
13 Things You Can Buy in Bali

When you are on holiday to the island of Bali, of course, there are many interesting things you can do there. Starting from beach tourism, nature tourism, enjoying the sunset, tasting Balinese culinary, meeting friendly Balinese to buying Balinese accessories made handmade.

Of course this can be a special satisfaction for you, moreover, you can understand the unique and interesting habits and customs of Bali.

Speaking of by -, in Bali there are many unique souvenirs to make your hand back to your home country. Here are some things about interesting things to buy in Bali souvenir recommendations.

There are many types and varieties, ranging from food, accessories, snacks, clothes, sculptures and so on. Well, it’s not complete, isn’t it, if you go to Bali don’t know what can be used as a souvenir? Here are examples of things you can buy in Bali, which are definitely interesting and you will remember about the island of Bali:

1. Salak Bali

Salak Bali is already very well known to be one type of fruit that tastes, sweet and also sour. In Bali, salak is used as a dish for dessert and also as a fresh and healthy fruit. When you go to Bali, don’t forget to buy this fruit as a Balinese fruit, and guaranteed you will like the taste.

This fruit can also be used as pickles, salads, even sweets which are often found in other cities such as Bogor, Bandung and other areas. Just note the following things you should never Do in Bali.

2. Balinese fabrics and clothes

One of the other things you can buy in Bali that you can bring is also Balinese clothes. Dress in Balinese style has become his trademark. Made with cold cotton material and also attractive when used when you are on the beach, relax or for everyday wear.

While the fabric is very fitting to be tied to your body and used for casual events on the beach. There are many clothing stores, both on the street and street vendors selling clothes and fabrics at affordable prices.

3. Balinese Batik

You who like batik artwork, try to buy Balinese batik cloth that has beautiful patterns and colors. Balinese batik cloth is believed to have a good durability of materials, batik cloth in the form of long sheets that can be used when you use kebaya, casual events, or made into clothes is perfect.

So stop by the shops selling Balinese batik cloth that has been found throughout the city of Bali. The price is quite affordable and the best quality, some are made by hand and some use factory machinery. Hence facts about interesting culture in Bali you shouldn’t miss to see.

4. Beaded Craft

Next things you can buy in Bali are Balinese beads. There are many types of crafts that you can find in Bali, for example, hand bracelets, necklaces, key chains, hats, and many others. The types and patterns are quite diverse and the prices are relatively cheap, and you can still bargain the price. Many merchants are good at craft shops and traveling vendors that you can find to buy these handicrafts.

5. Celuk Bali Silver Crafts

You who like the type of jewelry, then you can get a variety of jewelry, especially in the type of silver craft. There are many types of jewelry made of silver such as necklaces, rings, hand bracelets, earrings, brooches, and so on.

The unique shape and design makes many people and including tourists like it, you can get this craft at various prices. Special areas that sell and make silver dishes are called Celuk villages, there is a lot of silver jewelry produced from this village.

You will be guaranteed to be happy because there are many collections, and can be used as gifts and gifts while you are in Bali. Example as your recommendation fun and interesting activities in Bali mostly recommended.

6. Balinese slippers

For those of you who like a collection of sandals, it is not wrong if you are in Bali, you can stop by the limousine shop or sales center to buy ethnic Balinese slippers. Cute designed style, with beads, sequins or pearls, the prices offered also vary according to the sandals design.

So this ethnic sandal is very suitable to be used in your moment, whether when walking casually, hanging out to the Mall or just sightseeing together.

7. Balinese handicrafts

The next thing you can buy in Bali is various kinds of handicrafts, in Bali, there are many handicraft centers such as ethnic bags, knitting hats, household items, accessories, and so on. Unique, unique and affordable prices, Balinese handicrafts are unique compared to handicrafts from other regions. So, make sure you buy this product as a souvenir and gift. You must try, hence top  famous delicious food in Bali Indonesia.

8. Kintamani Coffee

You who like coffee drinks, it is perfect if you go to Bali with coffee – which can be used as your daily drink. Kintamani coffee which is already well known in Bali, even to foreign countries has a delicious taste and is different from other types of coffee.

Every region in Indonesia has a different type of coffee, with different flavors. You can buy Balinese coffee in each of the many selling centers that you find along the sidewalks of Bali.

9. Joger Shirt

The thing that you should make as the next hand that comes from Bali is the Joger shirt. T-shirts that have quality materials, unique patterns and designs are iconic Balinese souvenirs.

The price offered is also very diverse, and quite affordable. Surely this shirt is pretty cool to wear when relaxing, hanging out with relatives, and also other moments that you normally do. So, don’t forget to buy a Joger shirt because it’s only in Bali you can find it. Explanation about the history of surfing in Bali.

10. Barong clothes

Then the souvenir that you can have as a memory in Bali is the Barong shirt. T-shirts that have Barong faces, and so on reflect the phenomenal Balinese culture.

This shirt is only owned by culture in Bali, so the style and picture are unique and very cool to be used in relaxing activities. The price you can get is very affordable, and the ingredients are also very good to use. So, enter this souvenir as your hand during your stay in Bali.


Apart from some of the examples and explanations above about the thing you can buy in Bali, there are other things that can be your typical Balinese gift:

  • Kacang Disco, one of the tasty and delicious Balinese snacks. This bean is made from peanuts, with a dry fried way so that it has a taste that really enjoys. You can get it at a Balinese souvenir center that is widely available in Bali. Here are some explanations the history of Bali architecture, really phenomenal.
  • This type of cake can also be a choice for you as a by – it is a milk pie. The taste is indeed very tasty, tasty and also sweet, the price offered is also affordable. Flavor variants that you can choose from our original flavors, and mixed with various flavors and flavors. So it’s worth to be tasted and be your hand in Bali.
  • Bali home spa, one type of beauty treatment that is made traditionally and also efficacious for your body. Many variants that you can use like, body butter, body scrubs, body masks and so on. Many choices of flavor and aroma, adjust to your body’s needs, the price is also very affordable.

So, a vacation in Bali doesn’t forget to bring the item as a Balinese souvenir. Thus some examples of things you can buy in Bali may be useful.

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