
8 Traditional Dance from Maluku with High Spirit!

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from Maluku? Maluku is a province in Indonesia that has the capital city in Ambon. The province contains the whole of the Maluku Islands, which are parted by the north and the south within the smallest one that looks similar to the smallest islands in Indonesia.

Maluku is famously known as people that have a high patriotism for the country which is different from the traditional dance from Lampung. Ever since the country fights colonialism, the spirit is never down easily.

That makes sense if traditional dance from Maluku is affected by patriotism spirit which is different from the cultural performances in Bali. Every movement of their traditional dance is pretty agile. Not only have patriotism, but Maluku is also the richest with its acculturation culture.

Are you wondering what kind of traditional dance from Maluku? Here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Katreji dance

Katreji dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that describes friendship. This kind of dance commonly performs by a couple of youngsters that tried to find a friendship or companion.

Katreji dance famously known as the traditional dance comes from the acculturation of European culture with locals. Since the colonialism era, locals in Maluku were influenced by some of their cultures similar to some of the traditional dances from Gorontalo.

That makes sense if they have an acculturation culture as time goes by. This dance is performed louder full of joy. That is why it can be easily found during the Indonesian wedding tradition.

2. Lenso dance

Lenso dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that have the specific purpose of finding a mate. This kind of dance is famous among youngsters who try to find their mates.

Lenso dance is performed using a white handkerchief as a symbol of friendship to start knowing each other. After they get to know each other, they can decide whether to make their relationship further or not.

Locals believe that Lenso dance is influenced by Portuguese culture that spreads among the province including some of the traditional villages in Indonesia. As an acculturation culture, this kind of dance brings joy to both dancers and the audience.

3. Cakalele dance

Cakalele dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that describes a fight during a war. The spirit of patriotism over the country feels more intense in this dance.

Cakalele dance has originally come from the Banda Regency of Central Maluku. This kind of dance was created because the region used to have to protect its territory during the colonialism era.

As it represents a war, the Cakalele dance is performed using a spear and Salawaku, a kind of traditional weapon from Maluku. Nowadays, this dance performs often for welcoming guests and custom cultural ceremonies.

4. Saureka reka dance

Saureka Reka dance is one of the traditional dances that represent happiness after a successful harvest. It brings joy to everyone so it comes with a piece of louder music and faster movements.

Saureka Reka dance has to perform using a Gaba Gaba or sago stick as the main property. The dancers have to have an agile movement to avoid getting trapped in the stick.

Saureka Reka dance is also one of the traditional dances in Maluku that function to find a mate. The dancers commonly contain boys and girls so that’s become a perfect way to start a friendship or companion.

5. Crazy bamboo dance

The crazy bamboo dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that has sacred values inside. The dance should be led by a professional shaman in the village. The dancers have to follow every rule that mentioned by the shaman before perform.

Crazy bamboo dance using bamboo that already spells in a sacred ritual by the shaman. The dancers will move following the bamboo movements. They have to hold the bamboo so that they won’t fall.

Crazy bamboo dance commonly performs by men only. This kind of dance can be dangerous because of the sacred magic of the bamboo. That is why the shaman should accompany the dance until it’s over.

6. Soya Soya dance

Soya Soya dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that describes happiness to welcoming the warriors after the war ended. This kind of dance influences a higher spirit of patriotism among locals.

Nowadays, Soya Soya dance becomes one of the traditional dances to welcome guests. Most area in Maluku commonly knows this kind of dance better to spreads happiness when welcoming someone that come to their region.

7. Orlapei dance

Orlapei dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that describes kindness and happiness. The spirit of happiness that influence the audience from the dancers brings this dance is perfect for welcoming guests.

Orlapei dance represents happiness when other tribes come to the region of Central Maluku. They are happy to welcome them to get to know each other even though they come from different tribes.

Orlapei dance commonly performs by more than 12 couples of youngsters. The music is louder followed by the traditional music of Maluku.

8. Temar Rubil dance

Temar Rubil dance is one of the traditional dances from Maluku that describes a fight to keep a territory. This kind of dance comes originally from the Kei tribes on Kei Island.

Kei tribes used to have to fight a lot to keep their territory safe from enemies during the colonial era. The spirit of patriotism in this dance influence youngsters up until now as described in Temar Rubil’s dance.

All of these traditional dances from Maluku above mostly describe the way Maluku has a patriotic feeling in their heart. All of them maintain their behavior to protect each other by kindly accepting friendship from locals and other tribes, as well.

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