
8 Best Places to Visit Dark Tourism in Indonesia

Nowadays, dark tourism becomes so popular not only in Indonesia but also around the world. In Indonesia, there are so many places that you can visit to remember some important events. Commonly, these event comes too dark, sad, and terrible to remember.

People love to visit some dark tourism places so much to remember the sad moment that happens at that place. The moment can come from some terrible disaster, conflicted area, political propaganda, and many more.

Here we have some of the dark tourism places that you should visit in Indonesia. Let’s check them out below!

1. Aceh Tsunami Museum

The Aceh Tsunami Museum was built to remember the most terrible tsunami disaster in Aceh, on December 26, 2004. It took more than 200,000 lives death with so many people missing. The tsunami was caused by the 9.2 magnitudes of the hypocentral earthquake in the middle of the Hindia ocean.

Aceh Tsunami Museum

The tsunami not only destroys Aceh, but also some areas in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, and the Maldives. Aceh becomes the most terrible place that destroyed by the tsunami so that it becomes the most concern for the Indonesian government and around the world.

The Aceh tsunami museum contains the completes simulation of the tsunami that makes you feel the real tsunami. There is a place that writes those victim names. You can visit the place at Sultan Iskandar Muda street, Sukaramai, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh, Aceh.

2. PLTD Apung and the Ship of Atap Rumah Aceh

In Aceh, instead of the Aceh tsunami museum, there also the PLTD Apung and the hip of Atap Rumah to remember the terrible tsunami in 2004. It is located at the Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh, Aceh.

PLTD Apung and the Ship of Atap Rumah Aceh

The ship has about 2,600 tons of weight was previously in the sea to be precise at the Ulee Lheuh crossing port, where it is now located (Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh City). On Sunday, December 26, 2004, the ship was dragged 2.4 km inland due to the earthquake and tsunami waves as high as 9 meters.

3. Bunker Kaliadem Merapi

Bunker Kaliadem Merapi was built for a  safe place when the Merapi volcano eruption come. But, when the eruption explodes in 2006, two people that took shelter there were found dead by the ash volcanic of the Merapi.

Bunker Kaliadem Merapi

So many people deplore the Bunker since it couldn’t help to protect them from the terrible eruption. Nowadays, the bunker is using for tourism visits to remember the terrible of the Merapi volcano eruption. You can visit there at Kinahrejo, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

4. Merapi Museum

Merapi museum was built to remember the terrible of Merapi volcano when it exploded by an Indonesian architect. The eruption destroys so many houses and farms of the villagers that so sad to remember. That is why the museum contains some warning and preventing disaster.

Merapi Museum

At the museum, you will get so much education about the volcanic mount that you will be more aware of its eruption. You can visit there at Kaliurang street, Banteng, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

5. Sisa Hartaku Museum

Sisa Hartaku museum was built to remember the terrible volcano mount eruption in Indonesia that destroys most of the treasure and property from villagers. There are so many treasures from kitchen tools, clothes, and even livestock.

Sisa Hartaku Museum

People commonly call this museum the house of The Rest of My Treasure after the Merapi eruption. You can visit there at Petung Merapi street, Petung, Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

6. Lapindo Mud Park

Lapindo mud park was built to remember those who become the victim of the eruption of the Lapindo mud on May 29, 2006. It claims that the mud still eruption until now and no one knows when it will stop.

It took about 17 lives death, more than 90,000 people evacuated,  and there are so many properties, and treasures were lost.

Lapindo Mud Park

You can visit the Lapindo Mud museum at Tanggulangin Raya street, Ketapang, Tanggulangin, Jatirejo, Porong, Sidoarjo, East Java.

7. Lubang Buaya Museum

Lubang Buaya museum was built to remember those who have become the victim of the G30S/PKI on 30 September 1965. Seven people were thrown away to the dwell that kidnapped and killed by the communist party at that time. Those seven people later call as the revolutionary heroes in Indonesia.

Lubang Buaya Museum

You can visit the museum at Cipayung, East Jakarta that has a similar look to another museum in Jakarta. There also another museum around the museum as the part of the Lubang Buaya museum park.

8. Galang Island Camp

Galang island camp is the island at Riau island that becomes one of the famous cities in Indonesia. The camp is connected to Riau and other islands within the Barelang bridge. From around 1975 until 1996, the island becomes the location to evacuate some victims from Vietnam. The area was under development and supervised by the United Nations of Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Galang Island Camp

The motivation for people that visit the camp in Galang island is almost the same as the descendant’s Holocaust survivors and Israel. Revisit the site to commemorate events that have happened. Commonly, most of the tourists come from Vietnam and Singapore.

So, there are some places with dark tourism in Indonesia that you can visit. By visiting those places, you will not only get educated by the history but also can decide with a better action so that some of those couldn’t happen again.

Besides, you will be more ready to face some disasters and other bad circumstances that may happen forwards.

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