
15 Logical Reasons Why We Love Indonesia

Our country Indonesia is a very rich and prosperous country. Maybe now most of us are less aware of the grandeur and wealth of our nation. We are residents of this nation. There is no other person we can rely on except ourselves to build this nation. We need to be proud and grateful to be members of this Indonesian nation’s family. The best Indonesian mountain tracks you must try.

There are many reasons why we love Indonesia that you should know. Besides of maintaining the integrity of the nation, we must also care more ;so that, this nation is not easily provoked by untrue issues. Because we should proud to be part and the next generation of Indonesia. Following are the reasons why we should be proud of our homeland, Indonesia:

1. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

The first reason we should be proud of being Indonesian citizens is the slogan “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”. This slogan proves diverse cultures, tribes, and religions in Indonesia. Behind its diversity, we should be proud because until now we are still united under the name of Indonesia. From Sabang to Merauke, the country’s natural wealth lies, such as marine products, mines, spices and culture which are the assets of this country. The facts about Indonesian slang words you should know.

2. Largest Archipelagic Country in the World

Indonesia has 34 provinces, with a total of 17,504 islands. As many as 9,634 islands have yet to be named and 6,000 uninhabited islands. It turns out that the title as a Maritime Country with the Biggest Islands in the World is not enough. Indonesia has other wealth, namely 3 of the 6 largest islands in the world. Those three are, Kalimantan as the Third Largest Island in the World, followed by Sumatra and Papua. Every province and island in this country has a variety of cultures and different crops.

3. Prosperous Country

The reasons why we love Indonesia is because of its prosperity. The position of the geographical location of the country and other supporting things that you need to know so that Indonesia is created as the Most Prosperous Maritime Country. This geographical location is what makes this country nicknamed as a prosperous maritime country because it has an area of 93 thousand km2 of water and about 81 thousand km2 of coastline, or nearly 25% of the total coastline in the entire world. This geographical location also causes a variety of flora and fauna, soil types, vegetation, and so on in Indonesia. The simple steps how to apply for Indonesian KITAS.

4. The Most Ideal Tropical Country

We should be proud because this country only knows two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season. Indonesia is one of the ideal tropical countries. A tropical country is a country that is warm with abundant sunlight. The status of this tropical country is what makes this country fertile and chosen as the lungs of the world. Besides, we should be grateful because in other countries like Europe and America, they need a lot of funds to regulate the weather and to purchase equipments for a season that changes almost 1 year.

5. Global Cultural Heritage

The cultural and linguistic diversity in Indonesia is very much to be proud of. More than 981 world cultural heritage sites recorded by UNESCO, Indonesia donated 13 pieces of world cultural heritage. Among them are 4 natural heritage, 4 cultural reserves, and 5 non-cultural works. There are many other legacies to be proud of, which is why we should be able to maintain and continue to preserve; so that, we can continue to enjoy the this until the next generation. Quick steps how to get Indonesian driving license for foreigner.

6. Lots of Language Varieties and Cuisine

The reasons why we love Indonesia is the varieties of languages and cuisine. Indonesia is the only country in the world that has the most tribes. There are more than 740 ethnic groups or ethnicities in this country with the most number being in Tanah Papua, as many as 270 tribes. Of the hundreds of tribes, there are also hundreds of languages. This country is also rich in food. A tribe can have two or more types of typical foods that are different from other tribes.

7.  Indonesia is one of the oldest countries in the world

Indonesia is included in the list of the 100 oldest countries in the world. Its position is at number 70. However, Indonesia became the first country to be independent after the end of the world war. This is then used as a reference by other countries to liberate themselves. Indonesia is also the first country and until now it has become the only country that has ever left the United Nations. Hence the most common Indonesian street food.

8. Abundant Natural Wealth

The number of Indonesian flora and fauna is very large. The number of mammals in Indonesia reaches more than 500 species or 12% of the world’s mammal species, 511 species or 7.3% of the world’s reptile species and the number of birds is 1,531 species or 17% of the world’s bird species. Indonesia has ancient animals that are still alive today, Komodo. It also has Rafflesia Arnoldi flowers which grow in Sumatra as the largest flower in the world and there are many more that have become Indonesia’s natural wealth.

9. Creative and Achieving Countries

Next reason why we love Indonesia is because of its achievements and creativity. Gamelan is a school curriculum in New Zealand, Singapore, the United States, and Japan. We also have many inventors, one of which is the Indonesian Society of Scientists and Technology who succeeded in finding exterminators for brain cancer. There are a number of proud children’s works in the eyes of the world, through culture, academic achievements, inventions and so on. The recommended most popular Indonesian cuisine you can taste.

10. Rich in Natural Resources

The country of Indonesia is a country that is very broad and rich in natural resources from the start of mining, fertile land and the sea which stores abundant wealth. This is one of the reasons why we as citizens love, protect and use this natural wealth for the common prosperity of the people of Indonesia. Do not let the wealth be taken away by irresponsible parties. We should continue to maintain and care for all natural resources to the next generation.

Apart from the above explanation about the reason why we love Indonesia. Next is an example and also an explanation that can all be known, namely:

  • It is well known in the world that Indonesians are known for their friendliness and respect for others. If we can continue to preserve this friendly culture, Indonesia will always be respected by other countries. There are many types of Indonesian coffee beans.
  • Indonesia is an archipelago which also has a variety of beliefs. Despite their different beliefs, even a harmonious and beautiful life can still be felt in the homeland, Indonesia.
  • The cultural heritage of Indonesia has always been one of the reasons we should love Indonesia. It is not easy to create batik cloth that we can then use. Besides that, various batik patterns that represent regions in Indonesia have also become global and a legitimate legacy of Indonesia.
  • In Indonesia, you don’t enjoy eating food without chili sauce. The meal is incomplete as if there is no such thing as chili sauce. Our country has hundreds of types of sambal like sambal terasi, sambal roa, sambal matah, sambal chili ijo, and that’s all only Indonesia has. Hence the different types of Indonesian sambal you must know.
  • We are the successor and generation of the nation, plus we are born in this beautiful land. So it is a must for us to love and defend the country for the sake of national unity. Because Indonesia has become our place to take shelter.

Such are some examples and explanations regarding the reason why we love Indonesia that can improve your knowledge. Hopefully, it is worth reading, see you next! Happy Eid Mubarak 2019!

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