
15 Common Learning Styles in Indonesia

Each student has their own style in learning. Learning is not necessarily by sitting nicely on a chair and using the study table alone. Some of them have already improved the learning style because that way of learning like that is too mainstream. The style of learning must be chosen well since it would be the way for them to get the knowledge. However, most of the students have some unique learning style in Indonesia that you should know.

  1. Group discussion

This style of learning is usually done by the students of the higher level, such as Senior High School students or university students. The students would discuss a topic to solve a problem. They usually work in group to make some paper and task. Even, some students have the group discussion not because of the task. It just likes a habit for Indonesian students to be at their group. You know that most of the Indonesians are sociable and don’t like to be individual.

  1. Making Donkey Bridge

Are you familiar with the donkey bridge method while memorizing something? Yes, the donkey bridge is made to simplify the method of memorizing something by adding a word or syllable added to the order of words you want to memorize to form a sentence with an interesting or logical meaning. Usually, the brain would be easily memorizing while there is something interest on it. Here is the donkey bridge works.

  1. Learning the material a day before test

In Indonesian school, there is a regular test that done after the material explanation finish. Miraculously, the most of Indonesian students would study the material a day before the test. After the material finished, they would never reopen it again until the time of test comes. This kind of style in Indonesia is famous with SKS (Sistem Kebut Kemalam) which means the system of learning a night before test without going to sleep.

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  1. Indoor learning

Some students of Indonesia prefer to learn at the indoor to outdoor. They would like to study in closed area such as café or library. It is chosen because they just want to be focus of learning at the quite are. Whether it is in group or not, the indoor would be considered the fit place for learning something.

  1. Solitary learning

Solitary means solo learning. This type of learning is usually done by the students who don’t have many friends. They would be more focus since they study at the quite place without any disturbance of their friends. The students who have this style of learning are typically introverts.

  1. Memorizing with the loud voice

Most of students of Indonesia have this kind of learning style. There are opinions say that if you use the more senses while memorizing, the material can be absorbed well. By means, while you have more energy released, it would be better for the brain to digest the lesson. When you memorize it out loud, at least you can see the text, recite it with your mouth and listen to it with your ears. That is why this kind of learning style is the most favorite.

  1. Listening music

For some people, learning while listening to music is not effective because of the brain’s attention will be divided between the lessons with the music being heard. However, there are many Indonesians who learn with listening to favorite music. So, do you think it works? In fact, there are many smart students do this style of learning. For those who don’t like any noise, don’t use this kind of learning style.

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  1. Eating some snacks while learning

It is easy for almost students in Indonesia to get boredom while learning something. Therefore, they would search the repellent for the boredom. One of them is a snack. Many students are able to learn if only accompanied by snacks or heavy meal. As the example, accompanied by drinks like coffee if the time of study is night. (Read also: Indonesian Traditional Snacks)

  1. Learning at the crowds

While most of people need a quiet place to learn, there are a number of Indonesian students who like study at the crowds. Therefore, while you visit park or city garden in Indonesia, you would see a group of students study there. The reason is nature. The background of nature sounds could increase the concentration. However, it would not work if there are too many crowds there.

  1. Making some messy notes

While the teacher explains the material, it has been a habit for almost the students to note what their teacher’s says. It is aimed to anticipate in case they couldn’t memorize the material well. However, the note is messy. It is because the focus of the students is divided into listening and writing when the teacher explaining.

  1. Learning by doing

Some of students couldn’t catch the material if they don’t prove it. It is usually happen on the scientific lesson such as chemistry, physics, or biology. That is why, sometimes teacher at school ask the students to do some research at the laboratory to prove some theory. Here, the students will be more sure and catch the material well.

  1. Teacher centered

Teacher centered means the teacher becomes the only one who is active at the class. Although this kind of learning is already outdated in Indonesia, there are still a few numbers of teachers that still do this kind of method.  Actually, this kind of method is really boring for the students. Some of them even will be sleepy since their activity is just passive and listening.

  1. Learning by imitating

Some students would like to imitate while learning. This style of learning usually used for the right-brain-ability lesson, such as art and language. However, the kid students would also imitate what the teacher does. That is why being teacher in Indonesia means a lot. The teacher must have not only good knowledge, but also great habit.

  1. Learning by practice

Learning by practice means apply the theory in the daily life. Most of students use this style to learn foreign language. They believe that the style would be effective to make their language speaking fluently. That is why there are many clubs of languages that are available at campus or school. It is useful to facilitate their learning.

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  1. Bring gadget everywhere

Gadget for students is already been familiar since the development of smartphone rapidly increased some years ago. So, you don’t need to be surprised while you see many kid students have already owned their smartphone. Gadget is also used to support the learning in Indonesia. There are many teachers who share the material to social media and ask the students to download it. That is why gadget is a need for Indonesian students.

 Those are the learning style in Indonesia. In their School life in Indonesia, the students would get much knowledge from teacher. However, sometimes they get it from their family since the family is their first environment in life.

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