Food and Beverage

9 Delicious Types of Satay in Indonesia

Are getting bored of consuming the usual cooking of chicken or beef? Then you should try the Indonesian Satay is one of the most popular Indonesian chicken dishes. It is a kind of chicken or beef that is roasted properly using some Indonesian spices and serve with skewers.

Satay in Indonesia has so many types which commonly come from different Indonesian regions. That makes it becomes part of the Indonesian rich culture of traditional Indonesian food so far that becomes one of the most delicious Indonesian national dishes.

Speaking of Satay in Indonesia, this time we will bring you to the most delicious types of Satay in Indonesia. Be careful, because all of them are capable to make you going to mouthwatering once you look at them. Now, check them out below!

1. Satay Maranggi

Satay Maranggi becomes one of the most popular types of satay in Indonesia that comes from Purwakarta, West Java. It has a unique story that represented three pearls of wisdom of pearl for West Javanese the determination, attitude, and utterance.

Satay Maranggi contains chicken that mixes perfectly with chicken soup, sugar, soy sauce, and Javanese acid water. It screwed properly and roasted using some of the Indonesian traditional kitchen tools over the hot charcoal.

The unique taste of Satay Maranggi is because of the sticky rice powder as the main recipe and Kecombrang or Honje flower on it.

2. Satay Klatak

Satay Klatak becomes one most popular types of Indonesian satay that comes from Yogyakarta as one of the cities that has the cheapest cost of living cities in Indonesia. It contains the goat beef that is poured with saltwater and garlic that screwed properly then roasted over the hot charcoal.

Satay Klatak has a soft and chewy texture of goat beef which makes it delicious to consume with rice or Lontong. Commonly, it serves with the Gulai of goat beef which makes it a perfect combination.

3. Satay Padang

Satay Padang becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian satay that comes from Padang, West Sumatra. Just like other Padang cuisines, this satay also has a bit of hot spicy level that you should aware of.

Commonly Satay Padang cooked properly with the rice flour combines with some turmeric so makes it yellow and sticky. It contains beef and some innards’ cow that poured with some saltwater and garlic.

4. Satay Madura

Satay Madura becomes one of the most popular types of satay in Indonesia that comes from Madura island, East Java. It contains chicken or beef that mix properly with the peanut sauce. You can find this type of satay in most of the Indonesian region.

Satay Madura has a sweet taste from the sugar palm on the peanut sauce and the soybean sauce while roasting it. commonly, Indonesian love to consume using rice or Lontong as they wish with some chili pepper on the top of the satay.

5. Satay Tegal

Satay Tegal becomes one of the most famous types of Indonesian satay that comes from Tegal, Central Java. It contains the beef of young sheep or goat as the most important part of the satay from Tegal. They call the beef the Balibul types of beef the youngest type of sheep or goat.

Satay Tegal commonly serves with rice or Lontong as you pleased. Tegalnese commonly serving the hot Poci tea inside this dish which becomes the perfect combination ever.

6. Satay Ambal

Satay Ambal becomes one of the most popular types of satay in Indonesia that comes from Kebumen, Central Java. It contains chicken that mixes properly with the peanut sauce combine with Tempe.

Satay Ambal not only popular with its delicious taste but also a type of satay that has a healthier type to consume. The Tempe inside the peanut sauce as the main seasoning of the satay has a good protein with a low calory that healthier to consume.

7. Satay Lilit

Satay Lilit becomes one of the most popular types of satay in Indonesia that comes from Bali. It contains some pork, mackerel, or chicken which you can choose as the main ingredient of it. Commonly, Indonesian using chicken as the most favorable beef in the country.

Satay Lilit has the most unique serving which is screwed properly on the lemongrass. That makes it more delicious with the combination of salty and a bit hot spicy level that you can’t imagine.

Satay Lilit is usually cooked properly with coconut milk for a savory taste. It combines with turmeric and some other Indonesian spices that makes it more delicious to taste.

8. Satay Buntel

Satay Buntel becomes one of the most popular types of satay in Indonesia that comes from Solo, Central Java which popular with one of the cities that have so many oldest buildings in Indonesia. It contains the beef goat that wraps properly with some mutton fat sheet by sheets.

Satay Buntel has a delicious taste with a combination of sweet and savory from the soy sauce and peanut sauce. Commonly it has a thicker size than the usual beef goat satay because some sheets of mutton there.

9. Satay Kelinci

Satay Kelinci becomes one of the most popular types of satay in Indonesia that comes from Bandungan, Semarang, Central Java. It contains the beef of rabbits which commonly easier to find in the mountains regions. That is why you can easily find this type of satay in around mountains area.

Satay Kelinci has a savory and sweet taste from the combination of soy sauce and peanut sauce.

So, some of the glances about the delicious types of satay in Indonesia come from different Indonesian regions. Have you ever tried them all near your cities or regions?

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