
17 Exotic and Instagrammable Beaches in Central Java

When we talk about the interesting locations for tour destinations, we can mention the various types. Related to this, everyone has different choices. Every person has own favorite location which they want to visit on holiday. However, there is one kind of tour location that it can be called all people certainly love it.

This kind of tour location is beach tourism, a tour where we can find almost every region. Moreover, the existence of Indonesia as an archipelagic state, it does not seem strange if there are so many tourist destinations that are in the form of beach tourism. Since the various locations of beach tourism exist, this matter absolutely does not surprise if Indonesia is one of several nautical paradises and also it is the most popular in the world.

If we discuss diverse marine tourism in Indonesia especially a few of its beaches. There are a lot of beaches that we can mention and show. From the number of beaches exist, we can find out a little even get more about a few of exotic beach in Central Java. There are several beaches which can be said quite attractive for us to visit. Those several beaches are:

1. Teluk Penyu Beach

The tourist area of exotic beaches in Central Java which will be discussed for the first time starts from the south part of Java province. Teluk Penyu beach is one of several tours in Cilacap. This beach is classified as a calm one because of its waves not too big. Besides, Teluk Penyu Beach is characterized that its surface is slanted so that, it can be stated quite comfortable to visit.

One thing that is quite interesting from this beach is still actively visited by the fishers. If we come to this beach area, we will see a few of fisher’s boat which is being tied up quietly. There is a dock that protrudes far to the middle of this beach. Generally, one of the dock at Teluk Penyu Beach often becomes a central spot of taking photos for visitors and this place is never deserted. They take many photos while searching for a great photoshoot from the scenery such as sunset to be one of the most beautiful scenery in Indonesia.

2. Menganti Beach

Perhaps, Menganti Beach can be called one of several hidden beaches in Indonesia that people still not much to know it yet. This beach is one of the tourist areas from tourism places which are quite popular in Kebumen. The name of Menganti Beach is one of tour location names that has been known by Kebumen people. The beauty of this beach is situated in panorama and its position is quite attractive.

When we visit this place, we are not only able to see beach scenery with its soothing waves but also, we can see the green hills that are still in the one area of Menganti Beach. The uniqueness and beauty from the beach makes Menganti Beach name become popular. To facilitate the visitors who came to this beach, there are so many support amenities that we can find. Those amenities definitely will help and facilitate the visitors to enjoy the beauty of Menganti beach.

3. Jetis Beach

Jetis Beach is one of several exotic beaches in Central java that is exactly located in the south beach area. When we visit this beach, we will discover the white sand beaches which look broad. Nevertheless, Jetis Beach can be stated that the color of its water tends to black. The black color which really contrasts with the blue color in the sea gives a different atmosphere but, you should not feel disappointed first with that condition.

Jetis Beach is a part of tourism place in Purworejo and this beach has been quite famous among local people. Even, there are not a few travelers who live out of town come to enjoy the beauty of Jetis Beach. Besides, this beach not only shows the beautiful scenery but, it also offers the various amenities that certainly make interesting.

When we visit Jetis Beach, we will find many gazebos that line up on the edge of the beach. These gazebos can be utilized by visitors for relaxing and enjoying the beautiful beach.

4. Nampu Beach

Nampu Beach can be mentioned that this beach can bring us into a fun atmosphere. In addition, Nampu Beach is one of several pleasure tourist locations in Wonogiri. This beach has greenish-blue sea water and looks clear. Besides, the hills which are around the beach make the atmosphere more beautiful and more interesting.

Nampu Beach can be said one kind of beach that is not too crowded so that, if we are on this beach, we are still able to feel convenient and quiet. There are many things which we can do in Nampu Beach. For example, swimming and snorkeling as one of the activities that we can do or just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful scenery and captivating. This beach is quite often visited by tourists even, there are not a few tourists who live outside the area come and enjoy the beauty of Nampu Beach.

5. Nusa Kambangan Beach

Look deserted, lovely, and secluded, Nusa Kambangan Beach can be called as a location which is the most rarely visited by. One of the exotic beach parts in Central Java, the name of Nusa Kambangan Beach is probably sounded scary. Incidentally, we know that Nusa Kambangan Beach is one of location for inmates place who will be executed. Behind this occurrence, Nusa Kambangan Beach still keeps a lot of hidden magnificence.

Nusa Kambangan Beach is one location of many tourist destinations which are still hidden. This beach truly looks natural and it is not visited yet by tourists. Most of the people who come to Nusa Kambangan Beach are from local tourists and they surely have already known this location. At least, we can make time only once to visit this beach which is in Cilacap.

Furthermore, a few tourist locations that have already been mentioned above, there still have other locations such as:

6. Pecaron Beach

7. Bopong Beach

8. Widarapayung Beach

9. Pailus Beach

10. Bandengan Beach

11. Panjang Island

12. Karang Jahe Beach

13. Jatimalang Beach

14. Sigandu Beach

15. Ujungnegoro Beach

16. Morosari Beach

17. Kartini Beach

Anyway, that is all several kinds of exotic beach destinations in Central Java which we can visit. If you want to go to one of those beaches so, do not forget to maintain the cleanliness in the beach area. Hopefully, this information makes useful.

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