
15 Hidden Paradise in West Java You Must See

It can be frustrating to go somewhere that is too crowded with people. They distract you from enjoying the full scenery of your surrounding. Or maybe you’re just bored of going to the same old place for every holiday.

Would you like to know some getaway destinations that are still under the radar? Well then, here are 15 Hidden Paradise in West Java. Turn these places into your personal paradise and hide away from the overwhelming city for a while.

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1. Sawarna Beach

Sawarna beach is located in Banten, West Java. It’s a beach with powerful waves, white sand and many things to see.

The best way to get around the beach is by riding motorcycles. Only very few people know about this place.

There is a waterfall-like structure in the sea which is a favourite among many people. There are also caves to explore. Surfers will have a good time riding out the strong waves here.

2. Green Canyon

Green Canyon is definitely worth the visit. It’s a long river that gets its name from the colour of the water.

The river runs in between two tall cliffs. You can take a boat ride and swim near the waterfall. Absorb the breathtaking view around you.

If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the wild animals exploring the jungle. The best time to visit this place is during the weekdays. Weekends tend to be a bit crowded than usual.

3. Tebing Citatah

Tebing Citatah is not for the faint hearted. It’s a set of limestone cliffs that are often used by militaries for training.

There are exceptions on the weekends. Citatah 48, 90 and 125 are free for the public. People can climb these rocks completely free of charge.

However, you need to obtain permission to climb Citatah 90 and 125 they’re quite dangerous. Nevertheless, the view and the experience will leave you in awe.

Read more: Best Activities in Bandung

4. Sendang Geulis Kahuripan

Sendang Geulis Kahuripan will give you the one of the best nature adventure. To reach it, you’ll pass a beautiful tea plantation which is a plus for your trip.

Here in Sendang Geulis Kahuripan, you will find a hidden pure source of water spring. Take a swim in the clear water to cool yourself.

According to the local belief, the water has many benefit for the skin. It may even make you look youthful. In this place, you are also treated by fresh air and many dense trees.

5. Biawak Island

Did you know that West Java have their own version of the Komodo Island? It’s located in the northern coast of Indramayu.

The island is not inhabited by Komodos but by massive monitor lizards. The place used to be a facility for research purposes but is now opened for the public.

Enjoy the white, sandy beaches of the island. You can also snorkel to see the bright, coloured corals. To see the whole island from the top, walk up the stairs of the nearby lighthouse to get the best view ever.

See also: Komodo Dragon Island

6. Padang Mountain

Hike up the Padang Mountain in West Java. It’s said that the mountain is actually a pyramid which is approximately aged around 20,000 years old.

It will take you around 20 minutes or so to get to the peak of the mountain. Once you’re up there, you will meet some ruins and stones which were probably a part of a temple. It’s indeed a paradise to feel the quietness of the world from such height.

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7. Papandayan Mountain

There are so many things to enjoy in the Papandayan Mountain. It won’t take a long time to hike on this mountain.

On average, you’ll be able to reach the camping ground in 2 hours. Once you’re there, treasure the beautiful sunrise which you won’t be able to experience anywhere else. Don’t leave out the Edelweiss Meadows as you can see the sunrise from there too.

Read more: Edelweiss Flower Facts

8. Situ Mountain Lake

Not many people know about the existence of this lake so consider it as your own private paradise. The lake lies at Mount Gede.

You can trek around the jungle and surround yourself with nature too. You won’t have to run into large crowds even on the weekdays.

In case you want to spend more time near the lake, you can set up a little camp there. You may also want to rent a nearby villa for your convenience.

9. Ujung Genteng Beach

Getting to Ujung Genteng beach may require you to put a little bit of extra effort. You might need to ask people for directions as the signposts are lacking.

The roads are a bit rough too. However, your hard work will be paid off by the beauty that the beach has to offer.

The waves are huge and the sand are lush. Not many people often visit this beach as it’s not too known yet.

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10. Curug Batu Templek

This one is another adventurous destination in an obscured place. Curug Batu Templek is a waterfall that comes out of the cracks of the rocks.

The colour of the water is clear but a bit brown. The waterfall is located in Central Bandung but getting there is a long way to go.

The roads are small and muddy. It gets even worse during the rainy season The best way to get there is by riding the motorcycles. It’s a quiet place with a nice landscape.

11. Lembu Mountain

At approximately 2 hours of trekking, you can reach the peak of the Lembu mountain. However, the landscape is steep with many slopes.

The best time to come to this place is during the dry season. Rainy season will make your trekking trip extremely difficut with all the mud they create.

Once you reach the peak, you can see all the other mountains near you. Make a camp to enjoy the changing skies here. Don’t miss out on watching the sunrise nor the sunset.

12. Curuk Cibakom

Curuk Cibakom is a waterfall located in Tasikmalaya, West Java. Specifically, it lies near the Linggalaksana village.

They provide you with a parking space where you can safely leave your vehicle. From there, you will have to spend at least 20 minutes of trekking to reach Curuk Cibakom.

It’s a place that people don’t often so it’s still very beautiful and quiet. You can continue your trekking to reach further up which will lead you to Curuk Cikoja.

See also: Examples of Ecotourism in Indonesia

13. Curuk Cikoja

This is another waterfall in the Linggalaksana village. To reach it, you need to walk up among the little rivers and the forest.

The place is a hidden paradise indeed. Take a swim in the green water while you’re there.

The best time to visit the waterfall is when there is high amount of water flowing. That would be when the rainfall is quite frequent.

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14. Karangtawulan Beach

Karangtawulan beach is another Tasikmalaya’s paradise. The access to this beach is easy so you won’t have that much difficulty.

You can basically ride any vehicles to reach it. Karangtawulan beach is surrounded by lush green hills and trees that provide some shade during the smoldering heat in the day.

There are gazebos and stairs to go down to the beach. The waves are big and the sunset is worth waiting for.

15. Stone Garden

Take in the majestic scenery from up the hill of Stone Garden. It’s located in Cipatat, West Java.

The road leading up to the place is rocky so take extra cautions. The place is not so popular so you won’t have to deal with a lot of crowds trying to take pictures everywhere.

The best time to go is just right before the sunrise and the sunset. There are many ancient stones and fossils scattered which you can also observe.

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While visiting these places, it’s important to keep them clean. As a form of gratitude to the hidden paradise of West Java, go to each place without causing damage or leaving your waste behind.

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