Food and Beverage

The Most 9 Mouthwatering Indonesian Seafood Dishes You Have To Try

Indonesian landmark is so beautiful with the combination of the sea, hills, and the mountain. It has almost covered by the sea all around its island which 1:3 of comparison. That is why there are a lot of seafood types you can eat from there. If you have ever visited Indonesia, there will be no struggle to get some dish come from the sea.

Almost all of the cities in Indonesia have a famous seafood restaurant that you have to try. If you have time to cook, you can go to the seafood traditional market in Indonesia and cook them all by yourself.

Here we have some of the lists of the most mouthwatering Indonesian seafood dishes that you should try. Remember to the caution of some allergic that may be shown by consuming them. So, make sure you have no seafood allergic before decide to eat them all.

1. Cakalang

Cakalang is a kind of fish which becomes the most famous seafood in Indonesia. Commonly Indonesian make it as grilled Cakalang. The taste is so delicious combines with the staple food and Sambal.

Cakalang Bakar

If you don’t like some grilled food, Cakalang can be cooked as Juku Pallu Cel’ a (Makasar traditional food), Rica-Rica Cakalang, Woku Cakalang, or simple fried Cakalang with Sambal Dabu-Dabu. It is perfect to eat with rice which just already cooked. These recipes you can only find in Indonesia.

2. Shrimp and Lobster

Shrimp and Lobster become popular since the taste is very great. But for some people that have a shrimp allergic, this may be hard to consume them. There are special menus from shrimp and lobster that originally come from Indonesia.

Udang Bakar Madu

You can enjoy them as Udang Bakar Madu, Udang Asam Manis, Udang Saus Tiram, and many more. Besides, you can put them on Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng, Cap Cay, or some Asian dishes such as the most Indonesian Noodles dish.

3. Scallop

Every type of scallop has always mouthwatering. Since Indonesia has a lot of sea areas on different islands so that the scallop can be different too. There are so many types of scallops in Indonesia such as Kerang Hijau, Kerang Dara, Kerang Batik, and many more.

Kerang Dara Saus Padang

You can enjoy the scallop in a Kerang Asam Manis, Kerang Dara Saus Padang, Kerang Hijau Kuah Kecap, and many more.

4. Crab

Crab becomes every one favorite Indonesian seafood dish at any age. The taste is so great if you can perfectly cook them. There are so many Indonesian recipes made with Crab.

Kepiting Saus Padang

You can enjoy the Crab that cooks with Kepiting Saus Padang recipe, Kepiting Saus Mentega, and many more. To ough. But, consume the Crab, sometimes can be hard tough and need some efforts. That is why the taste is so great once you take a bite of it.

5. Squid

Most of the Indonesian seafood restaurants offer squid as their main dish. That because the taste of its has the most unique chewy. Squid also becomes the most seafood in most dishes. You can find it on Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng, or even the squid it is self.

Cumi Saus Asam Jeruk

You can enjoy the original Indonesian recipe that made by squid such as Cumi Saus Padang, Cumi Asam manis, Cumi Saus Asam Jeruk, Sotong Pangkong from Pontianak, and many more.

6. Otak-Otak

Otak-Otak is one of the Indonesian seafood dishes made by the combination of Tenggiri fish and some flour. The taste is so tasty and the smell will make your stomach growling. To make the Otak-Otak, you have to wrap them in banana leaves then simply smoke them.


Otak-Otak becomes Indonesian favorite dishes to consume at any age. It is so great to put in a peanut sauce when it is already cooked. The taste is so different when it becomes cold. So, make sure to consume them while still warm.

7. Pempek

Sumatera island not only famous with the cultural attractions in North Sumatera but also the dish call as Pempek. It originally comes from Palembang, West Sumatera. It made by the combination of tapioca flour and Tenggiri fish. The sauce called the Cuko which comes from the Palembang vinegar.


The taste is so crisp and a bit chewy but so delicious to consume. You can eat them as a snack or your main dish. But, be careful about the Cuko because it can make your teeth fall out.

8. Pallumara

Pallumara comes from Makasar, South Of Sulawesi. It made from the Kakap fish that mix with the yellow soup. It has a succulent taste that you will never forget. It becomes the most iconic seafood dish not only in Makasar but also most of Indonesia.


Pallumara is best to consume while the weather comes cold. Consume it while the soup still hot giving you a good vibe to enjoy the cold of the weather.  

9. Gohu Ikan

Gohu Ikan is a kind of seafood dish made from Tuna and some chilies. The taste is so fresh, a bit salty and sour, but it is so great to consume. It comes from Ternate, Maluku. Commonly, Indonesian calls this dish as the Maluku’s Shasimi.

Gohu Ikan

Gohu Ikan serves with rice and to make it is so simple. You only need to cut the tuna into small pieces. Then pour some lemon juice and a little salt. Give some basil chop, stir them well with some coconut oil, pepper, fried peanut, and shallots.

So, there are the most mouthwatering 9 Indonesian seafood dishes that you have to try. Some of Indonesian make the seafood dishes to consume with their favorite staple food as the unique facts about Indonesia. But, no exception for them consumes those dishes as the diet food.

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