
Education Curicculum in Indonesia

In Indonesia since the era of independence until now the millennium era has experienced several changes in the curriculum of education, both primary schools up to high school.

Of course, this has an impact, both positively and negatively. Every turn of the minister even the President requires the curriculum system to change. Sometimes this is also due to the development of the times and technology so that the curriculum must adjust so that students are not left far behind with other countries.

It is very difficult if in one year experiencing frequent curriculum changes, but the students must be able to adjust to the conditions and factors applicable in this country. Sometimes curriculum differences are evident between education at the city level and the regional level, especially remote and underdeveloped areas.

Therefore, it is very sad indeed to see the difference that is very far happening in a beloved country, Indonesia. Education is the most important thing in human life as well as the future of future generations.

Indonesia experienced several curriculum changes, such as:

1. The 1947 curriculum or called the Lesson Lesson 1947

The first curriculum began in the era of independence with the Dutch term Leerplan means lesson plan. This term is more popular than the curriculum (English). Changes to the curriculum of education are more political, from the orientation of the Dutch education curriculum to the national interest. The basic curriculum of education is based on Pancasila. This curriculum is called the Lesson 1947 and was implemented in 1950.

Because it is still in the moment of struggle, the curriculum of education is more emphasized on the formation of the human character of an independent Indonesia, sovereign, and parallel to other nations. The focus of the 1947 lesson does not emphasize the education of the mind, but on the education of character, statehood and social consciousness. The subject matter is related to the events and daily activities and focuses on the arts and physical education. Read more about  Interesting Facts about Child Labor in Indonesia

2. 1952 Curriculum, Lesson Plans Unravel 1952

This curriculum is a refinement of the previous curriculum, viewing and detailing each subject and this is spelled out by the name of the 1952 Declared Lesson Plans. This curriculum leads to an educational system of national education. The most prominent and characteristic of the 1952 Curriculum, each subject being linked to life and daily activities. The subjects matter clearly shows when a teacher teaches a subject.

3. The 1964 Curriculum, Educational Plan 1964

The government made and perfected the curriculum system in 1964, its name was called the Education Plan 1964. The characteristics of this educational curriculum are, the government wants the people to get the academic knowledge to be at an elementary school level. Learning is centered on the Pancawardhana program, which is a program of moral development, intelligence, emotional or artistic, skill, and physical. Read more about Types Of Laws In Indonesia

4. The 1968 curriculum

Formed and established during the New Order period, the curriculum was political and replaced the curriculum of the 1964 Educational Plan as a replacement for the curriculum of the Old Order era. This curriculum aims to form a true, strong, and physically healthy Pancasila man, strengthening the intelligence and skills of a body, morals, manners, and religious beliefs. The 1968 curriculum is regarded as a manifestation of a change of orientation in the implementation of the 1945 Constitution.

The characteristic of this curriculum is that the content of the subject matter is theoretical, not related to the factual problems in the field. Focus on the right materials given to students at every level of education. The content of education is based on intelligence and skill activities, as well as developing a healthy and strong physical.

5. The 1975 curriculum

The 1975 curriculum focuses on effective and efficient education. This curriculum was born because of the influence of the concept in the field of management of MBO (management by objective). Teaching methods, materials, and objectives are detailed in an Instructional System Development Procedure (PPSI), known as the unit of learning, which is the lesson plan for each unit.

6. The 1984 curriculum

This curriculum takes the basis of a process approach on a skill. Despite prioritizing approaches to the learning process, goals are important. This curriculum is called the “Enhanced Curriculum 1975”. Students position placed studying subject. From observing something, grouping, to discuss, to report. This model is called Active Student Learning (CBSA). Read more about Daily Activities in Indonesia

7. The 1994 Curriculum and the Curriculum Supplement 1999

The 1994 curriculum was the result of combining the previous curriculum, especially the curriculum of 1975 and 1984. Many critics came, caused by the student’s burden of being judged to be too heavy, from national content to local content. For example, local languages, arts, regional skills, and others. Thus, the 1994 curriculum became a super-solid curriculum.

8. The 2004 curriculum, KBK (Competency Based Curriculum)

The replacement for the 1994 Curriculum is the 2004 Curriculum called Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). An education program based on competence and three key elements, namely the selection of appropriate competencies, evaluation indicator specifications for achieving the achievement of competencies, and the development of learning.

KBK has the following characteristics, emphasizing the success of student competencies both individually and classically, oriented towards learning outcomes and diversity. Learning activities are focused using varied approaches and methods, learning resources not only teachers but also other sources that meet educational elements.

9. The 2006 curriculum, KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum)

This curriculum is similar to the 2004 curriculum. The difference lies in the authority in the compilation, which refers to the spirit of the decentralization of the education system. In the 2006 curriculum, the government set the basic competency standards in which teachers are required to develop their own syllabus and assessment according to the condition of the school and the region. The result of the development of the subject becomes a tool called the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP).

10. The 2013 curriculum

The curriculum of 2013 is a replacement for the 2006 curriculum or KTSP. The 2013 curriculum has three aspects of assessment, namely aspects of knowledge, skills aspects, and aspects of attitude and behavior. This curriculum focuses on learning materials in Bahasa Indonesia, IPS, PPKn, etc., while the material added is Mathematics material.

11. The 2015 curriculum

The 2015 curriculum is a curriculum that is still defined by the government. This is due to several factors such as materials, systems and ways of curriculum implementation so that when the National Exam held in 2015 still using the Curriculum 2006 is KTSP.

12. The 2016 curriculum

Curriculum 2016 still use the system in 2015. Where the use of materials, systems, and implementation using the system of National Exam and Competency Exam. The 2016 curriculum has not changed much since the education curriculum still focuses on existing and complete material.

13. The 2017 curriculum

The curriculum of 2017 still has the same role as the previous year. However, there will be a change in the learning system, with a system of full-day school and one day off. This is a polemical controversy. Although there are already some schools that enforce this system, there is no official regulation from the government.

Read also :

Hopefully, the explanation of the history of the education curriculum in Indonesia makes our knowledge to uphold national education. Might be useful.

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