
Spend Your Time in These Popular Vacation Spots in Indonesia !

Taking a vacation in Indonesia is one beautiful thing. Many people around the globe would choose this country over the others in South East Asian to be the best country that has the largest varieties of natural attractions. Some places like Bali island, Lombok, and Papua are gaining their popularity within a very short time. Their beauty are always hipnotizing anyone who sees them on their social media like instagram, Facebook, or the others.

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The beauty of Indonesia not only promoted by those tourists who posted the pictures of attractions in their social media, but, many attractions in Indonesia were being a setting in some certain movies. For example, the King Kong and Anaconda movies used the forests area in Kalimantan and Sumatra. Thanks to those great movies, many people from aboard interested to come to Indonesia just for tyring to visit the attractions that they saw in the movies. And maybe, these popular vacation spots in Indonesia below are included.

1. Bali Island

The first and the most popular option of them all is Bali island. For you who don’t know, Bali is and island located just on the right side of east side of Java island. It’s a smaller island, but has some things great to offer for the tourists who visit it. Many people, especially foreigners are actually don’t know that Bali island is actually located in Indonesia.

Bali island is a very perfect tropical island for anyone who wants to feel about vacationing in such a calm and friendly island. You can do so many things in here like swimming, snorkeling, and diving. There’s some options of watersports too that you can enjoy in an area like Tanjung Benoa. It is a very affordable destination ye offers spectacular things.

2. Raja Ampat

The next location is Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat is located on the eastern part of Indonesia. You can go there either by air or sea. You can rent some fishermen boats to go there, or you can just going there by using plane or helicopter for faster trip. This Raja Ampat area can be used for diving and snorkeling, some of them even free for people.

Raja Ampat has several diving spots, and they are very beautiful. Many said that these diving spots in Raja Ampar are actually the best in this world. Not only for the pros, those sites are also great for people who are still new in the world of diving. So, for the people who want to try one of a kind experience of diving, Raja Ampat is a great choice.

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3. Bunaken Sea Park

After visiting Raja Ampat, we’re gonna introduce you to one of the best sea parks in Indonesia, the Bunaken Sea Park. Bunaken is included as one great National Park that focue on conservating the underwater world in the area of North Sulawesi. The Bunaken sea park is like showing the people of how wonderful the sea environment in Indonesia.

The people who visit this location can see how great the colourful corals and underwater environment with many kinds of fish. Because of that reason alone, Bunaken Sea Park is included as top ten most popular vacation spots in Indonesia and the best sea parks in Indonesia. It’s also easy to reach this place, and the administration fee is rather afforable.

4. Yogyakarta City

The next location is actually a city that very famous as one of many popular vacation spots in Indonesia, a city inside its special region called Yogyakarta city. This city is like a very different city, a very authentic one in Java island. There’s no place like Yogyakarta, a city where the culture is still very thick and well respected.

It has so many aspects that making it more special than the other cities around Indonesia. In this city, there’s a Keraton that still standing independently until today. And if we’re talking about the culture, Yogyakarta city still respecting those culture that still exists today. The food, attraction, and the environment is very calming for everybody.

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5. Lombok Island

The Lombok island is located in one particular province called West Nusa Tenggara. That province is located just on the east side of Bali island. This island is always becoming a top place for backpackers, because it has so many natural attractions, including mountains, and beautiful diving spots. Also, visiting this place is considerably cheap, especially if you’re coming from Bali island.

Mostly, the attractions in Bali island are the beaches. There’s a beach called Senggigi beach that has a wonderful sea world that always being a favorite one for the divers. There’s also some Gilis that offering a beautiful sea ecosystem too like Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and also Gili Air. It’s always a great pleasure to visit them.

6. Bromo Mount

The next attraction is Bromo Mount. In Indonesia, there’s some famous mountains like Rinjani, Agung, Semeru, and this Bromo Mount which is very suitable for the hikers or backpackers. The location of Bromo Mountain is in East Java Province, you can easily find it when visiting Malang city. It’s actually included as the highlight of Tengger Semeru National Park.

The view on the Mount Bromo is always hipnotizing everyone who sees it. You can see some pictures on internet about the grean sunrise in Bromo. Yes, there’s a spectacular spots in Bromo that is always crowded with many people. Those people came from East Java Province, the other Provinces in Indoenesia, and even foreign countries. They just want to witness how great the sunrise before their own eyes.

7. Komodo Island

Beside the famous Bali island, an island filled with much entertainment, you can also visit one exclusive island, a place that you can’t see or even find in the other parts of the world called Komodo Island. The island is a house for an endemic animal, a special yet deathly creature called Komodo. They still live on the island til today.

Many people would come to visit this island just for them. They want to see how the Komodos behave with their own eyes. Seeing one prehistoric animal that still lives on this earth is remarkable. That’s why, Komodo island is always being a favorite island for basically the tourists around the world, because there’s nothing compared to this place.

See also :

8. Toba Lake

From the eastern part of Indonesia, we want to introduce you to one best attraction that also included inside the list of popular vacation spots in Indonesia, The Toba Lake. It’s located on the western side of Indonesia, near the neighbor countries Malaysia and Singapore. To be specific, you can find this Toba Lake in North Sumatra.

This is like the best lake in the country. The Toba Lake has a crater, which exploded back in years ago. This lake is also having the widest area than the other lakes. That’s why, Toba Lake is actually the largest lake in South East Asia. Near it, there’s an island called Samosir island. The place has its own interesting legend which is very interesting.

9. Kampar River

The amazing thing to find in Indonesia is a river. It’s not just an usual river, but you can even do surfing on it. Surfing on a river? Is that even possible? Well, the answer is yes, you can surfing on this special river called Kampar river. Unlike the other rivers, Kampar river is the only river that has a big wave that can be used for that particular water sport.

Even though the water is not as clear as the beaches on the eastern part of Indonesia, but the fact that you can surfing on a river is quite amazing. This river that located in Riau province has pretty big waves about 6 meters high. So, if you want to try to do surfing in one of a kind place in Indonesia, then Kampar river can suit you.

10. Sumurtiga Beach

In Sabang, the far west location in Indonesia there’s a beach called Sumurtiga beach. This beach is one of the best beaches that located in the Sumatra island. To be exact, the location of this Sumurtiga beach is in the Sabang city, in the special province of Aceh. This beach has a soft sand and very calming water with its clear blue colour.

You can also notice that there are some coconut trees located around the beach. If you have the skill to harvest the coconuts, you can make a refreshing drink from them. Enjoying a coconut drink under the tree with this spedctacular view is one of the best thing in life. Beside surfing, you can also do snorkeling in its wonderful spots.

Don’t forget to read :

Beside ten locations mentioned above, we also want to introduce you to the other list of the popular vacation spots in Indonesia below :

  1. Toraja
  2. Wakatobi
  3. Sianok River
  4. Anambas
  5. Fort Marlborough
  6. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Museum

So what do you think about them? Which one of them that you want to vsisit first? Hope you can enjoy your journey in Indonesia with those spectacular attractions. Have fun!


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