
8 Traditional Dances from Bangka Belitung

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from Bangka Belitung? Bangka Belitung is one of the provinces in Indonesia located in Bangka Belitung islands near south Sumatra that has one of the Indonesian famous landmarks of Ampera bridge.

Similar to other provinces in Indonesia, Bangka Belitung people come from Bangka and Belitung tribes which have their own culture that is influenced by the Islamic culture. Not surprisingly, their traditional dance from Bangka Belitung is different from the traditional dance of Banten.

Most traditional dances from Bangka Belitung are influenced by some Melanesian tribes. Their dances commonly have the same purpose, which is similar to some cultural heritage in Indonesia.

If you are wondering what kind of traditional dance is from Bangka Belitung, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Campak dance

Campak dance is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent happiness among youngsters. This kind of dance was used to perform as a celebration after farmers went home from farming. Campak dance nowadays performs to welcome guests and Indonesian wedding traditions.

The joyful vibe during the dance with the loud music that follows it makes it perfect to perform these celebrations. Campak dance is a unique dance from Bangka Belitung because the dancers are wearing traditional clothes that contain a European style instead of Indonesian.

2. Beripat dance

Beripat dance is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent men’s power in society. This kind of dance is commonly performed by men, which shows their talent in martial arts. Beripat dance used to function as the dance to keep a good relationship among villagers because they keep fighting each other over the most beautiful girl in the village.

Later on, this dance is performed as a welcoming dance. Beripat dance is performed using rattan as if it becomes the main weapon to fight other men. The dance will start after the local shaman finishes the ritual for the dancers.

3. Sahang Lah Mirah

Sahang Lah Mirah is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent the happiness after farming the Sahang or a traditional white pepper in Bangka Belitung. Sahang Lah Mirah contains faster movement and loud music that shows joyfulness among farmers which is different from some traditional dances from Central Java.

After the dance finish to perform, the villagers would be praising gratitude towards god for blessing farming. Sahang Lah Mirah nowadays performs during wedding celebrations, welcoming guests, festivals, and specific events in Bangka Belitung.

4. Sepen dance

Sepen dance is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent the power of Bangka Belitung people through their martial arts. The dance has a specific movement that contains martial arts which can be performed by men and women.

Sepen dance commonly performs for specific events such as welcoming guests or government celebrations. The specific music that represents joy from Rebana and Gendang makes it louder during the performance. Sepen dance performance should be performed with martial art clothes that becomes one of the most iconic traditional clothes in Bangka Belitung.

5. Pendulang Timah

Pendulang Timah is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent the way local of Bangka Belitung tin mining. The province has the highest tin mining among Indonesian provinces, and they mine them traditionally. Pendulang Timah is performed by men only, and they are not wearing full clothes.

They only wear short pans as they represent the way locals struggle doing tin mining traditionally. Nowadays, you can watch the performing of the Pendulang Timah dance during some festivals, such as the Independence Day celebration.

6. Serimbang dance

Serimbang dance is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent joy during the day and exciting moments to waiting for birds to chirp during the night to pet them. Serimbang dance is a part of the Bangka Belitung tradition of the Ketupat War, started by petting the birds that chirp during the night.

This custom culture commonly performs during the night, but the dance started in the day. Serimbang dance commonly performed by women only represents their joy and excitement to meet each other during the day.

7. Sekapur Sirih

Sekapur Sirih is one of the traditional dance from Bangka Belitung that represent happiness to the welcoming guest. The dancers will bring Sirih or betel on the plate and give it to the guest. Sekapur Sirih is commonly performed by ten up to twelve dancers between men and women.

Other than the better, the dancers also spread the flower confetti as the local ritual to avoid dangerous things. Sekapur Sirih is commonly followed by traditional music like Gambus from Bangka Belitung. The music is always playing out loud, followed by faster movement from the dancers.

8. Kedidi dance

Kedidi dance is one of the traditional dances from Bangka Belitung that represent consolation. This kind of dance is inspired by the native bird of Bangka Belitung, the Kedidi bird. Kedidi dance contains a unique movement from slow to faster that represents the movement of the Kedidi bird.

It’s usually performed by five dancers in the middle of the month. Kedidi dance commonly performs by youngsters only because local Bangka Belitung believes that the girls could bring happiness to help the consolation among locals after a tiring day of work.

Have you ever watched one of those traditional dances? Let’s make a plan to visit Bangka Belitung to explore the islands and the culture inside.

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