Socio Cultural

New Year Celebration In Indonesia – Best Places to Celebrate

In many parts of the world or in many countries, the new year celebration is regarded as festive celebration and its also happened in Indonesia. However, Indonesia is unique country made up by so many people from different ethnicity in belief, such as: in rural tradition which so much traditional or urban tradition and usually we celebrate it in some department store, shopping mall, and so on. So for now, we gonna talk about new year celebrations in Indonesia, start with urban and rural traditions also some best city to celebrate this new year eve. You must be curious right now, right? So here we go, some facts about new year celebrations in Indonesia!

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Indonesia New Year’s Tradition

Indonesia is one country with world’s fourth most population nation and it has 202 million people living in one thousand permanently settled island. We don’t have to doubt now about how much cultures we have there beside there is like two until three hundreds ethnic groups with their own languages also dialects which come from Javanese and Sundanese.

New year’s eve who also known as old year’s day is the last day of the year, its on December 31 also known as the last day on the earth and the seventh day of the Christmas season. In lot of countries, new year’s eve gathering celebrating even; wheres so many people are dance, eat, drink, alcoholic beverage, or only watch some fire works parades. In urban area, hotels, discos, and major restaurants in Indonesia offer special meals, entertainment, and dancing. People also celebrate this event with their families, siblings, also friend beside this celebration isn’t big like Eid-Fitr.

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In new year celebration, some people of Indonesia has their favorite thing to do, like some prefer to spend their time in festivals or others are prefer to celebrate this event in hotel and enjoy some wine or champagne. When we celebrate the new year in hotel, we will also can watch some performances is there, such as some music performances like: rock, pop, or dangdut performance which performed by the original artist or just musical performance by street performance – or party revelers with their best performance to audience get unforgettable experience from their new year’s eve.

A. Urban Areas

In Jakarta – or urban areas, new year usually celebrated in hotel but there is also some celebration at the government center which we can see lot of performance and traditional, such as puppet leather, lenong, traditional music, or some popular bands. Beside that, in some provinces which more rural Indonesians usually celebrate new year while watching the first sunrise in the top of mountain, a high hill runs of the ancient palaces and temples.

These humble celebration can be equally breath taking as the parties in the capital. For someone who doesn’t want a celebration in the view of twinkling legals from the village or down hills? Its also good to start our day of the year with warmth of the golden rays as the sun rises from the horizon and its also will become our another unforgettable experience. When we celebrate our new year’s eve in Indonesia, we will realize that’s main ingredients of the cultures are spectacular fireworks and human trumpet which will make our journey will be different than another countries in the world.

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B. Rural Areas

Like we said before, we’re not only talk about some traditions in urban areas but also in rural area. Rural area means here we are not celebrate the new year’s eve in big city but more sacred and in more province in Indonesia so we really get the values for from the meaning of new year. There are some places where we can enjoy this new year celebration. And who are them?

  • Maluku. Is not secret anymore if in Maluku usually we will get some attack because of Christmas or New year’s eve event. To minimized this case to happen or at least make this place is safer than before, some police will secure some crutches and some front of point interest in North Maluku so the event will be success one and we’re safe. Around 700 police are ready to stand along this event.
  • Papua. Who doesn’t know about Raja Ampat? Yes, Raja Ampat is one place in Papua which attracted so many tourists because the beautiful scenery that in has. In Papua, the time is 2 hours faster than someone who live in Java and we call this East Indonesia Time. The interesting point of Papua is at Waosai beach which also attracted some popular singers to come join the New Year’s eve event.
  • Klaten. It might be new to celebrate the new year in Klaten, beside we knew the place which usually attracted so many tourists in Java is Yogyakarta. But nothing wrong with celebrate the new year’s eve in another and new city, right? New year’s eve in Klaten is exactly located in Umbul Panggok, and we blessed with snorkeling session in the fully list pond which filled with so much fishes. Not only fishes, we also served by some magic genres, like dangdut , rock, or classic rock and it ended with fireworks parade. The venue for this place is limited because its only available for 2,000 seats and that’s why we should buy the ticket as soon as we can. The ticket for this event is only around  20.000 thousand rupiah and its already included drink.

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Best Town to Celebrate New Year’s Eve

Who doesn’t want a perfect place to celebrate new year’s eve? Of course everyone want to make this day as unforgettable one, and that’s why we need to visit perfect or best place to celebrate this event because its only happened once each year. Because its annually event, we need to make this day as our best day of the year or at least great day to start of the year. For now, we will talk about some best place or city to celebrate this new year’s eve and we will enjoy our time more and more in this city. So, whats the best city to visit and what we will have while there? Here we go, best cities with their best new year’s eve!

1.  Bandung

Who doesn’t know about Bandung? Yup, Bandung is one city near Jakarta which offer us with so many shops and entertainment also some amazing food. There are some attractive points in Bandung we can visit, such as we can spend our time in hotels when we want cozy place to celebrate it or we can join the crowd in some area. Its also not secret anymore if we will get stuck in the traffic jam while the new year’s eve so its better to avoid some area, such as Simpang Dago, Cikapayang, Gatot Subroto, Asia-Africa street, and so on.

In Bandung, we can see the fireworks parade very clearly from many spots because the fireworks parade is a big one. Its also not strange to hear some noisy from trumpet or noise markers or foil paper and tisel which handmade. In the crowd, its also not strange to meet some people who shooting of baby blast, expanding into cuscades and burst into big round bloom also white, green, red, and yellow color.

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2. Bali

Who doesn’t want to to celebrate the new year’s eve in Bali? Bali is one place which known by many people in this world and also famous as paradise and Goddess island because of the beauty scenery. There is also some favorite space in Bali to celebrate the new year’s eve, such as in some beaches which will held carnival in the afternoon and turn into party animals when night come.

On the other hand, there is also Jimbaran bay, which is favorite place for family to enjoy the dinner to celebrate new year’s eve and of course far away from hustle-bustle.each. The last favorite space in Bali to celebrate new year’s eve is in Puputan Badung square where we can see some fireworks parade and enjoy some carnival and of course will bring us lot fun and ultimate happiness.

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3. Semarang

Semarang. Who doesn’t know about this city? Yes, Semarang is capital city of Central Java with so much cultures and we can also see so much even in there while new year’s eve. Some events are outdoor, like some musical performances by local performances, DJs, and of course some club also we can enjoy our first day while listening to some DJ and drink some alcohol if our age already legal.

There is also some formal event in hotels which more exclusive, such as musical performances from orchestra, jazz bands, or professional musicians. In this hotel, we can enjoy our time with dancing, eating, or enjoy some champagne. There is also good option too if we just want enjoy good dinner with our family in restaurants because some restaurants are offer special food in this event.

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4. Surabaya

Who doesn’t know about this city which located in east Java and its become the capital city of it? surabaya also become favorite destination in Indonesia to celebrate new year’s eve also some another events. We can choose whether we want to celebrate the new year in hotels which more comfortable and relaxing beside we will have some special offering because this event.

We also can deal with celebrate this event in street or some popular destinations which make us belong to crowd until we get lost inside it, such as we can go to Tugu Pahlawan, Surabaya zoo, Suramadu bridge, and so on. There is also Car Free Night every new year’s eve and its include some communities in Surabaya. Not only that, this event also has some competition like cheerleader, traditional dance, fashion carnival, modern dance, wushu, cosplay, break dance, and so on.

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5. Yogyakarta

Isn’t secret if Yogyakarta become city which attracted so many tourist inside because of the culture and also this town known as best place to celebrate the new year’s eve. Yogyakarta has magnetized locals and some tourists for the beautiful beaches which make us really feel relax and think positively. Not only the beaches, we also can explore many temples, such as Borobudur or Prambanan where we can watch some traditional dance. Not only that, we also can enjoy some adventures like in cave cubing at Gua Pindul also some off road in Mount Merapi.

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And that’s all we know about some New Year’s Eve tradition in Indonesia. Which city you will visit to spend your New Year’s Eve this year? Very unique and have so much cultures inside, right? That’s Indonesia, a country with million cultures!

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