
The Brief History of Islam in Bali

This judgement tells that Bali is a world of Hindu. In fact, Islam has also grown there together with the development of Islam in other regions in Indonesia. How is the history of Islamic development in the pulp of a thousand temples? The dynamics of the development of Islam in each region is certainly different. Others in Sulawesi are also in Bali. Islam entered the island of Bali since the glory era of the Majapahit kingdom around the 13th-14th century AD. Here is the review of the history of Islam in Bali.

  1. The King of Gelgel attended the conference

It was King Gelgel to I Dalem Ketut Ngelesir who reigned (1380-1460 AD) held a visit to the palace of Majapahit to meet King Hayam Wuruk. At that time King Hayam Wuruk was holding a royal conference throughout the country of Indonesia. The conference is an annual conference with subordinate kingdoms located in various parts of Indonesia. Besides, it is as a form of obedience to the Majapahit kingdom in Mojokerto.

After the event was finished, Dalem Ketut Ngelesir returned to his country (Bali) named Gelgel kingdom. The return of Dalem Ketut Ngelesir to his kingdom was accompanied by forty people from Majapahit as accompanist, two of them were Raden Modin and Kiai Abdul Jalil with 40 accompanists from Majapahit. Some of them were Islamic people.

  1. The Muslim guards built a mosque

The Muslim guards only acted as servants in the Gelgel kingdom. After arriving at Gelgel, they occupied a settlement and built a mosque named Gelgel Mosque, which is now the oldest place of worship of Muslims in the Island of the Gods. This event is used as a benchmark for the entry of Islam in Bali which is centered in the kingdom of Gelgel Bali.

Raden Modin and Kiai Jalil were the two main figures who played an important role in the spread of Muslims in Bali. At that time, they stayed long enough to live in the center of Gelgel Klungkung kingdom. But in its development they left Gelgel heading east and stopped at the village of Banjar Lebah. In Banjar Lebah, Raden Modin settled and did not continue the journey, while Kiai Jalil still continued the journey until he died in Saren village. He left some Qur’an scriptures and a bedug that now it was already broken.

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  1. The development of Islam in Bali

The existence of Islam in Bali, the Muslim figures at that time never make communications among the regions. Such Muslim leaders in Jembrana never communicate with Muslims in Buleleng, Badung, Karangasem, and Muslim enclaves all over Bali. It was the evidence that the existence of Islam in Bali, which has hundreds of years in Bali, has not experienced a significant growth. One reason is because the spread of Islam in Bali only uses one way, that is with the spread of Islam culturally.

In addition, the rulers in various kingdoms in Bali at that time applied the politics of quarantine for the Muslim population. There were several reasons why Kings implement the politics of quarantineie, first, to prevent the onset of conflict between Muslims and Balinese caused by the background of differences in religion and culture.

  1. The application of quarantine politics

There are several reasons why the Kings implement the politics of quarantine. The first is aimed to prevent the conflict between Muslims and Balinese caused by the background of differences in religion and culture. Second, it minimizes the possibility of Islamization by Muslims against the Balinese. Third, it is done to provide a sense of security sociologically, culturally, religiously, and psychologically. It is because they can develop their identity freely without being dominated by Balinese ethnic. The fourth reason is the Hindu Balinese ethnic around it can maintain their identity, without any feelings undermined by Muslims.

Indirectly, with the application of the politics of quarantine, conflict between religions can be avoided, so there is the term called Nyamaslam, the call name from Hindu Balinese to the population of Islam, which assumes Muslims are brothers, not enemies.

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  1. The Development of Islam in Bali during the Dutch Colonialism

The Muslim wave that took place when the Dutch (VOC) succeeded in mastering Makassar in 1667 AD under the pressure of the Dutch, many inhabitants of Makassar fled the island of Sulawesi. One of the destinations to escape is the island of Bali. Ethnic Bugis landed first in Air Kuning, which was still rare inhabitants.

Until finally, with the permission of the Leader of Jembrana Kingdom at that time I Gusti Ngurah Pancoran, there was established Air Kuning as the first Islamic village in Jembrana. Then, later on around the 18th century, there came a Pontianak Malay Muslim Entourage led by Syarif Abdullah bin Yahya Al-Qodary, who later became the forerunner of the existence of Islam Loloan village.

  1. Islam in Bali after independence

Post-independence with the rapid progress of the tourism industry, many Muslim populations of Java, Madura, and Lombok, who decided to move to Bali. This was due to the lack of employment in their hometown. It continues to increase the population of Muslim immigrants from various regions of Indonesia.

However, the development of Islam in Bali then made some conflicts between the the group of immigrants and the local people in Bali. Although at the start everything ran well, there were many reactions from the local people.

  1. Slow but sure, the existence of Islam in Bali could be accepted

The existence of a Muslim ummah who has hundreds of years in Bali gives some unique characteristics, for example, some Muslims add Balinese names to their children such as Wayan, Made, Nyoman and Ketut, so it is not unusual to find names like Wayan Abdullah , or Ketut Muhammad for example. But this is only in the cultural level. For religious idioms, they do not want to compromise. they still keep the values of Islamic shari’ah as a whole.

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  1. The spread of Islamic villages in Bali

Soon, there are Moslem villages in Bali, such as Pegayaman (Buleleng), Palasari, Loloan and Yeh Sumbul (Jembrana) and Nyuling (Karangasem).  You could also find the Muslim village in Kepaon City of Denpasar. The people there do the same daily activity like most of people in Bali in general. The only one thing that is diferent is the places of worship.

The example is in the village of Pengayaman, it is located in the mountains and still classified as agrarian, all the symbols of Balinese custom such as subak, seka, banjar, well maintained. Similarly, the names of their children, Wayan, Nyoman, Nengah, Ketut are still given as Balinese distinctive words.

  1. A number of Muslim Communities in Bali

The inhabitants of these vilages are said to have originated from Javanese soldiers or subjects of Sasak and Bugis originally Muslim brought by the Kings of Buleleng, Badung and Karangasem in the days of the Balinese kingdom.

The Muslims in Kepaon are descendants of Bugis warriors. The village they live in now is a gift of the king of Cave. In fact, the relationship of Muslim citizens Kepaon with the environment of the castle (palace) until now still well established.

Some friction had occurred among Kepaon Muslim citizens with indigenous Balinese, King Pemecutan intervened to defend them. In Denpasar, the Muslim community can be found in Kampung Islam Kepaon, Serangan Island and Kampung Jawa. the majority of Kampung Kepaon and Serangan are inhabited by Bugis descendants. It is said that their ancestors were fishermen who were stranded in Bali. When war broke out between the kingdom of Badung and Mengwi, they were soldiers. After the victory, then given the land by the King.

Those are the long journey of Islam entered Bali. Basically, Bali has a lot of beliefs where people could live together without any problems. Although in the start of development Islam is difficult to spread, long after the adaptation Islam grows rapidly there.

This judgement tells that Bali is a world of Hindu. In fact, Islam has also grown there together with the development of Islam in other regions in Indonesia. How is the history of Islamic development in the pulp of a thousand temples? The dynamics of the development of Islam in each region is certainly different. Others in Sulawesi are also in Bali. Islam entered the island of Bali since the glory era of the Majapahit kingdom around the 13th-14th century AD. Here is the review of the history of Islam in Bali.

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