
8 Traditional Dance from the Riau Islands Contains Islamic Culture

Have you ever heard about traditional dance from Riau Islands? The islands are located in the north of the western area of Indonesia. That makes most people living there dominated by Malay tribes which are different from the traditional dance from West Kalimantan.

Riau Islands contain the richest culture that mostly influences by Malay and Arabian cultures. Not surprisingly if the traditional dance from the Riau Islands is mostly influenced by Islamic culture which is different from the traditional dance from Central Kalimantan.

The Islamic culture in Riau Islands is spread everywhere, not only for traditional dance from the Riau Islands but also for traditional music, songs, clothes, and food.

If you are wondering what kind of traditional dance is from the Riau Islands, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Dayung Sampan dance

Dayung Sampan dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that uses a wooden stick. The tool represents the movement of people canoeing the ship. This kind of dance is pretty popular in Riau Islands which is different from the traditional dance from Ambon.

Dayung Sampan dance commonly performs for the specific ritual of the Tingkeban ceremony. This kind of sacred ceremony is mostly held by families that waiting for their first child. The dance should be performed during seven months of pregnancy.

Other than that, most people in Riau Islands also perform the Dayung Sampan dance for the wedding ceremony.

2. Zapin dance

Zapin dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that are so famous in Indonesia. The dance contains deep Islamic culture, which locals believe is used to function as a tool for spreading Islamic culture.

Zapin dance contains the faster movement of the leg. The dancers should be having an agile movement in their legs. The louder the musical instrument from Gendang, the more movement should be faster which is different from the traditional dance from Central Java.

Around the 60’s the dancer for Zapin is allowed for men only. Nowadays, women can dance the Zapin with men.

3. Mak Yong dance

Mak Yong dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that mostly contains storytelling. The dancers’ movements follow the storyteller along the performance.

Mak Yong dancers should be wearing a specific mask that is made for picturing the actor from the story. The musical instrument that follows the dance should be modified following the story, as well.

Mak Yong dance usually performs specific rituals including spreading the message from the religion in Islamic culture, similar to the traditional dance of Banten.

4. Inai dance

Inai dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that is mainly seen during wedding ceremonies. This kind of dance is related to entertainment purposes which brings joy.

Inai dance uses specific tools of chandelier wax as the main property. The wax brings a beautiful movement from the dancer. This kind of dance commonly performs by three or more couples of men and women.

Inai dance is not only performed for wedding parties but also for welcoming guests for some official events.

5. Jogi dance

Jogi dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that contain the richest culture to performing jokes. This kind of dance was influenced by the story of Hikayat Mak Jogi that so fluent in performing jokes with dance.

Jogi dance is followed by the local musical instrument of Kendang. There is also a violin that makes the performance more epic.

The story of Hikayat Mak Jogi is wrapped in a traditional dance of Riau commonly perform for specific events. Tourists can watch the performance during cultural festivals.

6. Malemang dance

Malemang dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that describes the royal family life. Riau Islands used to have a great kingdom, which makes ordinary people wonder what kind of life is inside the royal.

Malemang dance contains a package of entertaining needs for people. It starts with the dance, then the storytelling and singing as well. The performance is pretty complex, which needs more people during the show.

Malemang dance is commonly performed by around 14 people and sometimes more. It depends on the storytelling and musical instruments during the show.

7. Sekapur Sirih dance

Sekapur Sirih dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that perform for welcoming guests. This kind of dance commonly performs by women with a slow and elegant movement.

Sekapur Sirih dances using the main property of betel that is put in the tray. The guest should eat the betel so that locals will accept their visit. Formally, the betel will be served by the leader of the dancer.

Sekapur Sirih dance is pretty famous among Riau Islands most districts still perform it.

8. Tandak dance

Tandak dance is one of the traditional dances from the Riau Islands that brings friendship value. The dance commonly performs by youngsters, whether boys or girls. The dancers performed by a couple of youngsters that spread the value of friendship.

Tandak dance is pretty unique because it brings more complexity compared to the common dance in Riau. During the performance, there will be dancers, singers, and a couple of youngsters that bring Pantun.

The performance of the Tandak dance can be pretty entertaining as the Pantun spoke by youngsters. The show can be longer than expected as the Pantun becomes more fun to enjoy.

These traditional dances from the Riau Islands above mostly contain Islamic culture. Even so, some of them bring joy for entertaining purposed, which makes them not too formal to watch.

If you are wondering where to watch one of these dances, get ready to explore the Riau Islands. During the dry season, they have so many cultural festivals which can be overlooked by tourists.

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