timun Emas grown up, the evil giant comes to Mbok Sirni to ask her daughter for him so that he can eat her. Mbok Sirni finds another way to refuse the evil giant and give her daughter some weapons to defeat him using some origin seasoning of traditional food in central Java.

2. Jaka Tarub

Jaka Tarub becomes one of the famous stories from Central Java’s folktales. The story begins when Jaka Tarub sees some angels take a bath in a river. He steals one of their shawls so that she can’t go back to the sky.

Jaka Tarub finds that the shawl he stole belongs to Nawang Wulan. She cried so much once she knew she couldn’t come back to the sky. Jaka Tarub convinced her to live in his house and then marry her at his traditional house in Java Indonesia. One day she found that her shawl hidden by him. She leaves her husband and her daughter to go back to the sky.

3. Ande-Ande Lumut

Ande-Ande Lumut becomes one of the famous stories from Central Java’s folk stories. The story begins when there is a couple of name Raden Putra and Dewi Candra Kirana that leave the palace.

Dewi Candra Kirana was then adopted by a rich Widow that has three daughters. She named her as Kleting Kuning. One day, their news that there is a widow has a handsome son names Ande-Ande Lumut.  Ever girls want to marry him so that three daughters of the rich widow.

After pleading so many times to her mother, Kleting Kuning then go to meet Ande-Ande Lumut. While she tried to cross the most popular rivers on Java island, she asks by a crab man to help with a kiss. She refused him and dry the river so that she meets Ande-Ande Lumut. She finally reveals her true identity as Dewi Candra Kirana.

4. The Origin of Rawa Pening

Rawa Pening is a famous lake in Semarang and has a beautiful story behind it. The story begins when a young man call as Jaka Baru Klinting becomes so mad with his poorness. Everyone hates the poor and always underestimate him.

Someday, there is a leaf that no one capable to revoke that leaf from the ground. Everyone dare Jaka Baru Klinting to pull them out, and he did it. But, after he revokes the leaf there is water flooded the village and all of the people except him and Nyi Lantung. As time goes by, people name the lake with Rawa Pening.

5. The Origin of Baturaden

Baturaden is a beautiful place in Banyumas regency that comes with beautiful folktales behind. The myth is about a love story between Suta and the princess. Suta is the only servant so that he rejected to marry the princess.

One day, Suta and the princess run away from home and find a place to marry. The place has beautiful scenery and weather, so they lived there. people then name the place as Baturaden that means the servant and princess.

6. The Origin of Nyi Roro Kidul

Nyi Roro Kidul is so famous for her beauty and supernatural powers. She becomes one of the most myth of Central Java’s folktales. The story begins when there is a beautiful princess named Prince Kadita. But, the king still wants to have a son to continue his heir. He remarried with Dewi Mutiara and have a son, but her new wife doesn’t like the princess.

Princess Kadita then kicked out of the palace and stranded in the south of the Java sea. Once she throws her body into the sea, she healed from her illness. She then leads the southern sea with her stronger and conquest of most of the best beaches in Java Indonesia.

7. The Origin of Sikidang Crater

Sikidang crater becomes the most beautiful place on the Dieng plateau. It also has a folk story behind the beauty of princess Shinta Dewi. Every man wants to marry her, until one day she dares prince Kidang to make her a big draw well. She tried so many ways to failed the prince.

The prince becomes so mad and has no clue to safe him from the well until it has blown up and made a big crater.

8. Roro Jongrang

Roro Jonggrang is a beautiful princess that proposed by Bandung Bondowoso. She asks him to make a thousand temples in one night. She tried so many ways to failed the building. But, then he knew it once he reaches the 999 temples. He cursed her to becomes the temple to complete a thousand temples.

So, there are some glances about Central Java’s folktales. Most of them become a great story until now that rich with the wisdom of pearls that we can take.

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