
10 Modern Jobs You can Do in Indonesia

Working in Indonesia will never get wrong. There have been many people from outside Indonesia decided choose to stay in Indonesia for a w while to build a startup or even just making some business. If you are a person that was born around 1990’s and more, you can be categorized as millennial generation. In Indonesia, millennial generation has some characteristics that are unique.

In seeking work, most of millennials prioritize work-life balance, flexibility, and opportunities to develop. No need to worry anymore, now there are some jobs that have these things and allow you to be able to earn income from your hobby. If you are millennial, you have to create some modern jobs in Indonesia.

  1. Youtuber

Since a few years ago, this profession was mentioned as a very trending job in Indonesia. Actually this is almost the same as blogger, only if the blogger writes more, we also call Youtuber a vlogger or video blogger. There is also a vlogger that uploads videos only on Instagram. But more people have their own Youtube channel. People like Raditya Dika, Ernest Prakasa, and Pandji Pragiwaksono are examples of successful vloggers.

Because of the speed of YouTube audiences in Indonesia, Youtubers have already gained a lot of money through AdSense Youtube. Some Youtuber in Indonesia have even won millions of subscribers with millions of viewers every day.

  1. Content Creator

Feel creative enough and have ideas that are out of the box? You can be a content creator whose job is to make content from a brand or company as attractive as possible. Usually design and writing skills are important here. If you just like writing, government institutions and any company now need content writer.

This profession has been cultivated by young people in Indonesia in recent years. This is because the development of the digital era is increasingly rapid in Indonesia, many authors of newspaper or magazine articles are starting to switch to this profession. Moreover, if you have good English skills in writing, you can be a content writer.

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  1. Computer System Analyst

This work might not be familiar. But the profession is also quite needed today. Usually computer system analysts will help companies install and upgrade new digital systems to train employees to use the system. It requires unusual knowledge and abilities. It is not impossible that this profession produces a millennial ideal salary. IN Indonesia, this profession is usually paid quite high in the company.

  1. Travel and Food Blogger

Actually, even if this was before millennial, there were only differences in numbers. If you like traveling, rather than not having any fruit, write your travel story on a personal blog or send it to a website that does receive travel writing. If you like culinary, you can also sharpen your food photography skills and become a culinary blogger.

From writing that was originally just a fad, you can get offers from restaurants, hotels and interesting places to review. It’s really fun to walk for free, stay at a hotel for free, eat free, or even get paid for things that are as enjoyable as that.

  1. Food or fashion Stylist

The stylist of fashion is not only needed for shooting lifestyle magazines, you know. With the development of the fashion industry and the increasing number of online clothing sellers, fashion stylists are needed to take pictures of the models. So, the photos of their products can add the value to the sale.

In addition to the fashion stylist, there is also a food stylist whose job is to arrange food so that it looks so beautiful when photographed. It can be used for promotions with more targets being achieved. The result of the picture is usually uploaded in Instagram, facebook, twitter, and so on.

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  1. Social Media Strategist

Every day Indonesians cannot escape the device: smartphones, tablets, laptops. All information is obtained from online sources. Therefore, a social media strategist is needed to monitor what many people are looking for from social media, optimization of how to get more customers from promotions and campaigns, market behavior, and so on. This work is very millennial because it is close to the daily millennial average life: not far from social media and devices.

  1. Graphic Designer

Visual speaks louder. People will not be interested in seeing advertisements or posters that only contain writing (except in the traffic jam area like Kuningan-Mampang Jakarta where people finally read the advertisement of one of Indonesia’s leading online transportation companies) So the hands full of power that can turn on writing in the form of images is needed very much in this era.

Now, Graphic designers aren’t just for banners or billboards. With the increasing use of social media, those of you who have good visual design skills can open digital printing businesses such as making online invitations, logos, online advertisements, and so on.

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  1. Sociopreneur

Millennials is generation who want to have a big impact on the environment both natural and social, agree? Because of that sociopreneur or social entrepreneur is a job that is very suitable for millennial. A sociopreneur departs from anxiety over what is happening around him, then builds ideas that when executed can answer and be a solution to the problem.

For example, Go-Jek has responded to the unrest of conventional motorcycle taxis, which the fare is not friendly to passengers, Dreamdelion that empowers women to produce quality weaving, and the workability that gives diffables the opportunity to continue working in limited physical conditions.

  1. Celebgram

Instagram celebrities, also known as “celebrities”, have recently become popular among today’s young people. Selebgram comes from various backgrounds. They are not just top celebrities first on the screen. The program can be a photography lover, traveling hobbyist, coffee lover, make-up enthusiast, animal lover, or just humorist. They have thousands to millions of followers. Why is that so? The key is the content displayed on the Instagram account.

All can be popular in cyberspace as long as you have interesting and unique social media content. The more unique, the more interesting, or even more controversial, the more followers they get. Like fans of idol artists, these followers also follow the gamers’ daily lives. Followers give comments and likes on every post.

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  1. Videographer

The trend of social media content has changed from what was previously written only (as evidenced by how many long-term posts on Facebook about five years ago) became photos with narratives and changed to video.

People enjoy shorter duration content that doesn’t take much time to understand. To make a video that is fun to watch, the services of a videographer are needed. Who said the videographer was only needed to record the wedding?

Those are the recommendation of modern jobs that you can do in Indonesia as millennial. If you want to visit Indonesia, you can make a really good work through your hobby. Remember that today the digital is significantly raising in Indonesia!

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