
15 Cultural Barriers in Indonesia

The development of a culture in society and country is different. Usually, the culture of a nation is influenced by an indigenous culture that is very thick and original. It is not denied wherever the country.


Do not close the culture that exists in Indonesia, the development of culture in our country is still very attached, even brought to the pattern of thinking and behaving someone. Automatic if it has happened like this also affect the development and progress of the country.

To maintain its cultural values and uniqueness, it requires effort and conservation that is not easy. Inheritance and cultural assets are central to the history of a nation, therefore it’s very important for all people to continue to practice and care for the culture intensely and if necessary bring the national culture as an international culture favored by the world community.

In addition, we must continue to preserve and maintain their own culture, it turns out there are some cultural barriers in Indonesia that affect the loss of the culture. What are the factors that make the culture more and more eroded and faded, here are the reasons:

1. Environmental factor

Environmental factors are very influential in the development of a culture. In a different environment certainly has a culture that is not the same, it is very impacted. Especially in those areas, there is no mutual tolerance between cultures and customs. Of course, this makes other cultures will be reluctant to mix with the existing culture. Examples of Sundanese and Batak cultures are very different in diversity and custom. Read more about Cultural Habits in Indonesia

2. Educational factors are still low

Education existing in Indonesian society is not the same, for some cultures consider education to be things that are not pending. This certainly has an impact on how one can maintain a culture if education does not support how one knows to maintain and preserve its own culture. And also lower education levels make people tend to be lazy to act more.

3. Educational institutions are still minimal

Institutions both formal and informal have an important role in shaping one’s character. If the institution is still small and the material in use is not in accordance with the culture and social life, it affects the existing mindset and cultural ethics. Not giving a good thing, even bad things can happen because of lack of available educational institutions.

Not a few institutions and institutions of quality education produce quality resources as well, especially in terms of ethics cultured, nation and state. Read more about  Indonesian Cultural Values 

4. Adat is overly enticing and fanatical

Having customs and culture is a good thing and dignity. However, if the custom is too restrained and inflamed, certainly not worth to follow. Because it is against the law and also the right of a person’s freedom to do and determine his life worthily. By not reducing customary and cultural norms, customs should exist universally and flexible. Examples of customs choose a potential mate in the habit of a tribe like Batak and Tionghoa. Read more about Cultural Practices in Indonesia

5. Conservative attitudes of society

Not all cultures born from foreign cultures are bad, but this has certainly been a suggestion and a mindset of people who close themselves to the culture of others. Of course, this affects the culture that is getting worse and the difficulty of developing and advancing society both in the mindset, ethics, and socialization of other cultures. If this happens, of course often misunderstandings and disputes if not explained properly and correctly.

6. Ideological factor

Almost the same as a very fanatical adat, ideology in a society is good,  but if it is too excessive of not bad. This is a cultural barrier in Indonesia, especially a culture of mutual tolerance and nationhood. In every change certainly has a negative and positive side, it would be nice if the good side is taken and the bad side is avoided. Because culture should be able to accept new things that shape a change in a better direction, and not vice versa. Read more about Effects of Transmigration in Indonesia

7. The Nature of Life

The essence of living in an environment can occur with very rapid changes. If the change is not balanced with the good thing, then it will be a barrier to a growing social culture. Therefore, any change that occurs in the nature of life should be in accordance with the cultural conditions of the surrounding community, not to impede any good encouragement in any change.

8. Technology advances

Technological advances are increasingly more advanced, certainly affects the prevailing cultural values. Not all cultures can accept the changes that occur, but if the culture can be combined with existing technology, and produce a new culture is good and does not eliminate the old culture. Of course, this is very good because not necessarily the previous culture suitable for use in the development of culture in the present.

9. Lack of relationships with other communities

Relationships between individuals with each other can certainly affect the social and cultural life of the community. This is due to closed attitudes and fear of change if associating with new people, with different cultural backgrounds. So that arises indifferent attitude, of course, this inhibits the progress and mindset of a person, how a culture can develop well if there is still attitude no matter between individuals who are in the environment. Read more about Social Norms in Indonesia You Must Know

10. The habit factor

Bad habit factors certainly affect the cultural values adopted in Indonesian society. Moreover, these habits develop from an early age until someone becomes an adult. Habits with bad culture, even not in accordance with the existing norms can hamper a culture to be sustainable and attached to a person. Therefore, it is important from an early age each child is applied and taught about the prevailing culture in a social life of society.

11. Influence of media

Currently, a lot of media that evolved along with the development of the era. Starting from the media electronic, newspaper media, other electronic media and also the internet. If the media cannot filter information that matches the culture and traditions that exist, there will be a misunderstanding and even a dispute. So it is very important to be wise in choosing good news and not breaking from existing culture and norm. Read more about Moral Education in Indonesia

12. Parenting patterns of parents and teachers

One of the important cultural inhibiting factors in Indonesia is the role of parents and mentors, in this case, teachers, and the environment. If parents cannot provide good examples and role models to their children, based on the culture adopted then the child may be applicable outside the cultural and normative rules. It certainly can embarrass parents and mentors who are tasked to educate them on a generation that is cultured good and dignified. Do not let any foster in the development of social and cultural life.

13. Uncompromising rules

Each rule will have sanctions and applicable law. Any cultural acts that are inconsistent with ethics and norms, certainly there should be sanctions given, so that cultural values are not faded and considered trivial.

This has not been instilled until now, cultural values are still considered normal and not an important and valuable thing. If this is not dealt with firmly, do not lose if the prevailing cultural values in society begin to disappear and even discard. Read more about  Common Rules for Marriage in Indonesia

14. Lifestyle factors

The lifestyle factor of a person in associating and being a very decisive person has a strong culture or not. It is not easy for someone to get along with other people who have bad habits especially if the cultural values are very bad. If this is left than the value of existing culture will be considered trivial and ignored just like that.

Therefore, a simple lifestyle and maintaining polite cultural customs are the cultural habits of the Indonesian nation from the past. And we are taught to remain polite and virtuous. Read more about  Healthy Lifestyle in Indonesia

15. Lack of Leadership Change

In a country, or region is certainly led by a leader who has been selected previously. If a leader runs the rules and decisions also behave inappropriately with the prevailing cultural norms, this has an impact on the decisions taken.

Cultural norms that are not in accordance with the habits of course cause problems and polemic various parties, although it can be justified. However, if it is of this course must be straightened and reminded. Read more about Leadership Styles in Indonesia

Such an explanation of cultural barriers in Indonesia may be a lesson and your insight. See you in the next article.

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